印度 Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68010000: Setts Curbstones and Flagstones of Natural Stone (Except Slate)

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68010000: Setts Curbstones and Flagstones of Natural Stone (Except Slate)在2018达23,159.080 kg th,相较于2017的22,384.780 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68010000: Setts Curbstones and Flagstones of Natural Stone (Except Slate)数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为2,541.345 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达23,159.080 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为268.540 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68010000: Setts Curbstones and Flagstones of Natural Stone (Except Slate)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
23,159.080 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68010000: Setts Curbstones and Flagstones of Natural Stone (Except Slate)

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68010000: Setts Curbstones and Flagstones of Natural Stone (Except Slate)

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68021000: Tiles Cubes and Similar Articles, Whether or Not Rectangular (incl Square)

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68021000: Tiles Cubes and Similar Articles, Whether or Not Rectangular (incl Square)在2018达544.040 kg th,相较于2017的976.910 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68021000: Tiles Cubes and Similar Articles, Whether or Not Rectangular (incl Square)数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为1,958.850 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达8,091.260 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为250.840 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68021000: Tiles Cubes and Similar Articles, Whether or Not Rectangular (incl Square)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
544.040 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68021000: Tiles Cubes and Similar Articles, Whether or Not Rectangular (incl Square)

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68021000: Tiles Cubes and Similar Articles, Whether or Not Rectangular (incl Square)

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022110: Marble Blocks or Tiles, Polished

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68022110: Marble Blocks or Tiles, Polished在2018达17,803.170 kg th,相较于2017的25,575.550 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68022110: Marble Blocks or Tiles, Polished数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为31,050.050 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达58,225.480 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为17,803.170 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68022110: Marble Blocks or Tiles, Polished数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
17,803.170 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022110: Marble Blocks or Tiles, Polished

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022110: Marble Blocks or Tiles, Polished

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022120: Marble Monuments

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68022120: Marble Monuments在2018达1,329.070 kg th,相较于2017的1,299.110 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68022120: Marble Monuments数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1,329.070 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达3,570.160 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为272.210 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68022120: Marble Monuments数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,329.070 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022120: Marble Monuments

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022120: Marble Monuments

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022190: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68022190: Others在2018达124,113.110 kg th,相较于2017的115,441.930 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68022190: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为77,942.560 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达253,471.480 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为13,405.280 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68022190: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
124,113.110 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022190: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022190: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022310: Granite Blocks or Tiles, Polished

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68022310: Granite Blocks or Tiles, Polished在2018达186,622.410 kg th,相较于2017的164,051.980 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68022310: Granite Blocks or Tiles, Polished数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为251,177.970 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达552,405.690 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为153,913.340 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68022310: Granite Blocks or Tiles, Polished数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
186,622.410 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022310: Granite Blocks or Tiles, Polished

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022310: Granite Blocks or Tiles, Polished

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022390: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68022390: Others在2018达1,428,455.750 kg th,相较于2017的1,484,463.130 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68022390: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为759,628.500 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,484,463.130 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为51,379.890 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68022390: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,428,455.750 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022390: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022390: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022900: Other Simply Cut or Sawn Stone with A Flat Eevn Surface

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68022900: Other Simply Cut or Sawn Stone with A Flat Eevn Surface在2018达16,224.530 kg th,相较于2017的28,241.560 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68022900: Other Simply Cut or Sawn Stone with A Flat Eevn Surface数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为20,467.680 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达47,955.460 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为2,088.090 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68022900: Other Simply Cut or Sawn Stone with A Flat Eevn Surface数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
16,224.530 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022900: Other Simply Cut or Sawn Stone with A Flat Eevn Surface

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68022900: Other Simply Cut or Sawn Stone with A Flat Eevn Surface

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029100: Other Marble Travertine and Alabaster

