印度 Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12011000: Soya Beans, Seed

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12011000: Soya Beans, Seed在2018达196.638 INR mn,相较于2017的106.412 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12011000: Soya Beans, Seed数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为196.638 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达498.599 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为37.923 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12011000: Soya Beans, Seed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
196.638 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12011000: Soya Beans, Seed

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12011000: Soya Beans, Seed

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12019000: Soya Beans, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12019000: Soya Beans, Other 在2018达9,851.746 INR mn,相较于2017的7,482.158 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12019000: Soya Beans, Other 数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为8,242.705 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达9,851.746 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为6,948.509 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12019000: Soya Beans, Other 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
9,851.746 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12019000: Soya Beans, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12019000: Soya Beans, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12023010: Seed, H. P. S

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12023010: Seed, H. P. S在2018达29.000 INR mn,相较于2017的117.008 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12023010: Seed, H. P. S数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为29.000 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达117.008 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为15.959 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12023010: Seed, H. P. S数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
29.000 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12023010: Seed, H. P. S

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12023010: Seed, H. P. S

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12023090: Seed, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12023090: Seed, Other在2018达261.732 INR mn,相较于2017的108.256 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12023090: Seed, Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为114.702 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达277.101 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为72.473 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12023090: Seed, Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
261.732 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12023090: Seed, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12023090: Seed, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, H.P.S

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, H.P.S在2018达8.181 INR mn,相较于2017的22.107 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, H.P.S数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为31.488 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达99.256 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为8.181 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, H.P.S数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
8.181 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, H.P.S

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, H.P.S

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, Other在2018达872.002 INR mn,相较于2017的1,795.497 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为1,044.283 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,795.497 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为244.413 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
872.002 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024110: In Shell, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024210: Kernels, H.P.S

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12024210: Kernels, H.P.S在2018达32,129.815 INR mn,相较于2017的50,830.268 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12024210: Kernels, H.P.S数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为37,761.101 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达50,830.268 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为30,336.507 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12024210: Kernels, H.P.S数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
32,129.815 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024210: Kernels, H.P.S

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024210: Kernels, H.P.S

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024220: Kernels, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12024220: Kernels, Other在2018达485.383 INR mn,相较于2017的1,329.964 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12024220: Kernels, Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为906.755 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,329.964 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为485.383 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12024220: Kernels, Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
485.383 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024220: Kernels, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024220: Kernels, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024290: Kernels, Other than H.P.S

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12024290: Kernels, Other than H.P.S 在2018达76.873 INR mn,相较于2017的240.245 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12024290: Kernels, Other than H.P.S 数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为429.141 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达622.606 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为76.873 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12024290: Kernels, Other than H.P.S 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
76.873 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024290: Kernels, Other than H.P.S

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12024290: Kernels, Other than H.P.S

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12030000: Copra

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12030000: Copra在2018达348.410 INR mn,相较于2017的1,297.780 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12030000: Copra数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为53.060 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,297.780 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为0.079 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12030000: Copra数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
348.410 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12030000: Copra

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12030000: Copra

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12040010: Linseed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12040010: Linseed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality在2018达2.317 INR mn,相较于2017的23.926 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12040010: Linseed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为8.075 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达57.523 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.214 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12040010: Linseed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
2.317 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12040010: Linseed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12040010: Linseed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12040090: Other Linseed whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12040090: Other Linseed whether or not Broken在2018达642.956 INR mn,相较于2017的464.035 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12040090: Other Linseed whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为56.651 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达1,250.182 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为0.082 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12040090: Other Linseed whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
642.956 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12040090: Other Linseed whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12040090: Other Linseed whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12051000: Low Erucic Acid Rape or Colza Seeds

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12051000: Low Erucic Acid Rape or Colza Seeds在2018达0.442 INR mn,相较于2017的2.854 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12051000: Low Erucic Acid Rape or Colza Seeds数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为3.569 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达206.102 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为0.026 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12051000: Low Erucic Acid Rape or Colza Seeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.442 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12051000: Low Erucic Acid Rape or Colza Seeds

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12051000: Low Erucic Acid Rape or Colza Seeds

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12059000: Other Rape or Colza Seeds whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12059000: Other Rape or Colza Seeds whether or not Broken在2018达3.289 INR mn,相较于2017的5.949 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12059000: Other Rape or Colza Seeds whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为8.657 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达86.263 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为0.095 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12059000: Other Rape or Colza Seeds whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3.289 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12059000: Other Rape or Colza Seeds whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12059000: Other Rape or Colza Seeds whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12060010: Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12060010: Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality在2018达89.689 INR mn,相较于2017的27.514 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12060010: Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为84.761 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达311.612 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为27.514 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12060010: Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
89.689 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12060010: Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12060010: Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12060090: Other Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12060090: Other Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken在2018达136.438 INR mn,相较于2017的83.997 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12060090: Other Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为88.340 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达179.602 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为1.894 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12060090: Other Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
136.438 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12060090: Other Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12060090: Other Sunflower Seeds whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12072100: Cotton Seeds

