巴西 HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume


1997 - 2022 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的发光二极管,不包括激光二极管在04-01-2022达20.000公斤,相较于03-01-2022的164.000公斤有所下降。出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的发光二极管,不包括激光二极管数据按月更新,01-01-1997至04-01-2022期间平均值为11.000公斤,共302份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于09-01-2019,达10,105.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于11-01-2021,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的发光二极管,不包括激光二极管数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.RMC003: Machinery and Equipment Exports: Machinery, Electrical Equipment, Materials and Parts: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
20.000 2022-04 1997-01 - 2022-04

查看图表中 1997-01 到2022-04 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的发光二极管,不包括激光二极管

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的发光二极管,不包括激光二极管


1996 - 2022 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光电二极管在02-01-2022达10.000公斤,相较于09-01-2021的1.000公斤有所增长。出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光电二极管数据按月更新,01-01-1996至02-01-2022期间平均值为15.000公斤,共292份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2017,达1,327.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于03-01-2021,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光电二极管数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
10.000 2022-02 1996-01 - 2022-02

查看图表中 1996-01 到2022-02 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光电二极管

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光电二极管


1996 - 2022 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光敏半导体器件在04-01-2022达0.000公斤,相较于03-01-2022的2.000公斤有所下降。出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光敏半导体器件数据按月更新,07-01-1996至04-01-2022期间平均值为5.000公斤,共299份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于06-01-2013,达18,101.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于04-01-2022,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光敏半导体器件数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2022-04 1996-07 - 2022-04

查看图表中 1996-07 到2022-04 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光敏半导体器件

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:未安装好的光敏半导体器件


1996 - 2022 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:单片式集成电路的其他零件在04-01-2022达8.000公斤,相较于03-01-2022的1.000公斤有所增长。出口:离岸价:量:单片式集成电路的其他零件数据按月更新,01-01-1996至04-01-2022期间平均值为30.000公斤,共313份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于01-01-2010,达7,005.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于10-01-2020,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:单片式集成电路的其他零件数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.RMC003: Machinery and Equipment Exports: Machinery, Electrical Equipment, Materials and Parts: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
8.000 2022-04 1996-01 - 2022-04

查看图表中 1996-01 到2022-04 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:单片式集成电路的其他零件

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:单片式集成电路的其他零件


1997 - 2020 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:其他半导体媒体在01-01-2020达0.000公斤,相较于12-01-2019的1.000公斤有所下降。出口:离岸价:量:其他半导体媒体数据按月更新,01-01-1997至01-01-2020期间平均值为1.000公斤,共277份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2018,达5,588.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于01-01-2020,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:其他半导体媒体数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2020-01 1997-01 - 2020-01

查看图表中 1997-01 到2020-01 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:其他半导体媒体

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:其他半导体媒体


1996 - 2018 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:印刷电路在06-01-2018达0.000公斤,相较于05-01-2018的0.000公斤保持不变。出口:离岸价:量:印刷电路数据按月更新,01-01-1996至06-01-2018期间平均值为11,831.500公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于09-01-1998,达63,453.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于06-01-2018,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:印刷电路数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:印刷电路

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:印刷电路


1997 - 2023 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:带电气或电子元器件的印刷电路在06-01-2023达165.000公斤,相较于11-01-2022的3.000公斤有所增长。出口:离岸价:量:带电气或电子元器件的印刷电路数据按月更新,01-01-1997至06-01-2023期间平均值为7,294.000公斤,共307份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2013,达402,144.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2006,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:带电气或电子元器件的印刷电路数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
165.000 2023-06 1997-01 - 2023-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2023-06 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:带电气或电子元器件的印刷电路

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:带电气或电子元器件的印刷电路


1997 - 2023 | 月 | 公斤 | Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais

出口:离岸价:量:表面安装好发光二极管,不包括激光二极管在01-01-2023达0.000公斤,相较于05-01-2022的2.000公斤有所下降。出口:离岸价:量:表面安装好发光二极管,不包括激光二极管数据按月更新,01-01-1997至01-01-2023期间平均值为184.000公斤,共306份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于05-01-1997,达5,401.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于01-01-2023,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的出口:离岸价:量:表面安装好发光二极管,不包括激光二极管数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.RMC003: Machinery and Equipment Exports: Machinery, Electrical Equipment, Materials and Parts: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2023-01 1997-01 - 2023-01

查看图表中 1997-01 到2023-01 期间的Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:表面安装好发光二极管,不包括激光二极管

Brazil 出口:离岸价:量:表面安装好发光二极管,不包括激光二极管

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ac Photovoltaic Generators

2023 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ac Photovoltaic Generators在2024-12达151,426.000公斤,相较于2024-11的25,200.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Ac Photovoltaic Generators数据按月度更新,2023-11至2024-12期间平均值为24,133.000公斤,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-12,达151,426.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2023-11,为8,484.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Ac Photovoltaic Generators数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
151,426.000 2024-12 月度 2023-11 - 2024-12

查看图表中 2023-11 到2024-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ac Photovoltaic Generators

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ac Photovoltaic Generators

Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerial Simulators for Transmitters,Pot>=25Kw

2015 - 2022 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerial Simulators for Transmitters,Pot>=25Kw在2022-05达3.000公斤,相较于2020-03的451.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerial Simulators for Transmitters,Pot>=25Kw数据按月度更新,2015-03至2022-05期间平均值为12.500公斤,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达947.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerial Simulators for Transmitters,Pot>=25Kw数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
3.000 2022-05 月度 2015-03 - 2022-05

查看图表中 2015-03 到2022-05 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerial Simulators for Transmitters,Pot>=25Kw

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerial Simulators for Transmitters,Pot>=25Kw

Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerials for Cellular Phone Portable, Exc.Telescopic

1998 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerials for Cellular Phone Portable, Exc.Telescopic在2025-01达0.000公斤,相较于2024-12的0.000公斤保持不变。Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerials for Cellular Phone Portable, Exc.Telescopic数据按月度更新,1998-07至2025-01期间平均值为333.000公斤,共121份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达43,265.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2025-01,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerials for Cellular Phone Portable, Exc.Telescopic数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2025-01 月度 1998-07 - 2025-01

查看图表中 1998-07 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerials for Cellular Phone Portable, Exc.Telescopic

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Aerials for Cellular Phone Portable, Exc.Telescopic

Exports: NCM: Vol: Am Radium, Pot>10Kw, Cod.Modul../Wid.Pulse, Transmis.Appar

1997 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Am Radium, Pot>10Kw, Cod.Modul../Wid.Pulse, Transmis.Appar在2006-12达16.000公斤,相较于2003-11的100.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Am Radium, Pot>10Kw, Cod.Modul../Wid.Pulse, Transmis.Appar数据按月度更新,1997-03至2006-12期间平均值为13.000公斤,共4份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-11,达100.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-07,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Am Radium, Pot>10Kw, Cod.Modul../Wid.Pulse, Transmis.Appar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
16.000 2006-12 月度 1997-03 - 2006-12

查看图表中 1997-03 到2006-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Am Radium, Pot>10Kw, Cod.Modul../Wid.Pulse, Transmis.Appar

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Am Radium, Pot>10Kw, Cod.Modul../Wid.Pulse, Transmis.Appar

Exports: NCM: Vol: Analogical Modems, Speed<=9600Bits/S

1997 - 2001 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Analogical Modems, Speed<=9600Bits/S在2001-11达56.000公斤,相较于2000-12的360.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Analogical Modems, Speed<=9600Bits/S数据按月度更新,1997-02至2001-11期间平均值为85.000公斤,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-10,达643.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-08,为8.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Analogical Modems, Speed<=9600Bits/S数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
56.000 2001-11 月度 1997-02 - 2001-11

查看图表中 1997-02 到2001-11 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Analogical Modems, Speed<=9600Bits/S

