印度 Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47010000: Mechanical Wood Pulp

1997 - 2017 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47010000: Mechanical Wood Pulp在2017达0.250 kg th,相较于2015的5.600 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47010000: Mechanical Wood Pulp数据按每年更新,1997至2017期间平均值为9.220 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达1,000.000 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为0.050 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47010000: Mechanical Wood Pulp数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.250 2017 每年 1997 - 2017

查看图表中 1997 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47010000: Mechanical Wood Pulp

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47010000: Mechanical Wood Pulp

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47020000: Chemical Wood Pulp Dissolving Grades

2014 - 2017 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47020000: Chemical Wood Pulp Dissolving Grades在2017达1.300 kg th,相较于2016的0.300 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47020000: Chemical Wood Pulp Dissolving Grades数据按每年更新,2014至2017期间平均值为0.800 kg th,共4份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达4.000 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.010 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47020000: Chemical Wood Pulp Dissolving Grades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.300 2017 每年 2014 - 2017

查看图表中 2014 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47020000: Chemical Wood Pulp Dissolving Grades

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47020000: Chemical Wood Pulp Dissolving Grades

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47031100: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Coniferous,Sulphate

2004 - 2017 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47031100: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Coniferous,Sulphate在2017达785.000 kg th,相较于2016的647.000 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47031100: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Coniferous,Sulphate数据按每年更新,2004至2017期间平均值为12.650 kg th,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达785.000 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为0.040 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47031100: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Coniferous,Sulphate数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
785.000 2017 每年 2004 - 2017

查看图表中 2004 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47031100: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Coniferous,Sulphate

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47031100: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Coniferous,Sulphate

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47031900: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Non-Coniferous,Sulphate

2002 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47031900: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Non-Coniferous,Sulphate在2018达487.040 kg th,相较于2017的2,309.000 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47031900: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Non-Coniferous,Sulphate数据按每年更新,2002至2018期间平均值为9.050 kg th,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达6,986.000 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为0.020 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47031900: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Non-Coniferous,Sulphate数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
487.040 2018 每年 2002 - 2018

查看图表中 2002 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47031900: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Non-Coniferous,Sulphate

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47031900: Chemical Wood Pulp Unbleached Non-Coniferous,Sulphate

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47032100: Bleached Or Semi-Bleached Coniferous Chemical Wood Pulp Sulphate

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47032100: Bleached Or Semi-Bleached Coniferous Chemical Wood Pulp Sulphate在2018达1.000 kg th,相较于2017的1,839.980 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47032100: Bleached Or Semi-Bleached Coniferous Chemical Wood Pulp Sulphate数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为1,605.400 kg th,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达1,867.000 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为1.000 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47032100: Bleached Or Semi-Bleached Coniferous Chemical Wood Pulp Sulphate数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47032100: Bleached Or Semi-Bleached Coniferous Chemical Wood Pulp Sulphate

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47032100: Bleached Or Semi-Bleached Coniferous Chemical Wood Pulp Sulphate

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47041900: Unbleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphit

2014 - 2017 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47041900: Unbleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphit在2017达1,348.000 kg th,相较于2014的0.040 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47041900: Unbleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphit数据按每年更新,2014至2017期间平均值为674.020 kg th,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,348.000 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为0.040 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47041900: Unbleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,348.000 2017 每年 2014 - 2017

查看图表中 2014 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47041900: Unbleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphit

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47041900: Unbleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphit

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47042100: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Coniferous Chmcal Wood Pulp Sulphite

2014 - 2014 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

。Exports: Volume: HS: 47042100: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Coniferous Chmcal Wood Pulp Sulphite数据按每年更新,2014至2014期间平均值为0.050 kg th,共1份观测结果。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47042100: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Coniferous Chmcal Wood Pulp Sulphite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.050 2014 每年 2014 - 2014

查看图表中 2014 到2014 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47042100: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Coniferous Chmcal Wood Pulp Sulphite

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47042100: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Coniferous Chmcal Wood Pulp Sulphite

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47042900: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphite

2014 - 2017 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47042900: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphite在2017达1.500 kg th,相较于2014的0.100 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47042900: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphite数据按每年更新,2014至2017期间平均值为0.800 kg th,共2份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1.500 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为0.100 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47042900: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.500 2017 每年 2014 - 2017

查看图表中 2014 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47042900: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphite

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47042900: Semi-Bleached/Bleached Non-Coniferous Chmical Wood Pulp Sulphite

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47061000: Cotton Linters Pulp

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47061000: Cotton Linters Pulp在2018达302.500 kg th,相较于2017的16.000 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47061000: Cotton Linters Pulp数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为53.750 kg th,共18份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达302.500 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为1.580 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47061000: Cotton Linters Pulp数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
302.500 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47061000: Cotton Linters Pulp

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47061000: Cotton Linters Pulp

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47062000: Pulps of Fibres Derived from Recovered Waste and Scrap Paper and Paperboard