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12072100: Cotton Seeds在2018达49.487 INR mn,相较于2017的26.628 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12072100: Cotton Seeds数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为15.997 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达49.487 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为6.112 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12072100: Cotton Seeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
49.487 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12072100: Cotton Seeds

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12072100: Cotton Seeds

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12072900: Cotton Seeds, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12072900: Cotton Seeds, Other在2018达6.345 INR mn,相较于2017的0.757 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12072900: Cotton Seeds, Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为6.345 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达18.257 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为0.757 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12072900: Cotton Seeds, Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
6.345 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12072900: Cotton Seeds, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12072900: Cotton Seeds, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12073010: Castor Oil Seeds, Of Seed Quality

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12073010: Castor Oil Seeds, Of Seed Quality在2018达0.270 INR mn,相较于2017的0.613 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12073010: Castor Oil Seeds, Of Seed Quality数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为0.613 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达5.165 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为0.270 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12073010: Castor Oil Seeds, Of Seed Quality数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.270 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12073010: Castor Oil Seeds, Of Seed Quality

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12073010: Castor Oil Seeds, Of Seed Quality

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12073090: Castor Oil Seeds, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12073090: Castor Oil Seeds, Other在2018达5.834 INR mn,相较于2017的1.168 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12073090: Castor Oil Seeds, Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为5.834 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达12.979 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为1.168 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12073090: Castor Oil Seeds, Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
5.834 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12073090: Castor Oil Seeds, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12073090: Castor Oil Seeds, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12074010: Sesamum Seed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12074010: Sesamum Seed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality在2018达1,974.493 INR mn,相较于2017的3,461.091 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12074010: Sesamum Seed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为3,649.308 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达5,714.328 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为1,974.493 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12074010: Sesamum Seed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,974.493 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12074010: Sesamum Seed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12074010: Sesamum Seed whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12074090: Other Sesamum Seeds whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12074090: Other Sesamum Seeds whether or not Broken在2018达27,934.780 INR mn,相较于2017的23,497.357 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12074090: Other Sesamum Seeds whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为20,244.953 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达42,662.785 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为1,885.141 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12074090: Other Sesamum Seeds whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
27,934.780 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12074090: Other Sesamum Seeds whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12074090: Other Sesamum Seeds whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12075010: Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12075010: Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality在2018达183.468 INR mn,相较于2017的73.775 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12075010: Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为135.349 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达429.845 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为73.775 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12075010: Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
183.468 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12075010: Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12075010: Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken of Seed Quality

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12075090: Other Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12075090: Other Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken在2018达576.798 INR mn,相较于2017的600.057 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12075090: Other Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为576.798 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达1,360.046 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为43.920 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12075090: Other Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
576.798 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12075090: Other Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12075090: Other Mustard Seeds whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12076010: Safflower, Of Seed Quality

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12076010: Safflower, Of Seed Quality在2018达9.223 INR mn,相较于2017的18.999 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12076010: Safflower, Of Seed Quality数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为25.255 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达40.315 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为9.223 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12076010: Safflower, Of Seed Quality数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
9.223 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12076010: Safflower, Of Seed Quality

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12076010: Safflower, Of Seed Quality

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12076090: Safflower, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12076090: Safflower, Other 在2018达268.602 INR mn,相较于2017的276.287 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12076090: Safflower, Other 数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为268.602 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达299.436 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为228.301 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12076090: Safflower, Other 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
268.602 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12076090: Safflower, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12076090: Safflower, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12077010: Melon Seeds, Of Seed Quality

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12077010: Melon Seeds, Of Seed Quality在2018达151.400 INR mn,相较于2017的106.518 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12077010: Melon Seeds, Of Seed Quality数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为46.298 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达151.400 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为13.867 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12077010: Melon Seeds, Of Seed Quality数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
151.400 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12077010: Melon Seeds, Of Seed Quality

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12077010: Melon Seeds, Of Seed Quality

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12077090: Melon Seeds, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12077090: Melon Seeds, Other在2018达29.779 INR mn,相较于2017的27.807 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12077090: Melon Seeds, Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为27.807 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达29.837 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为14.577 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12077090: Melon Seeds, Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
29.779 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12077090: Melon Seeds, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12077090: Melon Seeds, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079100: Poppy Seeds whether or not Broken

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12079100: Poppy Seeds whether or not Broken在2018达46.497 INR mn,相较于2017的49.256 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12079100: Poppy Seeds whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为15.180 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达49.256 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为1.783 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12079100: Poppy Seeds whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
46.497 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079100: Poppy Seeds whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079100: Poppy Seeds whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079910: Ajams whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12079910: Ajams whether or not Broken在2018达0.008 INR mn,相较于2017的0.067 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12079910: Ajams whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.632 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达5.452 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为0.008 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12079910: Ajams whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.008 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079910: Ajams whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079910: Ajams whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079920: Mango Kernel whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12079920: Mango Kernel whether or not Broken在2018达3.447 INR mn,相较于2017的2.534 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12079920: Mango Kernel whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1.613 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达5.977 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为0.197 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12079920: Mango Kernel whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3.447 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079920: Mango Kernel whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079920: Mango Kernel whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079930: Niger Seed whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12079930: Niger Seed whether or not Broken在2018达698.634 INR mn,相较于2017的1,172.196 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12079930: Niger Seed whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为698.634 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,232.701 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为242.255 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12079930: Niger Seed whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
698.634 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079930: Niger Seed whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079930: Niger Seed whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079940: Kokum or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Indica

