巴西 Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis在2010达62,520.000 人口,相较于2000的85,793.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为85,793.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达106,464.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为62,520.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
62,520.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years在2010达2,774.000 人口,相较于2000的4,504.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为4,504.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达9,968.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,774.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,774.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 10 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 10 Years在2010达1,107.000 人口,相较于2000的1,427.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 10 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为1,427.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达3,252.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为1,107.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 10 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
1,107.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 10 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 10 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 11 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 11 Years在2010达568.000 人口,相较于2000的989.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 11 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为989.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达2,293.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为568.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 11 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
568.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 11 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 11 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 12 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 12 Years在2010达456.000 人口,相较于2000的829.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 12 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为829.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达1,867.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为456.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 12 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
456.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 12 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 12 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 13 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 13 Years在2010达332.000 人口,相较于2000的670.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 13 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为670.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达1,335.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为332.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 13 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
332.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 13 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 13 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 14 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 14 Years在2010达311.000 人口,相较于2000的589.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 14 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为589.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达1,221.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为311.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 14 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
311.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 14 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 10 Years to 14 Years: 14 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years在2010达1,226.000 人口,相较于2000的2,890.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为2,890.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达5,024.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为1,226.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
1,226.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 15 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 15 Years在2010达277.000 人口,相较于2000的556.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 15 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为556.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达1,098.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为277.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 15 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
277.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 15 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 15 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 16 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 16 Years在2010达262.000 人口,相较于2000的543.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 16 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为543.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达1,070.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为262.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 16 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
262.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 16 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 16 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 17 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 17 Years在2010达235.000 人口,相较于2000的564.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 17 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为564.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达928.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为235.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 17 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
235.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 17 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 17 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 18 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 18 Years在2010达222.000 人口,相较于2000的658.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 18 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为658.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达976.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为222.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 18 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
222.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 18 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 18 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 19 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 19 Years在2010达230.000 人口,相较于2000的569.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 19 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为569.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达952.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为230.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 19 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
230.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 19 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 15 Years to 19 Years: 19 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 20 Years to 24 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 20 Years to 24 Years在2010达1,550.000 人口,相较于2000的3,339.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 20 Years to 24 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,339.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达4,637.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为1,550.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 20 Years to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
1,550.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 20 Years to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 20 Years to 24 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 25 Years to 29 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 25 Years to 29 Years在2010达2,052.000 人口,相较于2000的3,194.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 25 Years to 29 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,194.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达4,127.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,052.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 25 Years to 29 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,052.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 25 Years to 29 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 25 Years to 29 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 30 Years to 34 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 30 Years to 34 Years在2010达2,394.000 人口,相较于2000的3,738.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 30 Years to 34 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,738.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达3,937.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,394.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 30 Years to 34 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,394.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 30 Years to 34 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 30 Years to 34 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 35 Years to 39 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 35 Years to 39 Years在2010达2,811.000 人口,相较于2000的3,824.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 35 Years to 39 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,824.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达4,127.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,811.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 35 Years to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,811.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 35 Years to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 35 Years to 39 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 40 Years to 44 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 40 Years to 44 Years在2010达3,144.000 人口,相较于2000的3,640.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 40 Years to 44 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,640.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达4,193.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,144.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 40 Years to 44 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
3,144.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 40 Years to 44 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 40 Years to 44 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 45 Years to 49 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 45 Years to 49 Years在2010达3,139.000 人口,相较于2000的3,696.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 45 Years to 49 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,696.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达3,889.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,139.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 45 Years to 49 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
3,139.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 45 Years to 49 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 45 Years to 49 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years在2010达23,588.000 人口,相较于2000的37,043.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为37,043.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达48,796.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为23,588.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
23,588.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 5 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 5 Years在2010达9,321.000 人口,相较于2000的14,977.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 5 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为14,977.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达15,850.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为9,321.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 5 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
9,321.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 5 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 5 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 6 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 6 Years在2010达6,413.000 人口,相较于2000的10,983.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 6 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为10,983.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达12,924.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为6,413.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 6 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
6,413.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 6 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 6 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 7 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 7 Years在2010达4,051.000 人口,相较于2000的5,783.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 7 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为5,783.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达9,026.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为4,051.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 7 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
4,051.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 7 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 7 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 8 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 8 Years在2010达2,325.000 人口,相较于2000的3,341.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 8 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,341.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达6,486.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,325.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 8 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,325.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 8 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 8 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 9 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 9 Years在2010达1,478.000 人口,相较于2000的1,959.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 9 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为1,959.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1991,达4,510.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为1,478.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 9 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
1,478.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 9 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 5 Years to 9 Years: 9 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 50 Years to 54 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 50 Years to 54 Years在2010达3,200.000 人口,相较于2000的3,569.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 50 Years to 54 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,536.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000,达3,569.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,200.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 50 Years to 54 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
3,200.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 50 Years to 54 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 50 Years to 54 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 55 Years to 59 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 55 Years to 59 Years在2010达3,169.000 人口,相较于2000的3,488.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 55 Years to 59 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为3,348.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000,达3,488.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,169.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 55 Years to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
3,169.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 55 Years to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 55 Years to 59 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 60 Years to 64 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 60 Years to 64 Years在2010达2,962.000 人口,相较于2000的3,302.000 人口有所下降。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 60 Years to 64 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为2,962.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000,达3,302.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于1991,为2,941.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 60 Years to 64 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,962.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 60 Years to 64 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 60 Years to 64 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 65 Years to 69 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 65 Years to 69 Years在2010达3,051.000 人口,相较于2000的2,995.000 人口有所增长。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 65 Years to 69 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为2,995.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达3,051.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于1991,为2,568.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 65 Years to 69 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
3,051.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 65 Years to 69 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 65 Years to 69 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 70 Years to 74 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 70 Years to 74 Years在2010达2,646.000 人口,相较于2000的2,240.000 人口有所增长。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 70 Years to 74 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为2,240.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达2,646.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于1991,为1,989.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 70 Years to 74 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,646.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 70 Years to 74 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 70 Years to 74 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 75 Years to 79 Years

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 75 Years to 79 Years在2010达2,048.000 人口,相较于2000的1,759.000 人口有所增长。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 75 Years to 79 Years数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为1,759.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达2,048.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于1991,为1,526.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 75 Years to 79 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,048.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 75 Years to 79 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 75 Years to 79 Years

巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 80 Years or More

1991 - 2010 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 80 Years or More在2010达2,766.000 人口,相较于2000的2,572.000 人口有所增长。Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 80 Years or More数据按每年更新,1991至2010期间平均值为2,572.000 人口,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达2,766.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于1991,为1,858.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 80 Years or More数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAD080: Population: Non Literate: by Municipality: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luís。

数值 频率 范围
2,766.000 2010 每年 1991 - 2010

查看图表中 1991 到2010 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 80 Years or More

Brazil 巴西 Population: Non Literate: Northeast: Maranhão: Sao Luis: 80 Years or More
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