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Analogical Modems, Speed<=9600Bits/S

Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, 2.0 To 2.7 Ghz, Pot. 10 To 100W

2008 - 2020 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, 2.0 To 2.7 Ghz, Pot. 10 To 100W在2020-03达3.000公斤,相较于2011-02的1.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, 2.0 To 2.7 Ghz, Pot. 10 To 100W数据按月度更新,2008-07至2020-03期间平均值为3.000公斤,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-09,达23.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2011-02,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, 2.0 To 2.7 Ghz, Pot. 10 To 100W数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
3.000 2020-03 月度 2008-07 - 2020-03

查看图表中 2008-07 到2020-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, 2.0 To 2.7 Ghz, Pot. 10 To 100W

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, 2.0 To 2.7 Ghz, Pot. 10 To 100W

Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, Output Pot.>10Kw

2008 - 2022 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, Output Pot.>10Kw在2022-06达1.000公斤,相较于2022-05的1.000公斤保持不变。Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, Output Pot.>10Kw数据按月度更新,2008-05至2022-06期间平均值为30.000公斤,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-12,达193.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-06,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, Output Pot.>10Kw数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2022-06 月度 2008-05 - 2022-06

查看图表中 2008-05 到2022-06 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, Output Pot.>10Kw

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar. of Telev., Uhf Band, Output Pot.>10Kw

Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar./Equip. for Station of Transm.Rad.Bidir.Sys <=112Kbts/S

2007 - 2021 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar./Equip. for Station of Transm.Rad.Bidir.Sys <=112Kbts/S在2021-06达27.000公斤,相较于2021-03的5.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar./Equip. for Station of Transm.Rad.Bidir.Sys <=112Kbts/S数据按月度更新,2007-06至2021-06期间平均值为4.500公斤,共34份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-11,达390.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2013-11,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar./Equip. for Station of Transm.Rad.Bidir.Sys <=112Kbts/S数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
27.000 2021-06 月度 2007-06 - 2021-06

查看图表中 2007-06 到2021-06 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar./Equip. for Station of Transm.Rad.Bidir.Sys <=112Kbts/S

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Appar./Equip. for Station of Transm.Rad.Bidir.Sys <=112Kbts/S

Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus for Broadcasting on Am

2007 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus for Broadcasting on Am在2024-10达56.000公斤,相较于2024-09的32.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus for Broadcasting on Am数据按月度更新,2007-11至2024-10期间平均值为41.000公斤,共26份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-04,达1,928.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2011-01,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus for Broadcasting on Am数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
56.000 2024-10 月度 2007-11 - 2024-10

查看图表中 2007-11 到2024-10 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus for Broadcasting on Am

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus for Broadcasting on Am

Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus of Administration of Nets (Tmn)

1997 - 2001 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus of Administration of Nets (Tmn)在2001-09达6.000公斤,相较于2001-08的137.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus of Administration of Nets (Tmn)数据按月度更新,1997-07至2001-09期间平均值为22.000公斤,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-08,达137.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-10,为5.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus of Administration of Nets (Tmn)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
6.000 2001-09 月度 1997-07 - 2001-09

查看图表中 1997-07 到2001-09 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus of Administration of Nets (Tmn)

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Apparatus of Administration of Nets (Tmn)

Exports: NCM: Vol: Arc-Lamps

1997 - 2009 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Arc-Lamps在2009-03达1.000公斤,相较于2009-02的19.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Arc-Lamps数据按月度更新,1997-02至2009-03期间平均值为14.000公斤,共107份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-07,达11,472.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2005-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Arc-Lamps数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2009-03 月度 1997-02 - 2009-03

查看图表中 1997-02 到2009-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Arc-Lamps

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Arc-Lamps

Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Teleph., C>200Inter.Lines

1997 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Teleph., C>200Inter.Lines在2007-02达384.000公斤,相较于2007-01的7,877.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Teleph., C>200Inter.Lines数据按月度更新,1997-02至2007-02期间平均值为1,869.000公斤,共67份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-11,达113,867.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-09,为19.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Teleph., C>200Inter.Lines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
384.000 2007-02 月度 1997-02 - 2007-02

查看图表中 1997-02 到2007-02 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Teleph., C>200Inter.Lines

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Teleph., C>200Inter.Lines

Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Telephone, 25/Inter.Lines

1997 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Telephone, 25/Inter.Lines在2007-02达50.000公斤,相较于2007-01的16,886.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Telephone, 25/Inter.Lines数据按月度更新,1997-04至2007-02期间平均值为579.000公斤,共116份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-03,达74,709.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-04,为10.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Telephone, 25/Inter.Lines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
50.000 2007-02 月度 1997-04 - 2007-02

查看图表中 1997-04 到2007-02 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Telephone, 25/Inter.Lines

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Cent.Commut.of Line Priv.Telephone, 25/Inter.Lines

Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electrom.Commut.of Teleph.Line Public

1997 - 1997 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electrom.Commut.of Teleph.Line Public在1997-09达4,644.000公斤,相较于1997-01的1,100.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electrom.Commut.of Teleph.Line Public数据按月度更新,1997-01至1997-09期间平均值为2,872.000公斤,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-09,达4,644.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-01,为1,100.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electrom.Commut.of Teleph.Line Public数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4,644.000 1997-09 月度 1997-01 - 1997-09

查看图表中 1997-01 到1997-09 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electrom.Commut.of Teleph.Line Public

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electrom.Commut.of Teleph.Line Public

Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electronic Commutation of Teleph.Line Pub

1997 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electronic Commutation of Teleph.Line Pub在2007-02达695.000公斤,相较于2006-12的2,219.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electronic Commutation of Teleph.Line Pub数据按月度更新,1997-01至2007-02期间平均值为6,534.000公斤,共117份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-01,达145,817.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2006-04,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electronic Commutation of Teleph.Line Pub数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
695.000 2007-02 月度 1997-01 - 2007-02

查看图表中 1997-01 到2007-02 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electronic Commutation of Teleph.Line Pub

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Electronic Commutation of Teleph.Line Pub

Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Networking System F/Telephonic, Etc.

1997 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Networking System F/Telephonic, Etc.在2006-12达8.000公斤,相较于2006-07的34.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Networking System F/Telephonic, Etc.数据按月度更新,1997-11至2006-12期间平均值为47.000公斤,共13份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1998-06,达15,610.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2003-12,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Networking System F/Telephonic, Etc.数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
8.000 2006-12 月度 1997-11 - 2006-12

查看图表中 1997-11 到2006-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Networking System F/Telephonic, Etc.

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Autom.Central Networking System F/Telephonic, Etc.

Exports: NCM: Vol: Automatics Central of Trunk System

2007 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Automatics Central of Trunk System在2019-03达2.000公斤,相较于2019-02的21.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Automatics Central of Trunk System数据按月度更新,2007-04至2019-03期间平均值为3.500公斤,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-10,达671.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2019-03,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Automatics Central of Trunk System数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2.000 2019-03 月度 2007-04 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2007-04 到2019-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Automatics Central of Trunk System

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Automatics Central of Trunk System

Exports: NCM: Vol: Blocos Grafite Tipos Utiliz C/ Catodos Em Cubas Eletrol

2011 - 2022 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Blocos Grafite Tipos Utiliz C/ Catodos Em Cubas Eletrol在2022-12达295.000公斤,相较于2022-10的570.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Blocos Grafite Tipos Utiliz C/ Catodos Em Cubas Eletrol数据按月度更新,2011-05至2022-12期间平均值为1,471.000公斤,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-11,达3,281.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2013-07,为100.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Blocos Grafite Tipos Utiliz C/ Catodos Em Cubas Eletrol数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
570.000 2022-06 月度 2011-05 - 2022-06