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12079940: Kokum or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Indica在2018达8.458 INR mn,相较于2017的8.947 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12079940: Kokum or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Indica数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为3.321 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达99.308 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为0.936 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12079940: Kokum or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Indica数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
8.458 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079940: Kokum or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Indica

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079940: Kokum or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Indica

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079990: Other Oil Seeds and Oroleaginous Fruits whether or not Broken

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12079990: Other Oil Seeds and Oroleaginous Fruits whether or not Broken在2018达283.832 INR mn,相较于2017的241.473 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12079990: Other Oil Seeds and Oroleaginous Fruits whether or not Broken数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为312.814 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达882.744 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为27.262 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12079990: Other Oil Seeds and Oroleaginous Fruits whether or not Broken数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
283.832 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079990: Other Oil Seeds and Oroleaginous Fruits whether or not Broken

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12079990: Other Oil Seeds and Oroleaginous Fruits whether or not Broken

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12081000: Flours and Meals of Soya Beans

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12081000: Flours and Meals of Soya Beans在2018达1,538.899 INR mn,相较于2017的3,691.728 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12081000: Flours and Meals of Soya Beans数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为337.979 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达7,193.650 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为40.491 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12081000: Flours and Meals of Soya Beans数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,538.899 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12081000: Flours and Meals of Soya Beans

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12081000: Flours and Meals of Soya Beans

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12089000: Other Flours and Meals

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12089000: Other Flours and Meals在2018达78.375 INR mn,相较于2017的271.478 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12089000: Other Flours and Meals数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为12.566 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达271.478 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为0.275 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12089000: Other Flours and Meals数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
78.375 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12089000: Other Flours and Meals

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12089000: Other Flours and Meals

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12091000: Sugar Beet Seed of A Kind Used for Sowing

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12091000: Sugar Beet Seed of A Kind Used for Sowing在2018达1.908 INR mn,相较于2016的0.231 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12091000: Sugar Beet Seed of A Kind Used for Sowing数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1.051 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达41.058 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为0.030 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12091000: Sugar Beet Seed of A Kind Used for Sowing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.908 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12091000: Sugar Beet Seed of A Kind Used for Sowing

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12091000: Sugar Beet Seed of A Kind Used for Sowing

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092100: Lucerne (Alfalfa) Seed of Forage Plants

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12092100: Lucerne (Alfalfa) Seed of Forage Plants在2018达130.498 INR mn,相较于2017的81.032 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12092100: Lucerne (Alfalfa) Seed of Forage Plants数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为72.045 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达483.992 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为0.002 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12092100: Lucerne (Alfalfa) Seed of Forage Plants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
130.498 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092100: Lucerne (Alfalfa) Seed of Forage Plants

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092100: Lucerne (Alfalfa) Seed of Forage Plants

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092200: Clover (Trifolium Species) Seed of Forage Plants

2001 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12092200: Clover (Trifolium Species) Seed of Forage Plants在2018达0.383 INR mn,相较于2017的0.865 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12092200: Clover (Trifolium Species) Seed of Forage Plants数据按每年更新,2001至2018期间平均值为0.396 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3.746 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为0.015 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12092200: Clover (Trifolium Species) Seed of Forage Plants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.383 2018 每年 2001 - 2018

查看图表中 2001 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092200: Clover (Trifolium Species) Seed of Forage Plants

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092200: Clover (Trifolium Species) Seed of Forage Plants

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092300: Fescue Seed of Forage Plants

2001 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12092300: Fescue Seed of Forage Plants在2018达49.421 INR mn,相较于2017的182.501 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12092300: Fescue Seed of Forage Plants数据按每年更新,2001至2018期间平均值为37.656 INR mn,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达182.501 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为0.030 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12092300: Fescue Seed of Forage Plants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
49.421 2018 每年 2001 - 2018

查看图表中 2001 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092300: Fescue Seed of Forage Plants

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092300: Fescue Seed of Forage Plants

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092500: Rye Grass Seed Of Forage Plants

2003 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12092500: Rye Grass Seed Of Forage Plants在2018达1.656 INR mn,相较于2017的0.006 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12092500: Rye Grass Seed Of Forage Plants数据按每年更新,2003至2018期间平均值为0.280 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3.141 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.002 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12092500: Rye Grass Seed Of Forage Plants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.656 2018 每年 2003 - 2018

查看图表中 2003 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092500: Rye Grass Seed Of Forage Plants

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092500: Rye Grass Seed Of Forage Plants

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092910: Australian Lupin Seeds

