印度 Finished Steel: Production: Alloy: Non Flat

印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Jindal South West Limited

2013 - 2018 | 月度 | Metric Ton th | Joint Plant Committee

Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Jindal South West Limited在2018-10达326.000 Metric Ton th,相较于2018-09的277.000 Metric Ton th有所增长。Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Jindal South West Limited数据按月度更新,2013-06至2018-10期间平均值为168.000 Metric Ton th,共65份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达429.000 Metric Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2015-04,为21.000 Metric Ton th。CEIC提供的Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Jindal South West Limited数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Joint Plant Committee,数据归类于India Premium Database的Metal and Steel Sector – Table IN.WAA015: Finished Steel: Production: Alloy: Non Flat。

数值 频率 范围
326.000 2018-10 月度 2013-06 - 2018-10

查看图表中 2013-06 到2018-10 期间的India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Jindal South West Limited

India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Jindal South West Limited

印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Steel Authority of India Limited

2007 - 2018 | 月度 | Metric Ton th | Joint Plant Committee

Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Steel Authority of India Limited在2018-10达5.000 Metric Ton th,相较于2018-09的5.000 Metric Ton th保持不变。Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Steel Authority of India Limited数据按月度更新,2007-02至2018-10期间平均值为34.000 Metric Ton th,共141份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-03,达160.000 Metric Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为2.000 Metric Ton th。CEIC提供的Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Steel Authority of India Limited数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Joint Plant Committee,数据归类于India Premium Database的Metal and Steel Sector – Table IN.WAA015: Finished Steel: Production: Alloy: Non Flat。

数值 频率 范围
5.000 2018-10 月度 2007-02 - 2018-10

查看图表中 2007-02 到2018-10 期间的India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Steel Authority of India Limited

India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Steel Authority of India Limited

印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: Integrated Steel Plants (ISP)

2014 - 2018 | 月度 | Metric Ton th | Joint Plant Committee

Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Integrated Steel Plants (ISP)在2018-10达392.000 Metric Ton th,相较于2018-09的332.000 Metric Ton th有所增长。Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Integrated Steel Plants (ISP)数据按月度更新,2014-04至2018-10期间平均值为261.000 Metric Ton th,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达580.000 Metric Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-04,为30.000 Metric Ton th。CEIC提供的Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Integrated Steel Plants (ISP)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Joint Plant Committee,数据归类于India Premium Database的Metal and Steel Sector – Table IN.WAA015: Finished Steel: Production: Alloy: Non Flat。

数值 频率 范围
392.000 2018-10 月度 2014-04 - 2018-10

查看图表中 2014-04 到2018-10 期间的India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: Integrated Steel Plants (ISP)

India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: Integrated Steel Plants (ISP)

印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: Mini and Others Producers

2007 - 2018 | 月度 | Metric Ton th | Joint Plant Committee

Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Mini and Others Producers在2018-10达3,858.000 Metric Ton th,相较于2018-09的3,299.000 Metric Ton th有所增长。Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Mini and Others Producers数据按月度更新,2007-02至2018-10期间平均值为1,573.000 Metric Ton th,共141份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达6,300.000 Metric Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2008-04,为85.000 Metric Ton th。CEIC提供的Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Mini and Others Producers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Joint Plant Committee,数据归类于India Premium Database的Metal and Steel Sector – Table IN.WAA015: Finished Steel: Production: Alloy: Non Flat。

数值 频率 范围
3,858.000 2018-10 月度 2007-02 - 2018-10

查看图表中 2007-02 到2018-10 期间的India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: Mini and Others Producers

India 印度 Finished Steel: Production: Year to Date: Alloy: Non Flat: Mini and Others Producers

印度 生产:本年迄今生产:精整钢:年初至今:合金:非公寓

2007 - 2018 | 月度 | Metric Ton th | Joint Plant Committee

Production: Finished Steel: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat在2018-10达4,250.000 Metric Ton th,相较于2018-09的3,631.000 Metric Ton th有所增长。Production: Finished Steel: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat数据按月度更新,2007-02至2018-10期间平均值为1,696.000 Metric Ton th,共141份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达6,880.000 Metric Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2008-04,为97.000 Metric Ton th。CEIC提供的Production: Finished Steel: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Joint Plant Committee,数据归类于Global Database的印度 – Table IN.WAA015: Finished Steel: Production: Alloy: Non Flat。

数值 频率 范围
4,250.000 2018-10 月度 2007-02 - 2018-10

查看图表中 2007-02 到2018-10 期间的India 印度 生产:本年迄今生产:精整钢:年初至今:合金:非公寓

India 印度 生产:本年迄今生产:精整钢:年初至今:合金:非公寓
Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Jindal South West Limited
Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: ISP: Steel Authority of India Limited
Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Integrated Steel Plants (ISP)
Finished Steel: Production: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat: Mini and Others Producers
Production: Finished Steel: ytd: Alloy: Non Flat
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