查看图表中 2011-05 到2022-06 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Blocos Grafite Tipos Utiliz C/ Catodos Em Cubas Eletrol

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Blocos Grafite Tipos Utiliz C/ Catodos Em Cubas Eletrol

Exports: NCM: Vol: Boards,Etc.With Elect.Circuit Switches Appar.T>1Kv

1997 - 2010 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Boards,Etc.With Elect.Circuit Switches Appar.T>1Kv在2010-01达9,678.000公斤,相较于2009-12的178,218.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Boards,Etc.With Elect.Circuit Switches Appar.T>1Kv数据按月度更新,1997-01至2010-01期间平均值为43,867.000公斤,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-11,达478,518.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2002-06,为215.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Boards,Etc.With Elect.Circuit Switches Appar.T>1Kv数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
9,678.000 2010-01 月度 1997-01 - 2010-01

查看图表中 1997-01 到2010-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Boards,Etc.With Elect.Circuit Switches Appar.T>1Kv

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Boards,Etc.With Elect.Circuit Switches Appar.T>1Kv

Exports: NCM: Vol: Cabinets F/Recording/Reproducing Apparatus

1997 - 2022 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Cabinets F/Recording/Reproducing Apparatus在2022-03达50.000公斤,相较于2021-11的10.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Cabinets F/Recording/Reproducing Apparatus数据按月度更新,1997-01至2022-03期间平均值为11.000公斤,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009-07,达26,257.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2005-03,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Cabinets F/Recording/Reproducing Apparatus数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
50.000 2022-03 月度 1997-01 - 2022-03

查看图表中 1997-01 到2022-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cabinets F/Recording/Reproducing Apparatus

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cabinets F/Recording/Reproducing Apparatus

Exports: NCM: Vol: Cards Incorporating An Electronic Integrated Circuit

2002 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Cards Incorporating An Electronic Integrated Circuit在2007-03达1,943.000公斤,相较于2007-02的4,957.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Cards Incorporating An Electronic Integrated Circuit数据按月度更新,2002-02至2007-03期间平均值为1,605.500公斤,共62份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-11,达44,412.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2003-02,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Cards Incorporating An Electronic Integrated Circuit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,943.000 2007-03 月度 2002-02 - 2007-03

查看图表中 2002-02 到2007-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cards Incorporating An Electronic Integrated Circuit

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cards Incorporating An Electronic Integrated Circuit

Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode Ray Tube Monitors Capable of Direct Connection to An Automatic Data Processing Machine of Heading 84.71 and Designed for Use With Such A Machine

2022 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode Ray Tube Monitors Capable of Direct Connection to An Automatic Data Processing Machine of Heading 84.71 and Designed for Use With Such A Machine在2024-12达3.000公斤,相较于2024-11的40.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode Ray Tube Monitors Capable of Direct Connection to An Automatic Data Processing Machine of Heading 84.71 and Designed for Use With Such A Machine数据按月度更新,2022-04至2024-12期间平均值为9.000公斤,共19份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-09,达88.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-03,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode Ray Tube Monitors Capable of Direct Connection to An Automatic Data Processing Machine of Heading 84.71 and Designed for Use With Such A Machine数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
3.000 2024-12 月度 2022-04 - 2024-12

查看图表中 2022-04 到2024-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode Ray Tube Monitors Capable of Direct Connection to An Automatic Data Processing Machine of Heading 84.71 and Designed for Use With Such A Machine

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode Ray Tube Monitors Capable of Direct Connection to An Automatic Data Processing Machine of Heading 84.71 and Designed for Use With Such A Machine

Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode-Ray Tubes F/Receivers Black/White Telev.,Etc

1997 - 2002 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode-Ray Tubes F/Receivers Black/White Telev.,Etc在2002-12达4.000公斤,相较于2002-03的1,718.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode-Ray Tubes F/Receivers Black/White Telev.,Etc数据按月度更新,1997-08至2002-12期间平均值为4.000公斤,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-03,达1,718.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode-Ray Tubes F/Receivers Black/White Telev.,Etc数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4.000 2002-12 月度 1997-08 - 2002-12

查看图表中 1997-08 到2002-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode-Ray Tubes F/Receivers Black/White Telev.,Etc

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Cathode-Ray Tubes F/Receivers Black/White Telev.,Etc

Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits

2003 - 2004 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits在2004-11达10.000公斤,相较于2003-12的5,372.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits数据按月度更新,2003-06至2004-11期间平均值为500.500公斤,共4份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-12,达5,372.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2004-11,为10.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
10.000 2004-11 月度 2003-06 - 2004-11

查看图表中 2003-06 到2004-11 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits

Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits (Dcme)

2000 - 2001 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits (Dcme)在2001-09达880.000公斤,相较于2001-05的250.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits (Dcme)数据按月度更新,2000-03至2001-09期间平均值为250.000公斤,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-09,达880.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-03,为83.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits (Dcme)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
880.000 2001-09 月度 2000-03 - 2001-09

查看图表中 2000-03 到2001-09 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits (Dcme)

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing Digital Circuits (Dcme)

Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing of Lines of Subscribers (Centr/Remot.Term.)

2007 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing of Lines of Subscribers (Centr/Remot.Term.)在2025-01达38.000公斤,相较于2024-12的20.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing of Lines of Subscribers (Centr/Remot.Term.)数据按月度更新,2007-03至2025-01期间平均值为27.000公斤,共141份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-12,达4,148.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2019-02,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing of Lines of Subscribers (Centr/Remot.Term.)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
38.000 2025-01 月度 2007-03 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2007-03 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing of Lines of Subscribers (Centr/Remot.Term.)

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Centralizing of Lines of Subscribers (Centr/Remot.Term.)

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Dupla Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Tec.Fib.Vidro

2011 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Dupla Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Tec.Fib.Vidro在2025-01达5.000公斤,相较于2024-12的7,763.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Dupla Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Tec.Fib.Vidro数据按月度更新,2011-10至2025-01期间平均值为63.000公斤,共160份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-10,达16,748.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Dupla Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Tec.Fib.Vidro数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
5.000 2025-01 月度 2011-10 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2011-10 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Dupla Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Tec.Fib.Vidro

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Dupla Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Tec.Fib.Vidro

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Papel Celulos

2012 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Papel Celulos在2025-01达1.000公斤,相较于2024-12的1.000公斤保持不变。Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Papel Celulos数据按月度更新,2012-11至2025-01期间平均值为84.000公斤,共82份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-05,达768.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Papel Celulos数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2025-01 月度 2012-11 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2012-11 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Papel Celulos

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Epoxi./Papel Celulos

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Expox./Tec.Fib.Vidro

2011 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Expox./Tec.Fib.Vidro在2025-01达26.000公斤,相较于2024-11的15.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Expox./Tec.Fib.Vidro数据按月度更新,2011-10至2025-01期间平均值为23.000公斤,共131份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-01,达3,306.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-11,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Expox./Tec.Fib.Vidro数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
26.000 2025-01 月度 2011-10 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2011-10 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Expox./Tec.Fib.Vidro

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Expox./Tec.Fib.Vidro

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Fenol./Papel Celulos

2011 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Fenol./Papel Celulos在2025-01达0.000公斤,相较于2024-12的50.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Fenol./Papel Celulos数据按月度更新,2011-10至2025-01期间平均值为105.000公斤,共151份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-12,达4,070.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2025-01,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Fenol./Papel Celulos数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2025-01 月度 2011-10 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2011-10 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Fenol./Papel Celulos

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ci Simples Face Rig.C/Isolante Res.Fenol./Papel Celulos

Exports: NCM: Vol: Circuit Obtain.Bipolar Technology,Not Mounted

1997 - 1999 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Circuit Obtain.Bipolar Technology,Not Mounted在1999-08达42.000公斤,相较于1999-07的0.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Circuit Obtain.Bipolar Technology,Not Mounted数据按月度更新,1997-05至1999-08期间平均值为17.000公斤,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-06,达600.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-07,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Circuit Obtain.Bipolar Technology,Not Mounted数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
42.000 1999-08 月度 1997-05 - 1999-08

查看图表中 1997-05 到1999-08 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Circuit Obtain.Bipolar Technology,Not Mounted

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Circuit Obtain.Bipolar Technology,Not Mounted

Exports: NCM: Vol: Co-Processors,Mos Tech,Mounted,F/Surf.Moun.Dev.

