保加利亚 Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities在2018-08达2,774.533 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的2,772.963 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为2,773.748 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达2,774.533 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为2,772.963 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
2,774.533 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Compensation of Employees

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Compensation of Employees在2018-08达442.010 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的493.505 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Compensation of Employees数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为467.758 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达493.505 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为442.010 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Compensation of Employees数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
442.010 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Compensation of Employees

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Compensation of Employees

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Grants

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Grants在2018-08达432.585 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的494.355 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Grants数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为463.470 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达494.355 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为432.585 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Grants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
432.585 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Grants

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Grants

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Interest

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Interest在2018-08达94.887 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的64.131 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Interest数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为79.509 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达94.887 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为64.131 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Interest数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
94.887 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Interest

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Interest

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Others

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Others在2018-08达84.090 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的79.142 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Others数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为81.616 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达84.090 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为79.142 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
84.090 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Others

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Others

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Purchases of Goods and Services

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Purchases of Goods and Services在2018-08达131.996 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的157.150 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Purchases of Goods and Services数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为144.573 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达157.150 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为131.996 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Purchases of Goods and Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
131.996 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Purchases of Goods and Services

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Purchases of Goods and Services

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Social Benefits

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Social Benefits在2018-08达1,322.629 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的1,330.296 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Social Benefits数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为1,326.463 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达1,330.296 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为1,322.629 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Social Benefits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
1,322.629 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Social Benefits

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Social Benefits

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Subsidies

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Subsidies在2018-08达266.337 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的154.384 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Subsidies数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为210.360 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达266.337 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为154.384 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Subsidies数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
266.337 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Subsidies

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Payments: Operating Activities: Subsidies

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities在2018-08达3,198.166 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的3,094.828 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为3,146.497 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达3,198.166 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为3,094.828 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
3,198.166 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Grants

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Grants在2018-08达413.117 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的171.052 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Grants数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为292.084 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达413.117 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为171.052 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Grants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
413.117 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Grants

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Grants

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Others

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Others在2018-08达265.900 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的261.055 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Others数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为263.478 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达265.900 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为261.055 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
265.900 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Others

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Others

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Social Contributions

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Social Contributions在2018-08达791.150 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的808.221 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Social Contributions数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为799.685 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达808.221 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为791.150 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Social Contributions数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
791.150 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Social Contributions

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Social Contributions

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes在2018-08达1,727.999 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的1,854.501 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为1,791.250 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达1,854.501 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为1,727.999 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
1,727.999 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Goods and Services

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Goods and Services在2018-08达1,349.620 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的1,313.179 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Goods and Services数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为1,331.399 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达1,349.620 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为1,313.179 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Goods and Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
1,349.620 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Goods and Services

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Goods and Services

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Income and Profits

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Income and Profits在2018-08达358.361 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的521.974 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Income and Profits数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为440.168 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达521.974 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为358.361 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Income and Profits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
358.361 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Income and Profits

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Income and Profits

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Other

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Other在2018-08达-0.006 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.163 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Other数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.079 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达0.163 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为-0.006 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
-0.006 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Other

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Other

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Payroll

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Payroll在2018-08达0.000 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.000 BGN mn保持不变。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Payroll数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.000 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Payroll数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Payroll

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Payroll

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Property

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Property在2018-08达0.000 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.000 BGN mn保持不变。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Property数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.000 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Property数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Property

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Property

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Trade

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Trade在2018-08达20.024 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的19.185 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Trade数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为19.604 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达20.024 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为19.185 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Trade数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
20.024 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Trade

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Receipts: Operating Activities: Taxes: Trade

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Surplus/Deficit

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Surplus/Deficit在2018-08达417.720 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的307.846 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Surplus/Deficit数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为362.783 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达417.720 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为307.846 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Surplus/Deficit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
417.720 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Surplus/Deficit

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Cash Surplus/Deficit

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure在2018-08达2,780.446 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的2,786.982 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为2,783.714 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达2,786.982 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为2,780.446 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
2,780.446 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets在2018-08达0.905 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的603.876 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为302.390 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达603.876 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为0.905 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.905 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Domestic

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Domestic在2018-08达0.905 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的603.876 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Domestic数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为302.390 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达603.876 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为0.905 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Domestic数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.905 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Domestic

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Domestic

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Foreign

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Foreign在2018-08达0.000 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.000 BGN mn保持不变。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Foreign数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.000 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Foreign数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Foreign

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Foreign

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Monetary Gold and SDRs

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Monetary Gold and SDRs在2018-08达0.000 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.000 BGN mn保持不变。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Monetary Gold and SDRs数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.000 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Monetary Gold and SDRs数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Monetary Gold and SDRs

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Debtor: Monetary Gold and SDRs

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Financial Derivatives

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Financial Derivatives在2018-08达0.000 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.000 BGN mn保持不变。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Financial Derivatives数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.000 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Financial Derivatives数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Financial Derivatives

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Financial Derivatives

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Insurance Technical Reserves

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Insurance Technical Reserves在2018-08达0.000 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.000 BGN mn保持不变。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Insurance Technical Reserves数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.000 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Insurance Technical Reserves数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Insurance Technical Reserves

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Insurance Technical Reserves

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Loans

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Loans在2018-08达0.917 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的103.654 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Loans数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为52.286 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达103.654 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为0.917 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Loans数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.917 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Loans

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Loans

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Securities Other Than Shares

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Securities Other Than Shares在2018-08达0.000 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的0.000 BGN mn保持不变。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Securities Other Than Shares数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为0.000 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Securities Other Than Shares数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Securities Other Than Shares

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Securities Other Than Shares

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Shares and Other Equity

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Shares and Other Equity在2018-08达-0.012 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的500.221 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Shares and Other Equity数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为250.105 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达500.221 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为-0.012 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Shares and Other Equity数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
-0.012 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Shares and Other Equity

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets: by Instrument: Shares and Other Equity

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Financing Activities

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Financing Activities在2018-08达167.871 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的-154.139 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Financing Activities数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为6.866 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达167.871 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为-154.139 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Financing Activities数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
167.871 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Financing Activities

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Financing Activities

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Operating Activities

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Operating Activities在2018-08达423.633 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的321.865 BGN mn有所增长。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Operating Activities数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为372.749 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达423.633 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-07,为321.865 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Operating Activities数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
423.633 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Operating Activities

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Inflow: Operating Activities

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets在2018-08达5.913 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的14.020 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为9.966 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达14.020 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为5.913 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
5.913 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets

保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets: Purchases of Nonfinancial Assets

2018 - 2018 | 月度 | BGN mn | International Monetary Fund

BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets: Purchases of Nonfinancial Assets在2018-08达62.375 BGN mn,相较于2018-07的91.726 BGN mn有所下降。BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets: Purchases of Nonfinancial Assets数据按月度更新,2018-07至2018-08期间平均值为77.050 BGN mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达91.726 BGN mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为62.375 BGN mn。CEIC提供的BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets: Purchases of Nonfinancial Assets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于International Monetary Fund,数据归类于Global Database的保加利亚 – Table BG.IMF.IFS: Government Finance: Cash Flow Statement。

数值 频率 范围
62.375 2018-08 月度 2018-07 - 2018-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2018-08 期间的Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets: Purchases of Nonfinancial Assets

Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG: Budgetary Central Government: Net Cash Outflow: Investments in Nonfinancial Assets: Purchases of Nonfinancial Assets
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