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47062000: Pulps of Fibres Derived from Recovered Waste and Scrap Paper and Paperboard在2018达64.680 kg th,相较于2017的120.000 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47062000: Pulps of Fibres Derived from Recovered Waste and Scrap Paper and Paperboard数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为58.255 kg th,共18份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000,达1,012.240 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为0.030 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47062000: Pulps of Fibres Derived from Recovered Waste and Scrap Paper and Paperboard数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
64.680 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47062000: Pulps of Fibres Derived from Recovered Waste and Scrap Paper and Paperboard

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47062000: Pulps of Fibres Derived from Recovered Waste and Scrap Paper and Paperboard

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47063000: Other, Of Bamboo

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47063000: Other, Of Bamboo在2018达0.850 kg th,相较于2017的11.570 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47063000: Other, Of Bamboo数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为0.850 kg th,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达11.570 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.010 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47063000: Other, Of Bamboo数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.850 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47063000: Other, Of Bamboo

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47063000: Other, Of Bamboo

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069100: Other Mechanical Pulp

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47069100: Other Mechanical Pulp在2018达905.600 kg th,相较于2017的1,995.760 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47069100: Other Mechanical Pulp数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为12.900 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,995.760 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.010 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47069100: Other Mechanical Pulp数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
905.600 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069100: Other Mechanical Pulp

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069100: Other Mechanical Pulp

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069200: Other Chemical Pulps

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47069200: Other Chemical Pulps在2018达1.500 kg th,相较于2017的0.830 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47069200: Other Chemical Pulps数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为13.415 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达722.230 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.150 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47069200: Other Chemical Pulps数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.500 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069200: Other Chemical Pulps

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069200: Other Chemical Pulps

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069300: Other Semi-Chemical Pulp

1997 - 2014 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47069300: Other Semi-Chemical Pulp在2014达0.140 kg th,相较于2013的0.510 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47069300: Other Semi-Chemical Pulp数据按每年更新,1997至2014期间平均值为10.710 kg th,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达88.060 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.010 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47069300: Other Semi-Chemical Pulp数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.140 2014 每年 1997 - 2014

查看图表中 1997 到2014 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069300: Other Semi-Chemical Pulp

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47069300: Other Semi-Chemical Pulp

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47071000: Waste and Scrap of Unbleached Kraft Paper or Paperboard or Corrugated Paper or Paperboard

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47071000: Waste and Scrap of Unbleached Kraft Paper or Paperboard or Corrugated Paper or Paperboard在2018达7.630 kg th,相较于2017的98.610 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 47071000: Waste and Scrap of Unbleached Kraft Paper or Paperboard or Corrugated Paper or Paperboard数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为11.610 kg th,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1998,达248.380 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为0.030 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47071000: Waste and Scrap of Unbleached Kraft Paper or Paperboard or Corrugated Paper or Paperboard数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
7.630 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47071000: Waste and Scrap of Unbleached Kraft Paper or Paperboard or Corrugated Paper or Paperboard

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47071000: Waste and Scrap of Unbleached Kraft Paper or Paperboard or Corrugated Paper or Paperboard

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47072000: Waste and Scrap of Other Paper or Paperboard Made of Bleached Chemical Pulp not Coloured

1999 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47072000: Waste and Scrap of Other Paper or Paperboard Made of Bleached Chemical Pulp not Coloured在2018达0.050 kg th,相较于2016的0.020 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47072000: Waste and Scrap of Other Paper or Paperboard Made of Bleached Chemical Pulp not Coloured数据按每年更新,1999至2018期间平均值为244.430 kg th,共18份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达2,778.470 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为0.020 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47072000: Waste and Scrap of Other Paper or Paperboard Made of Bleached Chemical Pulp not Coloured数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.050 2018 每年 1999 - 2018

查看图表中 1999 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47072000: Waste and Scrap of Other Paper or Paperboard Made of Bleached Chemical Pulp not Coloured

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47072000: Waste and Scrap of Other Paper or Paperboard Made of Bleached Chemical Pulp not Coloured

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47073000: Waste And Scrap Of Other Paper/Paperbord Made Of Mechanical Pulp

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47073000: Waste And Scrap Of Other Paper/Paperbord Made Of Mechanical Pulp在2018达146.130 kg th,相较于2017的56.700 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47073000: Waste And Scrap Of Other Paper/Paperbord Made Of Mechanical Pulp数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为5.090 kg th,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达146.130 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.010 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47073000: Waste And Scrap Of Other Paper/Paperbord Made Of Mechanical Pulp数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
146.130 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47073000: Waste And Scrap Of Other Paper/Paperbord Made Of Mechanical Pulp

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47073000: Waste And Scrap Of Other Paper/Paperbord Made Of Mechanical Pulp

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47079000: Other incl Unsorted Waste and Scrap

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 47079000: Other incl Unsorted Waste and Scrap在2018达144.840 kg th,相较于2017的138.920 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 47079000: Other incl Unsorted Waste and Scrap数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为137.430 kg th,共20份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达6,941.210 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为1.630 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 47079000: Other incl Unsorted Waste and Scrap数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JBX003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS47: Pulp of Wood, Waste and Scrap of Paper: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
144.840 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47079000: Other incl Unsorted Waste and Scrap

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 47079000: Other incl Unsorted Waste and Scrap
Flexible monthly access to CEIC data