巴西 Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off在2019-04达439,787.000 单位,相较于2019-03的332,512.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为815,295.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达2,821,412.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为69,200.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
439,787.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West在2019-04达37,212.000 单位,相较于2019-03的28,942.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为68,647.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达281,972.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为5,156.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
37,212.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Distrito Federal

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Distrito Federal在2019-04达7,998.000 单位,相较于2019-03的6,529.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Distrito Federal数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为13,608.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达67,107.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为1,066.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Distrito Federal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
7,998.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Distrito Federal

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Distrito Federal

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Goiás

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Goiás在2019-04达14,786.000 单位,相较于2019-03的11,386.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Goiás数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为28,796.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达113,637.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为2,106.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Goiás数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
14,786.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Goiás

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Goiás

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso在2019-04达8,984.000 单位,相较于2019-03的7,087.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为14,146.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达68,886.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为1,143.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
8,984.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul在2019-04达5,444.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3,940.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为11,049.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达44,000.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为833.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
5,444.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan在2019-04达175,643.000 单位,相较于2019-03的131,982.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为352,468.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达1,190,897.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为31,005.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
175,643.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belem

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belem在2019-04达6,523.000 单位,相较于2019-03的5,166.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belem数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为8,199.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达31,679.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为770.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belem数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
6,523.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belem

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belem

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belo Horizonte

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belo Horizonte在2019-04达31,439.000 单位,相较于2019-03的22,771.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belo Horizonte数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为65,114.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达213,777.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为5,314.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belo Horizonte数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
31,439.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belo Horizonte

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Belo Horizonte

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Curitiba

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Curitiba在2019-04达13,242.000 单位,相较于2019-03的10,120.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Curitiba数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为21,187.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达87,654.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为1,437.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Curitiba数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
13,242.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Curitiba

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Curitiba

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Fortaleza

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Fortaleza在2019-04达12,316.000 单位,相较于2019-03的9,366.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Fortaleza数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为19,242.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-12,达72,333.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为1,763.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Fortaleza数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
12,316.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Fortaleza

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Fortaleza

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Porto Alegre

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Porto Alegre在2019-04达13,097.000 单位,相较于2019-03的9,876.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Porto Alegre数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为21,848.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达80,579.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为1,924.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Porto Alegre数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
13,097.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Porto Alegre

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Porto Alegre

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Recife

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Recife在2019-04达8,291.000 单位,相较于2019-03的6,253.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Recife数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为20,291.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达97,377.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为1,252.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Recife数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
8,291.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Recife

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Recife

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Rio de Janeiro

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Rio de Janeiro在2019-04达19,750.000 单位,相较于2019-03的14,759.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Rio de Janeiro数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为47,491.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达179,282.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为4,629.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Rio de Janeiro数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
19,750.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Rio de Janeiro

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Rio de Janeiro

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Salvador

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Salvador在2019-04达12,191.000 单位,相较于2019-03的8,860.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Salvador数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为29,532.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达105,566.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为2,178.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Salvador数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
12,191.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Salvador

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: Salvador

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: São Paulo

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: São Paulo在2019-04达58,794.000 单位,相较于2019-03的44,811.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: São Paulo数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为112,289.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达378,473.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为10,195.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Metropolitan: São Paulo数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
58,794.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: São Paulo

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Metropolitan: São Paulo

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North在2019-04达29,870.000 单位,相较于2019-03的22,837.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为45,956.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达206,567.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为4,141.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
29,870.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Acre

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Acre在2019-04达1,071.000 单位,相较于2019-03的891.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Acre数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为1,671.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达8,455.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为122.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Acre数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
1,071.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Acre

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Acre

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Amapá

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Amapá在2019-04达1,032.000 单位,相较于2019-03的844.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Amapá数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为1,656.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达6,074.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为142.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Amapá数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
1,032.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Amapá

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Amapá

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Amazonas

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Amazonas在2019-04达3,560.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,453.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Amazonas数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为6,621.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达28,414.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为395.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Amazonas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,560.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Amazonas

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Amazonas

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Pará

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Pará在2019-04达17,106.000 单位,相较于2019-03的13,129.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Pará数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为22,024.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达110,347.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为2,227.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Pará数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
17,106.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Pará

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Pará

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Rondônia

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Rondônia在2019-04达2,447.000 单位,相较于2019-03的1,974.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Rondônia数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为5,639.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达46,555.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为366.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Rondônia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
2,447.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Rondônia

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Rondônia

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Roraima

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Roraima在2019-04达1,190.000 单位,相较于2019-03的951.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Roraima数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为1,037.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达5,354.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为35.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Roraima数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
1,190.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Roraima

