印度 Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances在2018达2,160.080 INR mn,相较于2017的2,441.360 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为2,416.210 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达4,637.876 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为200.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
2,160.080 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bank, Government Guarantees

2012 - 2017 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bank, Government Guarantees在2017达10.880 INR mn,相较于2012的332.307 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bank, Government Guarantees数据按每年更新,2012至2017期间平均值为171.594 INR mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达332.307 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为10.880 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bank, Government Guarantees数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
10.880 2017 每年 2012 - 2017

查看图表中 2012 到2017 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bank, Government Guarantees

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bank, Government Guarantees

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bills Purchased and Discounted

2011 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bills Purchased and Discounted在2018达516.210 INR mn,相较于2017的95.629 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bills Purchased and Discounted数据按每年更新,2011至2018期间平均值为383.952 INR mn,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达712.448 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为93.759 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bills Purchased and Discounted数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
516.210 2018 每年 2011 - 2018

查看图表中 2011 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bills Purchased and Discounted

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Bills Purchased and Discounted

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Cash Credits, Overdrafts and Loans

2011 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Cash Credits, Overdrafts and Loans在2018达193.735 INR mn,相较于2017的277.864 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Cash Credits, Overdrafts and Loans数据按每年更新,2011至2018期间平均值为737.058 INR mn,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,183.040 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为193.735 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Cash Credits, Overdrafts and Loans数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
193.735 2018 每年 2011 - 2018

查看图表中 2011 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Cash Credits, Overdrafts and Loans

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Cash Credits, Overdrafts and Loans

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India在2018达2,160.080 INR mn,相较于2017的2,441.360 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为2,416.210 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达4,637.876 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为200.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
2,160.080 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Others

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Others在2018达1,467.003 INR mn,相较于2017的1,195.809 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Others数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,195.809 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3,048.344 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为200.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
1,467.003 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Others

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Others

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Priority

2011 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Priority在2018达693.077 INR mn,相较于2017的1,245.551 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Priority数据按每年更新,2011至2018期间平均值为1,034.866 INR mn,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,589.532 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为693.077 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Priority数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
693.077 2018 每年 2011 - 2018

查看图表中 2011 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Priority

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: In India: Priority

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Tangible Assets

2011 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Tangible Assets在2018达710.000 INR mn,相较于2017的1,343.613 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Tangible Assets数据按每年更新,2011至2018期间平均值为698.118 INR mn,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达2,383.148 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为244.195 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Tangible Assets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
710.000 2018 每年 2011 - 2018

查看图表中 2011 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Tangible Assets

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Tangible Assets

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Term Loans

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Term Loans在2018达1,450.135 INR mn,相较于2017的2,067.867 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Term Loans数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,372.353 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3,095.713 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为200.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Term Loans数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
1,450.135 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Term Loans

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Term Loans

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Unsecured

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Unsecured在2018达1,450.080 INR mn,相较于2017的1,086.867 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Unsecured数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,450.080 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达2,254.728 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为200.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Unsecured数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
1,450.080 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Unsecured

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Advances: Unsecured

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balance with Banks outside India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balance with Banks outside India在2018达169.015 INR mn,相较于2017的27.812 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balance with Banks outside India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为27.812 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,939.244 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为1.365 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balance with Banks outside India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
169.015 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balance with Banks outside India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balance with Banks outside India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Banks in India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Banks in India在2018达41.440 INR mn,相较于2017的8.278 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Banks in India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为11.422 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达78.518 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为4.262 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Banks in India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
41.440 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Banks in India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Banks in India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Reserve Bank of India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Reserve Bank of India在2018达287.601 INR mn,相较于2017的289.312 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Reserve Bank of India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为287.601 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达426.699 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为18.887 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Reserve Bank of India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
287.601 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Reserve Bank of India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Balances with Reserve Bank of India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Cash in Hand

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Cash in Hand在2018达0.034 INR mn,相较于2017的0.005 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Cash in Hand数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为0.034 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达25.725 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为0.002 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Cash in Hand数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
0.034 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Cash in Hand

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Cash in Hand

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed在2018达14.981 INR mn,相较于2017的32.599 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为41.942 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达166.727 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为14.981 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
14.981 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Other Fixed Assets

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Other Fixed Assets在2018达14.981 INR mn,相较于2017的32.512 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Other Fixed Assets数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为40.876 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达151.559 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为14.981 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Other Fixed Assets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
14.981 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Other Fixed Assets