2000 - 2001 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Co-Processors,Mos Tech,Mounted,F/Surf.Moun.Dev.在2001-12达0.000公斤,相较于2000-12的15.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Co-Processors,Mos Tech,Mounted,F/Surf.Moun.Dev.数据按月度更新,2000-02至2001-12期间平均值为1.000公斤,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-10,达63.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Co-Processors,Mos Tech,Mounted,F/Surf.Moun.Dev.数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2001-12 月度 2000-02 - 2001-12

查看图表中 2000-02 到2001-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Co-Processors,Mos Tech,Mounted,F/Surf.Moun.Dev.

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Co-Processors,Mos Tech,Mounted,F/Surf.Moun.Dev.

Exports: NCM: Vol: Coin- or Token-Operated Record-Players

2003 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Coin- or Token-Operated Record-Players在2006-03达1.000公斤,相较于2004-03的2,025.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Coin- or Token-Operated Record-Players数据按月度更新,2003-08至2006-03期间平均值为2,160.000公斤,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-10,达2,730.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2006-03,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Coin- or Token-Operated Record-Players数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2006-03 月度 2003-08 - 2006-03

查看图表中 2003-08 到2006-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Coin- or Token-Operated Record-Players

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Coin- or Token-Operated Record-Players

Exports: NCM: Vol: Combined W / Sound Recording or Playback Sound

2014 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Combined W / Sound Recording or Playback Sound在2025-01达15,927.000公斤,相较于2024-12的20,821.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Combined W / Sound Recording or Playback Sound数据按月度更新,2014-08至2025-01期间平均值为17,295.500公斤,共126份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-09,达49,541.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2020-05,为1,543.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Combined W / Sound Recording or Playback Sound数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
15,927.000 2025-01 月度 2014-08 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2014-08 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Combined W / Sound Recording or Playback Sound

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Combined W / Sound Recording or Playback Sound

Exports: NCM: Vol: Combs and Blades for Shearing Machines

2018 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Combs and Blades for Shearing Machines在2025-01达35.000公斤,相较于2024-05的12.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Combs and Blades for Shearing Machines数据按月度更新,2018-05至2025-01期间平均值为3.000公斤,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-05,达486.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-06,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Combs and Blades for Shearing Machines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
35.000 2025-01 月度 2018-05 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2018-05 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Combs and Blades for Shearing Machines

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Combs and Blades for Shearing Machines

Exports: NCM: Vol: Commut.Auto.Centr. of Pack. Trunk Speed>72Kbits/S

2007 - 2022 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Commut.Auto.Centr. of Pack. Trunk Speed>72Kbits/S在2022-03达5.000公斤,相较于2021-07的15.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Commut.Auto.Centr. of Pack. Trunk Speed>72Kbits/S数据按月度更新,2007-10至2022-03期间平均值为19.000公斤,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-08,达282.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2020-10,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Commut.Auto.Centr. of Pack. Trunk Speed>72Kbits/S数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
5.000 2022-03 月度 2007-10 - 2022-03

查看图表中 2007-10 到2022-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Commut.Auto.Centr. of Pack. Trunk Speed>72Kbits/S

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Commut.Auto.Centr. of Pack. Trunk Speed>72Kbits/S

Exports: NCM: Vol: Crossconect, Serial Connection Speed>4Mbits/S, Etc

1998 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Crossconect, Serial Connection Speed>4Mbits/S, Etc在2007-03达7.000公斤,相较于2006-12的530.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Crossconect, Serial Connection Speed>4Mbits/S, Etc数据按月度更新,1998-04至2007-03期间平均值为97.500公斤,共90份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-10,达5,433.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2005-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Crossconect, Serial Connection Speed>4Mbits/S, Etc数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
7.000 2007-03 月度 1998-04 - 2007-03

查看图表中 1998-04 到2007-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Crossconect, Serial Connection Speed>4Mbits/S, Etc

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Crossconect, Serial Connection Speed>4Mbits/S, Etc

Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Black/White,Scr<33,56Cm(14')

2002 - 2011 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Black/White,Scr<33,56Cm(14')在2011-07达1.000公斤,相较于2010-12的0.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Black/White,Scr<33,56Cm(14')数据按月度更新,2002-10至2011-07期间平均值为1.000公斤,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-12,达10.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2010-12,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Black/White,Scr<33,56Cm(14')数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2011-07 月度 2002-10 - 2011-07

查看图表中 2002-10 到2011-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Black/White,Scr<33,56Cm(14')

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Black/White,Scr<33,56Cm(14')

Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Colour,Phosphor Screen

2000 - 2012 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Colour,Phosphor Screen在2012-04达3.000公斤,相较于2011-04的0.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Colour,Phosphor Screen数据按月度更新,2000-04至2012-04期间平均值为1,367.000公斤,共20份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-04,达32,535.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2011-04,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Colour,Phosphor Screen数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
3.000 2012-04 月度 2000-04 - 2012-04

查看图表中 2000-04 到2012-04 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Colour,Phosphor Screen

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Data/Graphic Display Tubes,Colour,Phosphor Screen

Exports: NCM: Vol: Deflection Coils (Yokes) for Cathode-Ray Tubes

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Deflection Coils (Yokes) for Cathode-Ray Tubes在2023-04达3.000公斤,相较于2018-07的67.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Deflection Coils (Yokes) for Cathode-Ray Tubes数据按月度更新,1997-05至2023-04期间平均值为24,538.000公斤,共82份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-09,达202,919.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2002-06,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Deflection Coils (Yokes) for Cathode-Ray Tubes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
67.000 2018-07 月度 1997-05 - 2018-07

查看图表中 1997-05 到2018-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Deflection Coils (Yokes) for Cathode-Ray Tubes

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Deflection Coils (Yokes) for Cathode-Ray Tubes

Exports: NCM: Vol: Dictating Mac.With Disp.of Sound Recor.Ext.Source Power

1997 - 1998 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Dictating Mac.With Disp.of Sound Recor.Ext.Source Power在1998-08达7.000公斤,相较于1997-05的15.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Dictating Mac.With Disp.of Sound Recor.Ext.Source Power数据按月度更新,1997-05至1998-08期间平均值为11.000公斤,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-05,达15.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-08,为7.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Dictating Mac.With Disp.of Sound Recor.Ext.Source Power数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
7.000 1998-08 月度 1997-05 - 1998-08

查看图表中 1997-05 到1998-08 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Dictating Mac.With Disp.of Sound Recor.Ext.Source Power

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Dictating Mac.With Disp.of Sound Recor.Ext.Source Power

Exports: NCM: Vol: Dig. Routers Crossconect, Granularity>=2Mbits/S

1998 - 2005 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Dig. Routers Crossconect, Granularity>=2Mbits/S在2005-12达6.000公斤,相较于2005-09的18.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Dig. Routers Crossconect, Granularity>=2Mbits/S数据按月度更新,1998-06至2005-12期间平均值为44.000公斤,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-12,达314.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-12,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Dig. Routers Crossconect, Granularity>=2Mbits/S数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
6.000 2005-12 月度 1998-06 - 2005-12

查看图表中 1998-06 到2005-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Dig. Routers Crossconect, Granularity>=2Mbits/S

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Dig. Routers Crossconect, Granularity>=2Mbits/S

Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital Still Cameras and Video Cameras, Having Three or More Image Pickers

2022 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital Still Cameras and Video Cameras, Having Three or More Image Pickers在2024-09达0.000公斤,相较于2024-04的2.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital Still Cameras and Video Cameras, Having Three or More Image Pickers数据按月度更新,2022-05至2024-09期间平均值为13.000公斤,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-03,达23.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital Still Cameras and Video Cameras, Having Three or More Image Pickers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2024-09 月度 2022-05 - 2024-04

查看图表中 2022-05 到2024-04 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital Still Cameras and Video Cameras, Having Three or More Image Pickers

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital Still Cameras and Video Cameras, Having Three or More Image Pickers

Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital of Recor.Appar./Reprod.of Sound, of Magn.Tape

1997 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital of Recor.Appar./Reprod.of Sound, of Magn.Tape在2006-11达7.000公斤,相较于2006-09的0.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital of Recor.Appar./Reprod.of Sound, of Magn.Tape数据按月度更新,1997-07至2006-11期间平均值为5.500公斤,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-12,达151.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2006-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital of Recor.Appar./Reprod.of Sound, of Magn.Tape数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
7.000 2006-11 月度 1997-07 - 2006-11

查看图表中 1997-07 到2006-11 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital of Recor.Appar./Reprod.of Sound, of Magn.Tape

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Digital of Recor.Appar./Reprod.of Sound, of Magn.Tape

Exports: NCM: Vol: Diodes Mounted, Fit for Insert Mounting (Php -Pin Through Hole), Zener

2020 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Diodes Mounted, Fit for Insert Mounting (Php -Pin Through Hole), Zener在2024-06达42.000公斤,相较于2023-08的0.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Diodes Mounted, Fit for Insert Mounting (Php -Pin Through Hole), Zener数据按月度更新,2020-11至2024-06期间平均值为1.000公斤,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-06,达42.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Diodes Mounted, Fit for Insert Mounting (Php -Pin Through Hole), Zener数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
42.000 2024-06 月度 2020-11 - 2024-06

查看图表中 2020-11 到2024-06 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Diodes Mounted, Fit for Insert Mounting (Php -Pin Through Hole), Zener

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Diodes Mounted, Fit for Insert Mounting (Php -Pin Through Hole), Zener

Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs By Laser Reading for Reproducing Sound Only

2012 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs By Laser Reading for Reproducing Sound Only在2025-01达19.000公斤,相较于2024-12的128.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs By Laser Reading for Reproducing Sound Only数据按月度更新,2012-01至2025-01期间平均值为185.000公斤,共157份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-05,达4,293.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs By Laser Reading for Reproducing Sound Only数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
19.000 2025-01 月度 2012-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2012-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs By Laser Reading for Reproducing Sound Only

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs By Laser Reading for Reproducing Sound Only

Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs F/Laser Read.Syst.Which May Be Record.Once(Cd-R)

2004 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs F/Laser Read.Syst.Which May Be Record.Once(Cd-R)在2007-03达40.000公斤,相较于2007-02的72.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs F/Laser Read.Syst.Which May Be Record.Once(Cd-R)数据按月度更新,2004-02至2007-03期间平均值为42.000公斤,共35份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-04,达213.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2004-12,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs F/Laser Read.Syst.Which May Be Record.Once(Cd-R)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
40.000 2007-03 月度 2004-02 - 2007-03

查看图表中 2004-02 到2007-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs F/Laser Read.Syst.Which May Be Record.Once(Cd-R)

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs F/Laser Read.Syst.Which May Be Record.Once(Cd-R)

Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Reading System By Laser, Recorded Only Once

2012 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Reading System By Laser, Recorded Only Once在2025-01达88.000公斤,相较于2024-10的14,660.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Reading System By Laser, Recorded Only Once数据按月度更新,2012-01至2025-01期间平均值为28.500公斤,共140份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-05,达193,006.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2023-12,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Reading System By Laser, Recorded Only Once数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
88.000 2025-01 月度 2012-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2012-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Reading System By Laser, Recorded Only Once

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Reading System By Laser, Recorded Only Once

Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Uses Other Than Reproducing Sound and Image

2012 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Uses Other Than Reproducing Sound and Image在2025-01达42.000公斤,相较于2024-12的23.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Uses Other Than Reproducing Sound and Image数据按月度更新,2012-01至2025-01期间平均值为51.000公斤,共157份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-07,达9,533.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-01,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Uses Other Than Reproducing Sound and Image数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
42.000 2025-01 月度 2012-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2012-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Uses Other Than Reproducing Sound and Image

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Discs for Uses Other Than Reproducing Sound and Image

Exports: NCM: Vol: Editing Controller, for Video

2005 - 2005 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Editing Controller, for Video在2005-02达25.000公斤,相较于2005-01的6.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Editing Controller, for Video数据按月度更新,2005-01至2005-02期间平均值为15.500公斤,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-02,达25.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为6.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Editing Controller, for Video数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
25.000 2005-02 月度 2005-01 - 2005-02

查看图表中 2005-01 到2005-02 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Editing Controller, for Video

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Editing Controller, for Video

Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phas.750W<P<=75Kw, Slip-Ring

1997 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phas.750W

数值 频率 范围
25.000 2025-01 月度 1997-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 1997-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phas.750W<P<=75Kw, Slip-Ring

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phas.750W<P<=75Kw, Slip-Ring

Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phase 7.500Kw<Pot<=30.000Kw

2003 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phase 7.500Kw

数值 频率 范围
48,420.000 2025-01 月度 2003-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2003-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phase 7.500Kw<Pot<=30.000Kw

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Elec.Motor Alter.Cur.Multi-Phase 7.500Kw<Pot<=30.000Kw

Exports: NCM: Vol: Elect.Capacit., Fixed of Tantalus, F/Surf.Mounted Device

1997 - 2004 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Elect.Capacit., Fixed of Tantalus, F/Surf.Mounted Device在2004-03达12.000公斤,相较于2004-01的239.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Elect.Capacit., Fixed of Tantalus, F/Surf.Mounted Device数据按月度更新,1997-01至2004-03期间平均值为28.000公斤,共82份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-06,达1,980.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-02,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Elect.Capacit., Fixed of Tantalus, F/Surf.Mounted Device数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
12.000 2004-03 月度 1997-01 - 2004-03

查看图表中 1997-01 到2004-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Elect.Capacit., Fixed of Tantalus, F/Surf.Mounted Device

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Elect.Capacit., Fixed of Tantalus, F/Surf.Mounted Device

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulator Nickel-Hydride Metallic

2012 - 2020 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulator Nickel-Hydride Metallic在2020-01达4.000公斤,相较于2019-12的63.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulator Nickel-Hydride Metallic数据按月度更新,2012-02至2020-01期间平均值为11.000公斤,共88份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-02,达329.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulator Nickel-Hydride Metallic数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4.000 2020-01 月度 2012-02 - 2020-01

查看图表中 2012-02 到2020-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulator Nickel-Hydride Metallic

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulator Nickel-Hydride Metallic

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulators of Lead, Capacity <= 20Ah and T <= 12V

2010 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulators of Lead, Capacity <= 20Ah and T <= 12V在2025-01达40,088.000公斤,相较于2024-12的50,448.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulators of Lead, Capacity <= 20Ah and T <= 12V数据按月度更新,2010-07至2025-01期间平均值为10,055.000公斤,共175份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-07,达94,603.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为110.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulators of Lead, Capacity <= 20Ah and T <= 12V数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
40,088.000 2025-01 月度 2010-07 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2010-07 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulators of Lead, Capacity <= 20Ah and T <= 12V

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Accumulators of Lead, Capacity <= 20Ah and T <= 12V