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Roraima

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Tocantins

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Tocantins在2019-04达3,464.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,595.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Tocantins数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为5,426.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达18,043.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2007-01,为524.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: North: Tocantins数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,464.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Tocantins

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: North: Tocantins

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast在2019-04达78,771.000 单位,相较于2019-03的59,827.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为151,746.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达586,491.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为12,703.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
78,771.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Alagoas

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Alagoas在2019-04达3,068.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,358.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Alagoas数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为6,748.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达36,736.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为486.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Alagoas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,068.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Alagoas

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Alagoas

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Bahia

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Bahia在2019-04达21,751.000 单位,相较于2019-03的15,559.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Bahia数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为45,684.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达160,447.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为3,490.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Bahia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
21,751.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Bahia

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Bahia

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Ceará

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Ceará在2019-04达16,381.000 单位,相较于2019-03的12,753.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Ceará数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为23,955.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-12,达88,040.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为2,053.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Ceará数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
16,381.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Ceará

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Ceará

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Maranhão

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Maranhão在2019-04达7,656.000 单位,相较于2019-03的6,031.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Maranhão数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为12,459.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达63,954.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为749.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Maranhão数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
7,656.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Maranhão

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Maranhão

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Paraíba

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Paraíba在2019-04达4,578.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3,499.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Paraíba数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为8,458.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达37,555.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为553.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Paraíba数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
4,578.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Paraíba

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Paraíba

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Pernambuco

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Pernambuco在2019-04达11,968.000 单位,相较于2019-03的9,288.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Pernambuco数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为25,781.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达124,528.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为1,674.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Pernambuco数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
11,968.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Pernambuco

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Pernambuco

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Piauí

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Piauí在2019-04达3,886.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,991.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Piauí数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为8,952.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达34,633.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2008-01,为661.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Piauí数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,886.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Piauí

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Piauí

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte在2019-04达6,003.000 单位,相较于2019-03的4,637.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为12,792.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达43,853.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为823.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
6,003.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Sergipe

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Sergipe在2019-04达3,480.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,711.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Sergipe数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为8,092.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达27,598.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2018-01,为569.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Northeast: Sergipe数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,480.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Sergipe

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Northeast: Sergipe

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South在2019-04达77,776.000 单位,相较于2019-03的59,305.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为125,949.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达411,672.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为11,660.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
77,776.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Paraná

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Paraná在2019-04达30,316.000 单位,相较于2019-03的22,854.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Paraná数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为47,701.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达161,533.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为4,250.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Paraná数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
30,316.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Paraná

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Paraná

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Rio Grande do Sul

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Rio Grande do Sul在2019-04达26,088.000 单位,相较于2019-03的20,019.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Rio Grande do Sul数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为42,598.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达145,088.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为4,369.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Rio Grande do Sul数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
26,088.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Rio Grande do Sul

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Rio Grande do Sul

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Santa Catarina

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Santa Catarina在2019-04达21,372.000 单位,相较于2019-03的16,432.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Santa Catarina数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为32,916.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达108,369.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为3,041.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: South: Santa Catarina数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
21,372.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Santa Catarina

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: South: Santa Catarina

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast在2019-04达216,158.000 单位,相较于2019-03的161,601.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为418,835.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达1,347,310.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为35,540.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
216,158.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Espírito Santo

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Espírito Santo在2019-04达11,966.000 单位,相较于2019-03的9,290.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Espírito Santo数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为21,502.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达66,978.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为1,824.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Espírito Santo数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
11,966.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Espírito Santo

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Espírito Santo

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Minas Gerais

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Minas Gerais在2019-04达64,883.000 单位,相较于2019-03的47,789.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Minas Gerais数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为129,913.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达397,844.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为11,099.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Minas Gerais数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
64,883.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Minas Gerais

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Minas Gerais

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro在2019-04达26,590.000 单位,相较于2019-03的19,489.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为64,798.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达247,218.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为6,307.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
26,590.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro

巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: São Paulo

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: São Paulo在2019-04达112,719.000 单位,相较于2019-03的85,033.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: São Paulo数据按月度更新,2003-02至2019-04期间平均值为195,921.000 单位,共195份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达645,228.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为16,266.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Civil Construction: ytd: Laid Off: Southeast: São Paulo数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBB056: Formal Employment: by Region and State: Civil Construction: Laid Off: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
112,719.000 2019-04 月度 2003-02 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-02 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: São Paulo

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Civil Construction: Year to Date: Laid Off: Southeast: São Paulo
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