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Other Fixed Assets

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Under Construction

2011 - 2017 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Under Construction在2017达0.087 INR mn,相较于2013的0.201 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Under Construction数据按每年更新,2011至2017期间平均值为0.185 INR mn,共4份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达138.415 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为0.087 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Under Construction数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
0.087 2017 每年 2011 - 2017

查看图表中 2011 到2017 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Under Construction

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Fixed: Under Construction

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments在2018达8,420.983 INR mn,相较于2017的7,092.013 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为7,847.718 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达11,573.324 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,091.239 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
8,420.983 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India在2018达8,420.983 INR mn,相较于2017的7,092.013 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为7,847.718 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达11,573.324 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,091.239 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
8,420.983 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Government Securities

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Government Securities在2018达3,165.679 INR mn,相较于2017的3,864.582 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Government Securities数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为3,796.743 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达7,294.768 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为1,816.315 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Government Securities数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
3,165.679 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Government Securities

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Government Securities

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Others

2011 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Others在2018达3,054.193 INR mn,相较于2017的977.701 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Others数据按每年更新,2011至2018期间平均值为3,167.606 INR mn,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达4,187.636 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为977.701 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
3,054.193 2018 每年 2011 - 2018

查看图表中 2011 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Others

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Investments: In India: Others

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Money at Call and Short Notice

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Money at Call and Short Notice在2018达663.862 INR mn,相较于2017的708.025 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Money at Call and Short Notice数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为477.500 INR mn,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达708.025 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为40.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Money at Call and Short Notice数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
663.862 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Money at Call and Short Notice

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Money at Call and Short Notice

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other在2018达2,404.997 INR mn,相较于2017的4,158.859 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为968.480 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达4,158.859 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为370.904 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
2,404.997 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Interest Accrued

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Interest Accrued在2018达171.822 INR mn,相较于2017的179.050 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Interest Accrued数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为7.155 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达179.050 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.001 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Interest Accrued数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
171.822 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Interest Accrued

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Interest Accrued

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Others

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Others在2018达2,232.409 INR mn,相较于2017的3,979.099 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Others数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为875.865 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达3,979.099 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为370.461 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
2,232.409 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Others

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Others

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Tax Paid

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Tax Paid在2018达0.766 INR mn,相较于2017的0.710 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Tax Paid数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为0.739 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达1.955 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.414 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Tax Paid数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
0.766 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Tax Paid

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Other: Tax Paid

印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Total

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Assets: Total在2018达14,162.993 INR mn,相较于2017的14,758.263 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Assets: Total数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为13,506.551 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达19,830.980 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,045.658 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Assets: Total数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
14,162.993 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Total

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Assets: Total

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Balance of Profit

2012 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Balance of Profit在2018达-3,521.312 INR mn,相较于2017的-3,705.715 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Balance of Profit数据按每年更新,2012至2018期间平均值为-2,468.018 INR mn,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达-464.080 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为-3,705.715 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Balance of Profit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
-3,521.312 2018 每年 2012 - 2018

查看图表中 2012 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Balance of Profit

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Balance of Profit

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings在2018达4,387.231 INR mn,相较于2017的2,782.151 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为4,508.789 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达8,912.247 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为1,087.552 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
4,387.231 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India在2018达3,029.946 INR mn,相较于2017的1,910.680 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为3,029.946 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达7,253.934 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为809.172 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
3,029.946 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Banks

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Banks在2018达2,500.000 INR mn,相较于2017的1,100.000 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Banks数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,600.000 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达3,580.000 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为200.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Banks数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
2,500.000 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Banks

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Banks

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Institutions and Agencies

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Institutions and Agencies在2018达529.946 INR mn,相较于2017的810.680 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Institutions and Agencies数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为399.521 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达1,370.938 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为39.923 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Institutions and Agencies数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
529.946 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Institutions and Agencies

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Other Institutions and Agencies

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Reserve Bank of India

2011 - 2016 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Reserve Bank of India在2016达3,620.000 INR mn,相较于2015的3,600.000 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Reserve Bank of India数据按每年更新,2011至2016期间平均值为1,445.000 INR mn,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3,620.000 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为250.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Reserve Bank of India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
3,620.000 2016 每年 2011 - 2016