2004 - 2013 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12092910: Australian Lupin Seeds在2013达0.403 INR mn,相较于2010的0.015 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12092910: Australian Lupin Seeds数据按每年更新,2004至2013期间平均值为0.403 INR mn,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达1.330 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为0.015 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12092910: Australian Lupin Seeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.403 2013 每年 2004 - 2013

查看图表中 2004 到2013 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092910: Australian Lupin Seeds

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092910: Australian Lupin Seeds

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092990: Other Seed of Forage Plants

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12092990: Other Seed of Forage Plants在2018达267.838 INR mn,相较于2017的51.884 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12092990: Other Seed of Forage Plants数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为51.884 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达267.838 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为15.896 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12092990: Other Seed of Forage Plants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
267.838 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092990: Other Seed of Forage Plants

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12092990: Other Seed of Forage Plants

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12093000: Seeds of Herbaceous Plants Cultivated for Flowers

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12093000: Seeds of Herbaceous Plants Cultivated for Flowers在2018达107.704 INR mn,相较于2017的77.659 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12093000: Seeds of Herbaceous Plants Cultivated for Flowers数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为26.517 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达107.704 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为11.555 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12093000: Seeds of Herbaceous Plants Cultivated for Flowers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
107.704 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12093000: Seeds of Herbaceous Plants Cultivated for Flowers

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12093000: Seeds of Herbaceous Plants Cultivated for Flowers

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099110: Cabbage Seeds Used for Sowing

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099110: Cabbage Seeds Used for Sowing在2018达43.525 INR mn,相较于2017的24.376 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099110: Cabbage Seeds Used for Sowing数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为14.281 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达62.759 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为3.877 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099110: Cabbage Seeds Used for Sowing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
43.525 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099110: Cabbage Seeds Used for Sowing

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099110: Cabbage Seeds Used for Sowing

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099120: Cauliflower Seeds Used for Sowing

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099120: Cauliflower Seeds Used for Sowing在2018达59.590 INR mn,相较于2017的18.820 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099120: Cauliflower Seeds Used for Sowing数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为14.508 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达66.302 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为1.354 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099120: Cauliflower Seeds Used for Sowing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
59.590 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099120: Cauliflower Seeds Used for Sowing

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099120: Cauliflower Seeds Used for Sowing

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099130: Onion Seeds Used for Sowing

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099130: Onion Seeds Used for Sowing在2018达181.862 INR mn,相较于2017的198.585 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12099130: Onion Seeds Used for Sowing数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为68.501 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达198.585 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为13.352 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099130: Onion Seeds Used for Sowing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
181.862 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099130: Onion Seeds Used for Sowing

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099130: Onion Seeds Used for Sowing

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099140: Pea Seeds Used for Sowing

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099140: Pea Seeds Used for Sowing在2018达41.627 INR mn,相较于2017的34.585 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099140: Pea Seeds Used for Sowing数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为10.289 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达83.626 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为0.659 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099140: Pea Seeds Used for Sowing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
41.627 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099140: Pea Seeds Used for Sowing

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099140: Pea Seeds Used for Sowing

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099150: Radish Seeds Used for Sowing

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099150: Radish Seeds Used for Sowing在2018达34.229 INR mn,相较于2017的33.264 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099150: Radish Seeds Used for Sowing数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为12.702 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达35.721 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为0.099 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099150: Radish Seeds Used for Sowing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
34.229 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099150: Radish Seeds Used for Sowing

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099150: Radish Seeds Used for Sowing

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099160: Tomato Seeds

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099160: Tomato Seeds在2018达1,176.311 INR mn,相较于2017的803.771 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099160: Tomato Seeds数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为209.315 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达1,176.311 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为50.846 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099160: Tomato Seeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,176.311 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099160: Tomato Seeds

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099160: Tomato Seeds

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099190: Vegetable Seeds for Planting not elsewhere specified

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099190: Vegetable Seeds for Planting not elsewhere specified在2018达3,380.360 INR mn,相较于2017的2,524.188 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099190: Vegetable Seeds for Planting not elsewhere specified数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为744.211 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达3,380.360 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为217.115 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099190: Vegetable Seeds for Planting not elsewhere specified数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3,380.360 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099190: Vegetable Seeds for Planting not elsewhere specified

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099190: Vegetable Seeds for Planting not elsewhere specified

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099910: Fruit Seeds for Planting or Sowings

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099910: Fruit Seeds for Planting or Sowings在2018达490.567 INR mn,相较于2017的470.032 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099910: Fruit Seeds for Planting or Sowings数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为263.346 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达490.567 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为21.782 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099910: Fruit Seeds for Planting or Sowings数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
490.567 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099910: Fruit Seeds for Planting or Sowings

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099910: Fruit Seeds for Planting or Sowings

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099990: Other Seeds etc for Planting not elsewhere specified

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12099990: Other Seeds etc for Planting not elsewhere specified在2018达741.665 INR mn,相较于2017的725.950 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12099990: Other Seeds etc for Planting not elsewhere specified数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为384.372 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达911.795 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为91.846 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12099990: Other Seeds etc for Planting not elsewhere specified数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
741.665 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099990: Other Seeds etc for Planting not elsewhere specified