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 12V

2020 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 12V在2025-01达125.000公斤,相较于2024-12的47.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 12V数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为47.000公斤,共53份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-06,达769.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-02,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 12V数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
125.000 2025-01 月度 2020-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 12V

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 12V

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 9V

2020 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 9V在2025-01达124.000公斤,相较于2024-12的74.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 9V数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为80.000公斤,共61份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-08,达583.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2020-06,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 9V数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
124.000 2025-01 月度 2020-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 9V

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Batteries, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, with a Voltage of 9V

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Generators of Contin.Current, 75Kw<Pot<=375Kw

1998 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Generators of Contin.Current, 75Kw

数值 频率 范围
4,000.000 2024-09 月度 1998-07 - 2024-07

查看图表中 1998-07 到2024-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Generators of Contin.Current, 75Kw<Pot<=375Kw

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Generators of Contin.Current, 75Kw<Pot<=375Kw

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Motor of Contin.Current, 375Kw<Pot<=3000Kw

1998 - 2023 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Motor of Contin.Current, 375Kw

数值 频率 范围
20,000.000 2023-07 月度 1998-12 - 2023-07

查看图表中 1998-12 到2023-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Motor of Contin.Current, 375Kw<Pot<=3000Kw

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Motor of Contin.Current, 375Kw<Pot<=3000Kw

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Piles, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, of a Voltage of 1.5 V, Cylindrical, of the Type Lr20 (D)

2020 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Piles, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, of a Voltage of 1.5 V, Cylindrical, of the Type Lr20 (D)在2025-01达367.000公斤,相较于2024-12的1,601.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Piles, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, of a Voltage of 1.5 V, Cylindrical, of the Type Lr20 (D)数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为1,060.000公斤,共61份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-06,达3,192.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为48.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Piles, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, of a Voltage of 1.5 V, Cylindrical, of the Type Lr20 (D)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
367.000 2025-01 月度 2020-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Piles, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, of a Voltage of 1.5 V, Cylindrical, of the Type Lr20 (D)

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electric Piles, of Manganese Dioxide, Alkaline, of a Voltage of 1.5 V, Cylindrical, of the Type Lr20 (D)

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrical Current Connector for Use in Hermetic Refrigerating Compressors

2018 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrical Current Connector for Use in Hermetic Refrigerating Compressors在2025-01达196.000公斤,相较于2024-12的2.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrical Current Connector for Use in Hermetic Refrigerating Compressors数据按月度更新,2018-12至2025-01期间平均值为6.000公斤,共33份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-11,达4,001.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-10,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrical Current Connector for Use in Hermetic Refrigerating Compressors数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
196.000 2025-01 月度 2018-12 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2018-12 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrical Current Connector for Use in Hermetic Refrigerating Compressors

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrical Current Connector for Use in Hermetic Refrigerating Compressors

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electro-Magnetic Lifting Heads

2000 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Electro-Magnetic Lifting Heads在2006-05达2.000公斤,相较于2005-08的100.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Electro-Magnetic Lifting Heads数据按月度更新,2000-02至2006-05期间平均值为22.000公斤,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-08,达100.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2003-05,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Electro-Magnetic Lifting Heads数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2.000 2006-05 月度 2000-02 - 2006-05

查看图表中 2000-02 到2006-05 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electro-Magnetic Lifting Heads

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electro-Magnetic Lifting Heads

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electronic Guns for Cathode-Ray Tubes

1997 - 2015 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electronic Guns for Cathode-Ray Tubes在2015-07达55.000公斤,相较于2009-02的2,160.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electronic Guns for Cathode-Ray Tubes数据按月度更新,1997-01至2015-07期间平均值为26,977.000公斤,共127份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-10,达58,610.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2015-07,为55.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electronic Guns for Cathode-Ray Tubes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
55.000 2015-07 月度 1997-01 - 2015-07

查看图表中 1997-01 到2015-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electronic Guns for Cathode-Ray Tubes

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electronic Guns for Cathode-Ray Tubes

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrothermic Hand-Drying Apparatus, Domestic

1997 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrothermic Hand-Drying Apparatus, Domestic在2024-07达9.000公斤,相较于2024-03的2.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrothermic Hand-Drying Apparatus, Domestic数据按月度更新,1997-11至2024-07期间平均值为24.000公斤,共96份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-05,达1,412.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2010-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrothermic Hand-Drying Apparatus, Domestic数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
9.000 2024-07 月度 1997-11 - 2024-07

查看图表中 1997-11 到2024-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrothermic Hand-Drying Apparatus, Domestic

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Electrothermic Hand-Drying Apparatus, Domestic

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ferrite Cores for Deflection Coils

2005 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Ferrite Cores for Deflection Coils在2024-04达2.000公斤,相较于2016-02的1.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Ferrite Cores for Deflection Coils数据按月度更新,2005-09至2024-04期间平均值为6.000公斤,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-07,达16,134.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2016-02,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Ferrite Cores for Deflection Coils数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2.000 2024-04 月度 2005-09 - 2024-04

查看图表中 2005-09 到2024-04 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ferrite Cores for Deflection Coils

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Ferrite Cores for Deflection Coils

Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.Trunking System, Without Inter.Power Source

1999 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.Trunking System, Without Inter.Power Source在2006-10达1.000公斤,相较于2006-03的103.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.Trunking System, Without Inter.Power Source数据按月度更新,1999-02至2006-10期间平均值为78.000公斤,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-07,达960.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2006-10,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.Trunking System, Without Inter.Power Source数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2006-10 月度 1999-02 - 2006-10

查看图表中 1999-02 到2006-10 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.Trunking System, Without Inter.Power Source

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.Trunking System, Without Inter.Power Source

Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.of Cellul.Teleph.Without Inter.Power Source

1997 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.of Cellul.Teleph.Without Inter.Power Source在2006-12达7.000公斤,相较于2006-11的2.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.of Cellul.Teleph.Without Inter.Power Source数据按月度更新,1997-01至2006-12期间平均值为1,010.000公斤,共32份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-11,达16,365.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2006-06,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.of Cellul.Teleph.Without Inter.Power Source数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
7.000 2006-12 月度 1997-01 - 2006-12

查看图表中 1997-01 到2006-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.of Cellul.Teleph.Without Inter.Power Source

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Fixed Appar.of Cellul.Teleph.Without Inter.Power Source

Exports: NCM: Vol: Flight Data Recorders, Without Device of Sound Reproduct

1997 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Flight Data Recorders, Without Device of Sound Reproduct在2007-02达7.000公斤,相较于2006-09的8.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Flight Data Recorders, Without Device of Sound Reproduct数据按月度更新,1997-03至2007-02期间平均值为23.000公斤,共83份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-05,达160.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2004-08,为3.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Flight Data Recorders, Without Device of Sound Reproduct数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
7.000 2007-02 月度 1997-03 - 2007-02

查看图表中 1997-03 到2007-02 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Flight Data Recorders, Without Device of Sound Reproduct

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Flight Data Recorders, Without Device of Sound Reproduct

Exports: NCM: Vol: Floor Polishers, with Electric Motor, Domestic Use

1997 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Floor Polishers, with Electric Motor, Domestic Use在2007-01达336.000公斤,相较于2006-12的1,322.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Floor Polishers, with Electric Motor, Domestic Use数据按月度更新,1997-01至2007-01期间平均值为4,616.000公斤,共120份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-03,达39,122.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-01,为26.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Floor Polishers, with Electric Motor, Domestic Use数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
336.000 2007-01 月度 1997-01 - 2007-01

查看图表中 1997-01 到2007-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Floor Polishers, with Electric Motor, Domestic Use

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Floor Polishers, with Electric Motor, Domestic Use