查看图表中 2011 到2016 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Reserve Bank of India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: In India: From Reserve Bank of India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: Outside India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: Outside India在2018达1,357.285 INR mn,相较于2017的871.471 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: Outside India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,658.313 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达2,933.528 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为278.380 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: Outside India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
1,357.285 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: Outside India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Borrowings: Outside India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Capital

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Capital在2018达6,617.140 INR mn,相较于2017的6,617.140 INR mn保持不变。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Capital数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为5,393.329 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达6,617.140 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为1,773.165 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Capital数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
6,617.140 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Capital

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Capital

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits在2018达4,355.321 INR mn,相较于2017的4,934.469 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,481.844 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达6,330.281 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为50.623 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
4,355.321 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Branches in India

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Branches in India在2018达4,355.321 INR mn,相较于2017的4,934.469 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Branches in India数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,481.844 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达6,330.281 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为50.623 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Branches in India数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
4,355.321 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Branches in India

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Branches in India

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits在2018达355.321 INR mn,相较于2017的308.783 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为308.783 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达355.321 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为0.419 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
355.321 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Banks

2011 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Banks在2018达0.072 INR mn,相较于2017的1.906 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Banks数据按每年更新,2011至2018期间平均值为24.950 INR mn,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达70.134 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为0.072 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Banks数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
0.072 2018 每年 2011 - 2018

查看图表中 2011 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Banks

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Banks

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Others

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Others在2018达355.249 INR mn,相较于2017的306.877 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Others数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为241.027 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达355.249 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为0.419 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
355.249 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Others

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Demand Deposits: From Others

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Savings Bank Deposits

2012 - 2016 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Savings Bank Deposits在2016达1,018.026 INR mn,相较于2015的433.446 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Savings Bank Deposits数据按每年更新,2012至2016期间平均值为169.436 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,018.026 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为3.046 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Savings Bank Deposits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
1,018.026 2016 每年 2012 - 2016

查看图表中 2012 到2016 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Savings Bank Deposits

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Savings Bank Deposits

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits在2018达4,000.000 INR mn,相较于2017的4,625.686 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,001.247 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达4,993.436 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为50.204 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
4,000.000 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits: From Others

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits: From Others在2018达4,000.000 INR mn,相较于2017的4,625.686 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits: From Others数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1,001.247 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达4,993.436 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为50.204 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits: From Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
4,000.000 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits: From Others

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Deposits: Term Deposits: From Others

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other在2018达2,263.145 INR mn,相较于2017的4,130.218 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为963.834 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达4,130.218 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为134.318 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
2,263.145 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Inter Office Adjustments

2010 - 2012 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Inter Office Adjustments在2012达3.804 INR mn,相较于2011的3.117 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Inter Office Adjustments数据按每年更新,2010至2012期间平均值为3.804 INR mn,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达25.449 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为3.117 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Inter Office Adjustments数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
3.804 2012 每年 2010 - 2012

查看图表中 2010 到2012 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Inter Office Adjustments

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Inter Office Adjustments

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Interest Accrued

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Interest Accrued在2018达61.158 INR mn,相较于2017的44.250 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Interest Accrued数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为32.176 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达73.458 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为0.253 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Interest Accrued数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
61.158 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Interest Accrued

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Interest Accrued

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Others: Include Provisions

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Others: Include Provisions在2018达2,201.987 INR mn,相较于2017的4,085.569 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Others: Include Provisions数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为916.815 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达4,085.569 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为108.616 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Others: Include Provisions数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
2,201.987 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Others: Include Provisions

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Other: Others: Include Provisions

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Reserves and Surplus

2012 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Reserves and Surplus在2018达-3,459.844 INR mn,相较于2017的-3,705.715 INR mn有所增长。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Reserves and Surplus数据按每年更新,2012至2018期间平均值为-2,468.018 INR mn,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达-464.080 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为-3,705.715 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Reserves and Surplus数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
-3,459.844 2018 每年 2012 - 2018

查看图表中 2012 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Reserves and Surplus

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Reserves and Surplus

印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Total

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Total在2018达14,162.993 INR mn,相较于2017的14,758.263 INR mn有所下降。FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Total数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为13,506.551 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达19,830.980 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,045.658 INR mn。CEIC提供的FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Total数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Banking Sector – Table IN.KBP020: Foreign Banks: Assets and Liabilities: FirstRand Bank。

数值 频率 范围
14,162.993 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Total

India 印度 FirstRand Bank: Liabilities: Total
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