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12099990: Other Seeds etc for Planting not elsewhere specified

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12101000: Hop Cones,Fresh/Dried,Neither Ground Nor Powdered Nor In The Form Of Pellets

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12101000: Hop Cones,Fresh/Dried,Neither Ground Nor Powdered Nor In The Form Of Pellets在2018达3.313 INR mn,相较于2016的0.150 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12101000: Hop Cones,Fresh/Dried,Neither Ground Nor Powdered Nor In The Form Of Pellets数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为0.150 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达3.868 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为0.004 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12101000: Hop Cones,Fresh/Dried,Neither Ground Nor Powdered Nor In The Form Of Pellets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3.313 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12101000: Hop Cones,Fresh/Dried,Neither Ground Nor Powdered Nor In The Form Of Pellets

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12101000: Hop Cones,Fresh/Dried,Neither Ground Nor Powdered Nor In The Form Of Pellets

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12102000: Hop Cones Fresh/Dried Ground Powdered/Pelets Lupulin

2000 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12102000: Hop Cones Fresh/Dried Ground Powdered/Pelets Lupulin在2018达2.364 INR mn,相较于2017的0.807 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12102000: Hop Cones Fresh/Dried Ground Powdered/Pelets Lupulin数据按每年更新,2000至2018期间平均值为0.295 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达6.494 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为0.023 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12102000: Hop Cones Fresh/Dried Ground Powdered/Pelets Lupulin数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
2.364 2018 每年 2000 - 2018

查看图表中 2000 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12102000: Hop Cones Fresh/Dried Ground Powdered/Pelets Lupulin

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12102000: Hop Cones Fresh/Dried Ground Powdered/Pelets Lupulin

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12112000: Ginsng Roots Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12112000: Ginsng Roots Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered在2018达2.298 INR mn,相较于2017的3.734 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12112000: Ginsng Roots Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1.227 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达24.422 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.013 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12112000: Ginsng Roots Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
2.298 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12112000: Ginsng Roots Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12112000: Ginsng Roots Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12113000: Coca Leaf Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12113000: Coca Leaf Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered在2018达0.517 INR mn,相较于2014的0.043 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12113000: Coca Leaf Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.046 INR mn,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达0.735 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为0.002 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12113000: Coca Leaf Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.517 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12113000: Coca Leaf Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12113000: Coca Leaf Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12114000: Popy Straw Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12114000: Popy Straw Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered在2018达0.042 INR mn,相较于2016的0.114 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12114000: Popy Straw Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.048 INR mn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达0.351 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为0.007 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12114000: Popy Straw Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.042 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12114000: Popy Straw Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12114000: Popy Straw Fresh/Dried With or Not Cut Crushed/Powdered

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119011: Ambrette Seeds (Must Grains of Vegetable Kngdm)

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119011: Ambrette Seeds (Must Grains of Vegetable Kngdm)在2018达0.972 INR mn,相较于2017的0.950 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119011: Ambrette Seeds (Must Grains of Vegetable Kngdm)数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为5.927 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达28.692 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为0.051 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119011: Ambrette Seeds (Must Grains of Vegetable Kngdm)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.972 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119011: Ambrette Seeds (Must Grains of Vegetable Kngdm)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119011: Ambrette Seeds (Must Grains of Vegetable Kngdm)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119012: Nuxvomica Dried Ripe Seeds

2000 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119012: Nuxvomica Dried Ripe Seeds在2018达0.515 INR mn,相较于2016的0.319 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119012: Nuxvomica Dried Ripe Seeds数据按每年更新,2000至2018期间平均值为0.439 INR mn,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002,达2.314 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.002 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119012: Nuxvomica Dried Ripe Seeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.515 2018 每年 2000 - 2018

查看图表中 2000 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119012: Nuxvomica Dried Ripe Seeds

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119012: Nuxvomica Dried Ripe Seeds

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119013: Psyllium Seed (Isobgul)

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119013: Psyllium Seed (Isobgul)在2018达141.869 INR mn,相较于2017的172.459 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119013: Psyllium Seed (Isobgul)数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为60.115 INR mn,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达300.503 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为1.554 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119013: Psyllium Seed (Isobgul)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
141.869 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119013: Psyllium Seed (Isobgul)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119013: Psyllium Seed (Isobgul)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119014: Neem Seed

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119014: Neem Seed在2018达0.045 INR mn,相较于2017的0.081 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119014: Neem Seed数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.649 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达8.015 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.015 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119014: Neem Seed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.045 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119014: Neem Seed

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119014: Neem Seed

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119015: Jojoba Seed

1997 - 2017 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119015: Jojoba Seed在2017达0.237 INR mn,相较于2016的0.557 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119015: Jojoba Seed数据按每年更新,1997至2017期间平均值为30.161 INR mn,共20份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002,达2,402.791 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.005 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119015: Jojoba Seed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.237 2017 每年 1997 - 2017