Exports: NCM: Vol: Frame Synchronizer,Etc.Time Base Recorders,F/Video

1999 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Frame Synchronizer,Etc.Time Base Recorders,F/Video在2006-07达2.000公斤,相较于2006-06的9.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Frame Synchronizer,Etc.Time Base Recorders,F/Video数据按月度更新,1999-10至2006-07期间平均值为3.500公斤,共26份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-10,达203.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2005-12,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Frame Synchronizer,Etc.Time Base Recorders,F/Video数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2.000 2006-07 月度 1999-10 - 2006-07

查看图表中 1999-10 到2006-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Frame Synchronizer,Etc.Time Base Recorders,F/Video

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Frame Synchronizer,Etc.Time Base Recorders,F/Video

Exports: NCM: Vol: Gas Spark Plug

2018 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Gas Spark Plug在2024-07达30.000公斤,相较于2024-05的80.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Gas Spark Plug数据按月度更新,2018-05至2024-07期间平均值为9.000公斤,共26份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-05,达250.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-03,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Gas Spark Plug数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
30.000 2024-07 月度 2018-05 - 2024-07

查看图表中 2018-05 到2024-07 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Gas Spark Plug

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Gas Spark Plug

Exports: NCM: Vol: Gramophone Records, Recorded

1997 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Gramophone Records, Recorded在2007-02达175.000公斤,相较于2007-01的398.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Gramophone Records, Recorded数据按月度更新,1997-01至2007-02期间平均值为93.500公斤,共96份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-10,达24,364.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2006-12,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Gramophone Records, Recorded数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
175.000 2007-02 月度 1997-01 - 2007-02

查看图表中 1997-01 到2007-02 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Gramophone Records, Recorded

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Gramophone Records, Recorded

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hammers with Incorp.Electric Motor, F/Manual Use

1999 - 2001 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hammers with Incorp.Electric Motor, F/Manual Use在2001-09达50.000公斤,相较于1999-12的2.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hammers with Incorp.Electric Motor, F/Manual Use数据按月度更新,1999-12至2001-09期间平均值为26.000公斤,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-09,达50.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-12,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hammers with Incorp.Electric Motor, F/Manual Use数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
50.000 2001-09 月度 1999-12 - 2001-09

查看图表中 1999-12 到2001-09 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hammers with Incorp.Electric Motor, F/Manual Use

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hammers with Incorp.Electric Motor, F/Manual Use

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hot Isostatic Presses

2022 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hot Isostatic Presses在2024-12达871.000公斤,相较于2024-11的31.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Hot Isostatic Presses数据按月度更新,2022-04至2024-12期间平均值为858.500公斤,共32份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达71,729.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-04,为24.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Hot Isostatic Presses数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
871.000 2024-12 月度 2022-04 - 2024-12

查看图表中 2022-04 到2024-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hot Isostatic Presses

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hot Isostatic Presses

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybr.Integ.Circuit Thick.of Layer<=1Micron,Freq>=800Mhz

1999 - 2002 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybr.Integ.Circuit Thick.of Layer<=1Micron,Freq>=800Mhz在2002-03达8.000公斤,相较于2002-02的53.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybr.Integ.Circuit Thick.of Layer<=1Micron,Freq>=800Mhz数据按月度更新,1999-03至2002-03期间平均值为9.000公斤,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-02,达67.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-08,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybr.Integ.Circuit Thick.of Layer<=1Micron,Freq>=800Mhz数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
8.000 2002-03 月度 1999-03 - 2002-03

查看图表中 1999-03 到2002-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybr.Integ.Circuit Thick.of Layer<=1Micron,Freq>=800Mhz

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybr.Integ.Circuit Thick.of Layer<=1Micron,Freq>=800Mhz

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuit,Thickness of Layer<=1Micron

1997 - 1998 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuit,Thickness of Layer<=1Micron在1998-09达0.000公斤,相较于1998-08的1.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuit,Thickness of Layer<=1Micron数据按月度更新,1997-01至1998-09期间平均值为1.000公斤,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-07,达301.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-09,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuit,Thickness of Layer<=1Micron数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 1998-09 月度 1997-01 - 1998-09

查看图表中 1997-01 到1998-09 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuit,Thickness of Layer<=1Micron

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuit,Thickness of Layer<=1Micron

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuits,T<=1Micron F>=800Mh

2002 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuits,T<=1Micron F>=800Mh在2006-06达10.000公斤,相较于2006-01的1.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuits,T<=1Micron F>=800Mh数据按月度更新,2002-04至2006-06期间平均值为2.500公斤,共18份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-07,达48.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2002-12,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuits,T<=1Micron F>=800Mh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
10.000 2006-06 月度 2002-04 - 2006-06

查看图表中 2002-04 到2006-06 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuits,T<=1Micron F>=800Mh

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid Integrated Circuits,T<=1Micron F>=800Mh

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid.Integrat.Circuit. Thick.<1Micron, Freq>800Mhz

2007 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid.Integrat.Circuit. Thick.<1Micron, Freq>800Mhz在2019-11达6.000公斤,相较于2014-06的5.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid.Integrat.Circuit. Thick.<1Micron, Freq>800Mhz数据按月度更新,2007-03至2019-11期间平均值为20.000公斤,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达57.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2011-03,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid.Integrat.Circuit. Thick.<1Micron, Freq>800Mhz数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
6.000 2019-11 月度 2007-03 - 2019-11

查看图表中 2007-03 到2019-11 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid.Integrat.Circuit. Thick.<1Micron, Freq>800Mhz

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Hybrid.Integrat.Circuit. Thick.<1Micron, Freq>800Mhz

Exports: NCM: Vol: Integ.Receiver-Decoder of Dig.Signs Codif.Videos Colour

1997 - 1999 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Integ.Receiver-Decoder of Dig.Signs Codif.Videos Colour在1999-09达45.000公斤,相较于1999-08的67,994.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Integ.Receiver-Decoder of Dig.Signs Codif.Videos Colour数据按月度更新,1997-01至1999-09期间平均值为411.000公斤,共24份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-08,达67,994.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-07,为6.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Integ.Receiver-Decoder of Dig.Signs Codif.Videos Colour数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
45.000 1999-09 月度 1997-01 - 1999-09

查看图表中 1997-01 到1999-09 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Integ.Receiver-Decoder of Dig.Signs Codif.Videos Colour

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Integ.Receiver-Decoder of Dig.Signs Codif.Videos Colour

Exports: NCM: Vol: Integr.Receiv.-Decod.Without Exit Radio-Freq.Audio Exit

1999 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Integr.Receiv.-Decod.Without Exit Radio-Freq.Audio Exit在2007-03达2.000公斤,相较于2006-07的13.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Integr.Receiv.-Decod.Without Exit Radio-Freq.Audio Exit数据按月度更新,1999-11至2007-03期间平均值为32.500公斤,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-02,达12,720.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2007-03,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Integr.Receiv.-Decod.Without Exit Radio-Freq.Audio Exit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2.000 2007-03 月度 1999-11 - 2007-03

查看图表中 1999-11 到2007-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Integr.Receiv.-Decod.Without Exit Radio-Freq.Audio Exit

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Integr.Receiv.-Decod.Without Exit Radio-Freq.Audio Exit

Exports: NCM: Vol: Intercoms With Built-In Receiver, Digit

2022 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Intercoms With Built-In Receiver, Digit在2024-12达4.000公斤,相较于2024-11的7.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Intercoms With Built-In Receiver, Digit数据按月度更新,2022-04至2024-12期间平均值为16.000公斤,共31份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-12,达120.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-10,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Intercoms With Built-In Receiver, Digit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4.000 2024-12 月度 2022-04 - 2024-12

查看图表中 2022-04 到2024-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Intercoms With Built-In Receiver, Digit

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Intercoms With Built-In Receiver, Digit

