巴西 Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 0 to 4 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 0 to 4 Years在2060达73,558.000 人口,相较于2059的74,631.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 0 to 4 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为104,811.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达143,317.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为73,558.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 0 to 4 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
73,558.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 0 to 4 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 0 to 4 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 10 to 14 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 10 to 14 Years在2060达79,928.000 人口,相较于2059的81,049.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 10 to 14 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为114,378.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达169,497.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为79,928.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 10 to 14 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
79,928.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 10 to 14 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 10 to 14 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 15 to 19 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 15 to 19 Years在2060达83,001.000 人口,相较于2059的84,319.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 15 to 19 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为115,193.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达165,230.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为83,001.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 15 to 19 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
83,001.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 15 to 19 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 15 to 19 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 20 to 24 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 20 to 24 Years在2060达84,715.000 人口,相较于2059的86,213.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 20 to 24 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为116,427.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020,达158,250.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为84,715.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 20 to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
84,715.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 20 to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 20 to 24 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 25 to 29 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 25 to 29 Years在2060达86,612.000 人口,相较于2059的88,138.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 25 to 29 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为122,356.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2025,达151,328.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为86,612.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 25 to 29 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
86,612.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 25 to 29 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 25 to 29 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 30 to 34 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 30 to 34 Years在2060达90,648.000 人口,相较于2059的92,012.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 30 to 34 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为131,548.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2030,达147,476.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为90,648.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 30 to 34 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
90,648.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 30 to 34 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 30 to 34 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 35 to 39 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 35 to 39 Years在2060达95,174.000 人口,相较于2059的96,244.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 35 to 39 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为129,535.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2035,达145,328.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为95,174.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 35 to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
95,174.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 35 to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 35 to 39 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 40 to 44 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 40 to 44 Years在2060达97,337.000 人口,相较于2059的98,167.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 40 to 44 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为127,547.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2040,达143,419.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为97,337.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 40 to 44 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
97,337.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 40 to 44 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 40 to 44 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 45 to 49 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 45 to 49 Years在2060达102,158.000 人口,相较于2059的103,544.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 45 to 49 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为125,161.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2045,达141,360.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为86,441.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 45 to 49 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
102,158.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 45 to 49 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 45 to 49 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 5 to 9 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 5 to 9 Years在2060达76,864.000 人口,相较于2059的77,905.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 5 to 9 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为110,230.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达158,134.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2060,为76,864.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 5 to 9 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
76,864.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 5 to 9 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 5 to 9 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 50 to 54 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 50 to 54 Years在2060达111,571.000 人口,相较于2059的114,598.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 50 to 54 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为122,553.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2050,达138,933.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为72,463.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 50 to 54 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
111,571.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 50 to 54 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 50 to 54 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 55 to 59 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 55 to 59 Years在2060达124,005.000 人口,相较于2059的127,356.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 55 to 59 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为116,932.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2055,达135,707.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为61,197.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 55 to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
124,005.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 55 to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 55 to 59 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 60 to 64 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 60 to 64 Years在2060达131,369.000 人口,相较于2059的130,962.000 人口有所增长。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 60 to 64 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为98,620.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2060,达131,369.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为48,293.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 60 to 64 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
131,369.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 60 to 64 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 60 to 64 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 65 to 69 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 65 to 69 Years在2060达117,462.000 人口,相较于2059的116,348.000 人口有所增长。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 65 to 69 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为85,637.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2060,达117,462.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为37,131.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 65 to 69 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
117,462.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 65 to 69 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 65 to 69 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 70 to 74 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 70 to 74 Years在2060达107,105.000 人口,相较于2059的107,164.000 人口有所下降。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 70 to 74 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为65,870.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2059,达107,164.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为27,834.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 70 to 74 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
107,105.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 70 to 74 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 70 to 74 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 75 to 79 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 75 to 79 Years在2060达93,900.000 人口,相较于2059的93,064.000 人口有所增长。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 75 to 79 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为48,489.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2060,达93,900.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为18,930.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 75 to 79 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
93,900.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 75 to 79 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 75 to 79 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 80 to 84 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 80 to 84 Years在2060达72,472.000 人口,相较于2059的70,677.000 人口有所增长。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 80 to 84 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为33,384.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2060,达72,472.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为12,083.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 80 to 84 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
72,472.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 80 to 84 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 80 to 84 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 85 to 89 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 85 to 89 Years在2060达46,608.000 人口,相较于2059的45,483.000 人口有所增长。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 85 to 89 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为18,978.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2060,达46,608.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为5,961.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 85 to 89 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
46,608.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 85 to 89 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age 85 to 89 Years

巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age Over 90 Years

2010 - 2060 | 每年 | 人口 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age Over 90 Years在2060达41,684.000 人口,相较于2059的40,261.000 人口有所增长。Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age Over 90 Years数据按每年更新,2010至2060期间平均值为12,884.000 人口,共51份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2060,达41,684.000 人口,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为4,472.000 人口。CEIC提供的Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age Over 90 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB071: Population: Projection: by Age: Female: Northeast: Alagoas。

数值 频率 范围
41,684.000 2060 每年 2010 - 2060

查看图表中 2010 到2060 期间的Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age Over 90 Years

Brazil 巴西 Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast: Alagoas: Age Over 90 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 0 to 4 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 10 to 14 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 15 to 19 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 20 to 24 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 25 to 29 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 30 to 34 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 35 to 39 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 40 to 44 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 45 to 49 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 5 to 9 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 50 to 54 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 55 to 59 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 60 to 64 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 65 to 69 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 70 to 74 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 75 to 79 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 80 to 84 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age 85 to 89 Years
Population: Projection: Residents: Northeast: Female: Alagoas: Age Over 90 Years
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