查看图表中 1997 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119015: Jojoba Seed

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119015: Jojoba Seed

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119019: Other Seeds Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered in Perfumery, Pharm asyetc or

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119019: Other Seeds Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered in Perfumery, Pharm asyetc or在2018达301.514 INR mn,相较于2017的240.452 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119019: Other Seeds Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered in Perfumery, Pharm asyetc or数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为128.308 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达301.514 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为46.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119019: Other Seeds Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered in Perfumery, Pharm asyetc or数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
301.514 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119019: Other Seeds Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered in Perfumery, Pharm asyetc or

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119019: Other Seeds Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered in Perfumery, Pharm asyetc or

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119021: Belladona Leaves

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119021: Belladona Leaves在2018达2.667 INR mn,相较于2017的8.100 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119021: Belladona Leaves数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为1.482 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达12.436 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为0.307 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119021: Belladona Leaves数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
2.667 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119021: Belladona Leaves

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119021: Belladona Leaves

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119022: Senna Leaves and Pads

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119022: Senna Leaves and Pads在2018达723.343 INR mn,相较于2017的677.990 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119022: Senna Leaves and Pads数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为365.147 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达952.543 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为137.731 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119022: Senna Leaves and Pads数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
723.343 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119022: Senna Leaves and Pads

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119022: Senna Leaves and Pads

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119023: Neem Leaves or Powder

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119023: Neem Leaves or Powder在2018达9.461 INR mn,相较于2017的14.907 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119023: Neem Leaves or Powder数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为8.999 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达14.907 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为2.800 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119023: Neem Leaves or Powder数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
9.461 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119023: Neem Leaves or Powder

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119023: Neem Leaves or Powder

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119024: Gymnema Powder

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119024: Gymnema Powder在2018达31.444 INR mn,相较于2017的39.510 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119024: Gymnema Powder数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为7.947 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达39.510 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为2.421 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119024: Gymnema Powder数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
31.444 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119024: Gymnema Powder

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119024: Gymnema Powder

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119025: Cubeb Powder

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119025: Cubeb Powder在2018达1.877 INR mn,相较于2017的3.417 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119025: Cubeb Powder数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为0.444 INR mn,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999,达5.865 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为0.004 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119025: Cubeb Powder数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.877 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119025: Cubeb Powder

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119025: Cubeb Powder

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119026: Pyrethrum

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119026: Pyrethrum在2018达1.776 INR mn,相较于2017的2.344 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119026: Pyrethrum数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为23.443 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999,达397.556 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为0.335 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119026: Pyrethrum数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.776 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119026: Pyrethrum

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119026: Pyrethrum

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119029: Other Leaves, Powder, Flowers and Pods Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119029: Other Leaves, Powder, Flowers and Pods Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered在2018达1,012.718 INR mn,相较于2017的829.067 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119029: Other Leaves, Powder, Flowers and Pods Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为178.470 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达1,012.718 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为79.124 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119029: Other Leaves, Powder, Flowers and Pods Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,012.718 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119029: Other Leaves, Powder, Flowers and Pods Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119029: Other Leaves, Powder, Flowers and Pods Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119031: Cascara Sagrada Bark

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119031: Cascara Sagrada Bark在2018达0.167 INR mn,相较于2015的2.670 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119031: Cascara Sagrada Bark数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为0.453 INR mn,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达5.837 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为0.012 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119031: Cascara Sagrada Bark数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.167 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119031: Cascara Sagrada Bark

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119031: Cascara Sagrada Bark

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119032: Psyllium Husk (Isobgul Husk)

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119032: Psyllium Husk (Isobgul Husk)在2018达14,579.502 INR mn,相较于2017的13,214.149 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119032: Psyllium Husk (Isobgul Husk)数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为3,466.556 INR mn,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达14,579.502 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为0.785 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119032: Psyllium Husk (Isobgul Husk)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
14,579.502 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119032: Psyllium Husk (Isobgul Husk)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119032: Psyllium Husk (Isobgul Husk)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119033: Gamboge Fruit Rind or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Gamboge

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119033: Gamboge Fruit Rind or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Gamboge在2018达9.154 INR mn,相较于2017的12.127 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119033: Gamboge Fruit Rind or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Gamboge数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为3.083 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达19.834 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为0.016 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119033: Gamboge Fruit Rind or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Gamboge数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
9.154 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119033: Gamboge Fruit Rind or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Gamboge

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119033: Gamboge Fruit Rind or the Dried Pericarp of the Fruits of Garcinia Gamboge

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119039: Other Bark, Husk and Rind Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119039: Other Bark, Husk and Rind Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered在2018达62.495 INR mn,相较于2017的83.119 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119039: Other Bark, Husk and Rind Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为62.495 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达115.576 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为21.040 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119039: Other Bark, Husk and Rind Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
62.495 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119039: Other Bark, Husk and Rind Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119039: Other Bark, Husk and Rind Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119041: Belladona Roots