Exports: NCM: Vol: Interphones

1997 - 2007 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Interphones在2007-03达4.000公斤,相较于2007-02的4.000公斤保持不变。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Interphones数据按月度更新,1997-02至2007-03期间平均值为141.000公斤,共113份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-08,达25,959.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Interphones数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4.000 2007-03 月度 1997-02 - 2007-03

查看图表中 1997-02 到2007-03 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Interphones

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Interphones

Exports: NCM: Vol: Kitchen Waste Disposers, with Electric Motor, Domestic

1997 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Kitchen Waste Disposers, with Electric Motor, Domestic在2006-09达20.000公斤,相较于2006-08的92.000公斤有所下降。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Kitchen Waste Disposers, with Electric Motor, Domestic数据按月度更新,1997-06至2006-09期间平均值为48.000公斤,共47份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-07,达9,162.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-08,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Kitchen Waste Disposers, with Electric Motor, Domestic数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
20.000 2006-09 月度 1997-06 - 2006-09

查看图表中 1997-06 到2006-09 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Kitchen Waste Disposers, with Electric Motor, Domestic

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Kitchen Waste Disposers, with Electric Motor, Domestic

Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps and Light Emitting Diodes Tubes (Led)

2017 - 2023 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps and Light Emitting Diodes Tubes (Led)在2023-08达18.000公斤,相较于2022-08的6.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps and Light Emitting Diodes Tubes (Led)数据按月度更新,2017-02至2023-08期间平均值为5,451.000公斤,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-08,达116,027.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-08,为6.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps and Light Emitting Diodes Tubes (Led)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
18.000 2023-08 月度 2017-02 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2017-02 到2023-08 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps and Light Emitting Diodes Tubes (Led)

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps and Light Emitting Diodes Tubes (Led)

Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps, With Built-In Electronic Ballast and E 14, E 27 or E 40 Thread Base Containing More Than 5 Mg of Mercury for Each Casing (Tube)

2021 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps, With Built-In Electronic Ballast and E 14, E 27 or E 40 Thread Base Containing More Than 5 Mg of Mercury for Each Casing (Tube)在2025-01达100.000公斤,相较于2024-12的56.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps, With Built-In Electronic Ballast and E 14, E 27 or E 40 Thread Base Containing More Than 5 Mg of Mercury for Each Casing (Tube)数据按月度更新,2021-07至2025-01期间平均值为50.500公斤,共40份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-09,达299.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-04,为1.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps, With Built-In Electronic Ballast and E 14, E 27 or E 40 Thread Base Containing More Than 5 Mg of Mercury for Each Casing (Tube)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
100.000 2025-01 月度 2021-07 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2021-07 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps, With Built-In Electronic Ballast and E 14, E 27 or E 40 Thread Base Containing More Than 5 Mg of Mercury for Each Casing (Tube)

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Lamps, With Built-In Electronic Ballast and E 14, E 27 or E 40 Thread Base Containing More Than 5 Mg of Mercury for Each Casing (Tube)

Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Diodes N/Mounted

1997 - 2022 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Diodes N/Mounted在2022-04达6.000公斤,相较于2021-10的2.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Diodes N/Mounted数据按月度更新,1997-11至2022-04期间平均值为1.000公斤,共91份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-05,达236.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2021-03,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Diodes N/Mounted数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
6.000 2022-04 月度 1997-11 - 2022-04

查看图表中 1997-11 到2022-04 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Diodes N/Mounted

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Diodes N/Mounted

Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Printing Mechanisms, Etc.F/Facsimile Apparatus

2001 - 2006 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Printing Mechanisms, Etc.F/Facsimile Apparatus在2006-05达89.000公斤,相较于2005-04的7.000公斤有所增长。(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Printing Mechanisms, Etc.F/Facsimile Apparatus数据按月度更新,2001-04至2006-05期间平均值为29.000公斤,共13份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-10,达101.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2004-02,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的(DC)Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Printing Mechanisms, Etc.F/Facsimile Apparatus数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
89.000 2006-05 月度 2001-04 - 2006-05

查看图表中 2001-04 到2006-05 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Printing Mechanisms, Etc.F/Facsimile Apparatus

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Laser Printing Mechanisms, Etc.F/Facsimile Apparatus

Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) Mounted,F/Surf.Mount.Device

2022 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) Mounted,F/Surf.Mount.Device在2025-01达48.000公斤,相较于2024-12的324.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) Mounted,F/Surf.Mount.Device数据按月度更新,2022-04至2025-01期间平均值为198.500公斤,共34份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达2,033.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2022-07,为19.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) Mounted,F/Surf.Mount.Device数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
48.000 2025-01 月度 2022-04 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2022-04 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) Mounted,F/Surf.Mount.Device

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) Mounted,F/Surf.Mount.Device

Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) N/Mounted,Exc.Laser

2022 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) N/Mounted,Exc.Laser在2025-01达0.000公斤,相较于2024-12的1.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) N/Mounted,Exc.Laser数据按月度更新,2022-04至2025-01期间平均值为6.000公斤,共30份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-04,达6,813.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2025-01,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) N/Mounted,Exc.Laser数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2025-01 月度 2022-04 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2022-04 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) N/Mounted,Exc.Laser

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Light-Emitting Diodes (Led) N/Mounted,Exc.Laser

Exports: NCM: Vol: Lighting/Visual Signalling Equipment, Used on Bicycles

1997 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Lighting/Visual Signalling Equipment, Used on Bicycles在2025-01达26.000公斤,相较于2024-12的10.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Lighting/Visual Signalling Equipment, Used on Bicycles数据按月度更新,1997-01至2025-01期间平均值为33.000公斤,共178份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-04,达2,378.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2021-05,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Lighting/Visual Signalling Equipment, Used on Bicycles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
26.000 2025-01 月度 1997-01 - 2025-01

查看图表中 1997-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Lighting/Visual Signalling Equipment, Used on Bicycles

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Lighting/Visual Signalling Equipment, Used on Bicycles

Exports: NCM: Vol: Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Modules, Whether or Not Incorporating Touch Screen Displays, Without Drivers or Control Circuits

2022 - 2025 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Modules, Whether or Not Incorporating Touch Screen Displays, Without Drivers or Control Circuits在2025-01达30.000公斤,相较于2024-12的85.000公斤有所下降。Exports: NCM: Vol: Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Modules, Whether or Not Incorporating Touch Screen Displays, Without Drivers or Control Circuits数据按月度更新,2022-04至2025-01期间平均值为30.500公斤,共34份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达255.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-02,为2.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Modules, Whether or Not Incorporating Touch Screen Displays, Without Drivers or Control Circuits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
30.000 2025-01 月度 2022-04 - 2025-01

查看图表中 2022-04 到2025-01 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Modules, Whether or Not Incorporating Touch Screen Displays, Without Drivers or Control Circuits

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Display Modules, Whether or Not Incorporating Touch Screen Displays, Without Drivers or Control Circuits

Exports: NCM: Vol: Machines and Apparatus for Welding By Laser

1998 - 2024 | 月度 | 公斤 | Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs

Exports: NCM: Vol: Machines and Apparatus for Welding By Laser在2024-12达4,043.000公斤,相较于2024-10的0.000公斤有所增长。Exports: NCM: Vol: Machines and Apparatus for Welding By Laser数据按月度更新,1998-08至2024-12期间平均值为1,269.000公斤,共65份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-02,达164,502.000公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2024-10,为0.000公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: NCM: Vol: Machines and Apparatus for Welding By Laser数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Special Secretariat for Foreign Trade and International Affairs,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table BR.NCM: HS85: Electrical Machinery and Equipment and Parts Thereof; Others: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4,043.000 2024-12 月度 1998-08 - 2024-12

查看图表中 1998-08 到2024-12 期间的Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Machines and Apparatus for Welding By Laser

Brazil Exports: NCM: Vol: Machines and Apparatus for Welding By Laser
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