1997 - 2017 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119041: Belladona Roots在2017达1.646 INR mn,相较于2014的0.016 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119041: Belladona Roots数据按每年更新,1997至2017期间平均值为0.438 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达13.478 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为0.016 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119041: Belladona Roots数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.646 2017 每年 1997 - 2017

查看图表中 1997 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119041: Belladona Roots

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119041: Belladona Roots

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119042: Galangal Rhizomes and Roots incl Greater Galangal

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119042: Galangal Rhizomes and Roots incl Greater Galangal在2018达13.307 INR mn,相较于2017的23.427 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119042: Galangal Rhizomes and Roots incl Greater Galangal数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为20.445 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达260.528 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为0.058 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119042: Galangal Rhizomes and Roots incl Greater Galangal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
13.307 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119042: Galangal Rhizomes and Roots incl Greater Galangal

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119042: Galangal Rhizomes and Roots incl Greater Galangal

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119043: Ipecac Dried Rhizome and Roots

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119043: Ipecac Dried Rhizome and Roots在2018达0.924 INR mn,相较于2017的0.630 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119043: Ipecac Dried Rhizome and Roots数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为7.248 INR mn,共20份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达24.402 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为0.044 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119043: Ipecac Dried Rhizome and Roots数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.924 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119043: Ipecac Dried Rhizome and Roots

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119043: Ipecac Dried Rhizome and Roots

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119044: Serpentina Roots

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119044: Serpentina Roots在2018达3.254 INR mn,相较于2017的1.279 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119044: Serpentina Roots数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为0.773 INR mn,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1998,达15.025 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.071 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119044: Serpentina Roots数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3.254 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119044: Serpentina Roots

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119044: Serpentina Roots

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119045: Zedovary Roots

2002 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119045: Zedovary Roots在2018达710.047 INR mn,相较于2017的692.254 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119045: Zedovary Roots数据按每年更新,2002至2018期间平均值为25.851 INR mn,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达710.047 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2002,为0.319 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119045: Zedovary Roots数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
710.047 2018 每年 2002 - 2018

查看图表中 2002 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119045: Zedovary Roots

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119045: Zedovary Roots

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119046: Kuth Root

2006 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119046: Kuth Root在2018达3.966 INR mn,相较于2017的2.807 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119046: Kuth Root数据按每年更新,2006至2018期间平均值为2.192 INR mn,共13份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达10.793 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为0.002 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119046: Kuth Root数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3.966 2018 每年 2006 - 2018

查看图表中 2006 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119046: Kuth Root

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119046: Kuth Root

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119047: Sarsaparilla

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119047: Sarsaparilla在2018达20.590 INR mn,相较于2017的22.455 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119047: Sarsaparilla数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为7.272 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达36.650 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为0.109 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119047: Sarsaparilla数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
20.590 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119047: Sarsaparilla

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119047: Sarsaparilla

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119048: Sweet Flag Rhizome

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119048: Sweet Flag Rhizome在2018达10.466 INR mn,相较于2017的8.931 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119048: Sweet Flag Rhizome数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为3.215 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达18.724 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.425 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119048: Sweet Flag Rhizome数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
10.466 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119048: Sweet Flag Rhizome

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119048: Sweet Flag Rhizome

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119049: Other Roots and Rhizomes Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119049: Other Roots and Rhizomes Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered在2018达238.700 INR mn,相较于2017的271.656 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119049: Other Roots and Rhizomes Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为163.098 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达458.265 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为29.485 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119049: Other Roots and Rhizomes Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
238.700 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119049: Other Roots and Rhizomes Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119049: Other Roots and Rhizomes Fresh or Dried whether or not Cut Crushed or Powdered

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119050: Sandal Wood Chips and Dust

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119050: Sandal Wood Chips and Dust在2018达63.331 INR mn,相较于2017的102.868 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119050: Sandal Wood Chips and Dust数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为123.276 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达353.214 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为50.572 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119050: Sandal Wood Chips and Dust数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
63.331 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119050: Sandal Wood Chips and Dust

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119050: Sandal Wood Chips and Dust

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119060: Vinca Rosea (Herbs)

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119060: Vinca Rosea (Herbs)在2018达58.584 INR mn,相较于2017的59.946 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119060: Vinca Rosea (Herbs)数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为38.406 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达96.411 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为11.139 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119060: Vinca Rosea (Herbs)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
58.584 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119060: Vinca Rosea (Herbs)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119060: Vinca Rosea (Herbs)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119070: Mint incl Leaves (All Species)

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119070: Mint incl Leaves (All Species)在2018达22.461 INR mn,相较于2017的25.518 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119070: Mint incl Leaves (All Species)数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为14.781 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达37.741 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为0.963 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119070: Mint incl Leaves (All Species)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
22.461 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119070: Mint incl Leaves (All Species)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119070: Mint incl Leaves (All Species)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119080: Agarwood (incl Chips and Dust)

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119080: Agarwood (incl Chips and Dust)在2018达42.448 INR mn,相较于2017的38.667 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119080: Agarwood (incl Chips and Dust)数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为14.258 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达42.448 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为0.023 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119080: Agarwood (incl Chips and Dust)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
42.448 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119080: Agarwood (incl Chips and Dust)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119080: Agarwood (incl Chips and Dust)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119091: Chirata

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119091: Chirata在2018达5.621 INR mn,相较于2017的0.721 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119091: Chirata数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.721 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达5.621 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.169 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119091: Chirata数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
5.621 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119091: Chirata

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119091: Chirata

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119092: Tukmaria

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119092: Tukmaria在2018达287.453 INR mn,相较于2017的311.773 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119092: Tukmaria数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为41.020 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达311.773 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为2.518 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119092: Tukmaria数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
287.453 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119092: Tukmaria

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119092: Tukmaria

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119093: Unab (Indian Jujube Or Chinese Dates)

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119093: Unab (Indian Jujube Or Chinese Dates)在2018达0.049 INR mn,相较于2017的0.173 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119093: Unab (Indian Jujube Or Chinese Dates)数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.237 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达1.270 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为0.001 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119093: Unab (Indian Jujube Or Chinese Dates)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.049 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119093: Unab (Indian Jujube Or Chinese Dates)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119093: Unab (Indian Jujube Or Chinese Dates)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119094: Basil, Hyssop, Rose Mary Sage, Savory

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119094: Basil, Hyssop, Rose Mary Sage, Savory在2018达343.482 INR mn,相较于2017的204.630 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119094: Basil, Hyssop, Rose Mary Sage, Savory数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为39.564 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达343.482 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为7.636 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119094: Basil, Hyssop, Rose Mary Sage, Savory数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
343.482 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119094: Basil, Hyssop, Rose Mary Sage, Savory

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119094: Basil, Hyssop, Rose Mary Sage, Savory

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119096: Garcinia

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119096: Garcinia在2018达8.430 INR mn,相较于2017的12.120 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12119096: Garcinia数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为12.120 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达79.922 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为2.048 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119096: Garcinia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
8.430 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119096: Garcinia

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119096: Garcinia

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119099: Other Plants and Parts of Plants Used in Perfumery, Pharmacy, insecticides or Fungicides Purpose, Fresh or Dried

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12119099: Other Plants and Parts of Plants Used in Perfumery, Pharmacy, insecticides or Fungicides Purpose, Fresh or Dried在2018达1,340.750 INR mn,相较于2017的1,292.587 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12119099: Other Plants and Parts of Plants Used in Perfumery, Pharmacy, insecticides or Fungicides Purpose, Fresh or Dried数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为436.108 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达1,707.995 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为122.821 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12119099: Other Plants and Parts of Plants Used in Perfumery, Pharmacy, insecticides or Fungicides Purpose, Fresh or Dried数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,340.750 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119099: Other Plants and Parts of Plants Used in Perfumery, Pharmacy, insecticides or Fungicides Purpose, Fresh or Dried

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12119099: Other Plants and Parts of Plants Used in Perfumery, Pharmacy, insecticides or Fungicides Purpose, Fresh or Dried

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122110: Seaweeds

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12122110: Seaweeds在2018达1.128 INR mn,相较于2015的5.747 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12122110: Seaweeds数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为5.747 INR mn,共3份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达55.726 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为1.128 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12122110: Seaweeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.128 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122110: Seaweeds

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122110: Seaweeds

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122190: Other Algae

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12122190: Other Algae在2018达70.262 INR mn,相较于2017的112.630 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12122190: Other Algae数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为70.262 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达112.630 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为13.407 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12122190: Other Algae数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
70.262 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122190: Other Algae

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122190: Other Algae

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122990: Other Algae, Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12122990: Other Algae, Other在2018达177.191 INR mn,相较于2017的160.252 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12122990: Other Algae, Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为199.603 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达326.517 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为160.252 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12122990: Other Algae, Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
177.191 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122990: Other Algae, Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12122990: Other Algae, Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129100: Sugar Beet

2001 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12129100: Sugar Beet在2018达0.014 INR mn,相较于2017的0.002 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 12129100: Sugar Beet数据按每年更新,2001至2018期间平均值为0.435 INR mn,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达13.484 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为0.002 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12129100: Sugar Beet数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.014 2018 每年 2001 - 2018

查看图表中 2001 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129100: Sugar Beet

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129100: Sugar Beet

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129200: Locust Beans (Carob)

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12129200: Locust Beans (Carob)在2018达0.402 INR mn,相较于2014的1.068 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12129200: Locust Beans (Carob)数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为0.735 INR mn,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达1.068 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为0.402 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12129200: Locust Beans (Carob)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.402 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129200: Locust Beans (Carob)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129200: Locust Beans (Carob)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129300: Sugar Cane

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 12129300: Sugar Cane在2018达4.828 INR mn,相较于2017的34.046 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 12129300: Sugar Cane数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为4.828 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达44.079 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为0.677 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 12129300: Sugar Cane数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAO001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS12: Oil Seeds, Misc Grains, Medicinal Plants and Straw: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
4.828 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129300: Sugar Cane

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 12129300: Sugar Cane
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