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68029100: Other Marble Travertine and Alabaster在2018达980.980 kg th,相较于2017的1,233.530 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68029100: Other Marble Travertine and Alabaster数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为1,032.745 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达2,313.520 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为207.300 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68029100: Other Marble Travertine and Alabaster数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
980.980 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029100: Other Marble Travertine and Alabaster

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029100: Other Marble Travertine and Alabaster

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029200: Other Calcareous Stone

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68029200: Other Calcareous Stone在2018达1,075.490 kg th,相较于2017的3,240.320 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68029200: Other Calcareous Stone数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为220.135 kg th,共18份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达3,533.040 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为13.780 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68029200: Other Calcareous Stone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,075.490 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029200: Other Calcareous Stone

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029200: Other Calcareous Stone

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029300: Other Granite

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68029300: Other Granite在2018达133,337.090 kg th,相较于2017的121,365.430 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68029300: Other Granite数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为48,062.940 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达188,840.420 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为2,133.180 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68029300: Other Granite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
133,337.090 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029300: Other Granite

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029300: Other Granite

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029900: Other Stone

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68029900: Other Stone在2018达23,712.850 kg th,相较于2017的24,544.850 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68029900: Other Stone数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为20,291.450 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达110,851.140 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为4,016.850 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68029900: Other Stone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
23,712.850 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029900: Other Stone

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68029900: Other Stone

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68030000: Worked Slate and Ariticles of Slate or of Agglomerated Slate

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68030000: Worked Slate and Ariticles of Slate or of Agglomerated Slate在2018达9,107.640 kg th,相较于2017的19,160.960 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68030000: Worked Slate and Ariticles of Slate or of Agglomerated Slate数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为20,288.260 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达56,274.700 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为7,377.380 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68030000: Worked Slate and Ariticles of Slate or of Agglomerated Slate数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
9,107.640 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68030000: Worked Slate and Ariticles of Slate or of Agglomerated Slate

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68030000: Worked Slate and Ariticles of Slate or of Agglomerated Slate

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68041000: Millstones and Grindstones for Milling, Grinding or Pulping

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68041000: Millstones and Grindstones for Milling, Grinding or Pulping在2018达1,888.720 kg th,相较于2017的5,001.800 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68041000: Millstones and Grindstones for Milling, Grinding or Pulping数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为3,944.650 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达9,905.990 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为520.900 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68041000: Millstones and Grindstones for Milling, Grinding or Pulping数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,888.720 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68041000: Millstones and Grindstones for Milling, Grinding or Pulping

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68041000: Millstones and Grindstones for Milling, Grinding or Pulping

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042110: Diamond Impregnated Wheels

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68042110: Diamond Impregnated Wheels在2018达30.990 kg th,相较于2017的30.320 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68042110: Diamond Impregnated Wheels数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为45.560 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达170.920 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为21.710 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68042110: Diamond Impregnated Wheels数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
30.990 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042110: Diamond Impregnated Wheels

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042110: Diamond Impregnated Wheels

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042190: Others incl Finished Parts

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68042190: Others incl Finished Parts在2018达1,007.380 kg th,相较于2017的759.840 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68042190: Others incl Finished Parts数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为149.050 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,039.890 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为29.930 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68042190: Others incl Finished Parts数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,007.380 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042190: Others incl Finished Parts

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042190: Others incl Finished Parts

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042210: Grinding Wheels of Synthetic Abrasives Grains

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68042210: Grinding Wheels of Synthetic Abrasives Grains在2018达3,624.280 kg th,相较于2017的3,416.230 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68042210: Grinding Wheels of Synthetic Abrasives Grains数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为2,113.520 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3,630.640 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为821.530 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68042210: Grinding Wheels of Synthetic Abrasives Grains数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
3,624.280 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042210: Grinding Wheels of Synthetic Abrasives Grains

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042210: Grinding Wheels of Synthetic Abrasives Grains

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042220: Grinding Wheels Other Materials

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68042220: Grinding Wheels Other Materials在2018达127.150 kg th,相较于2017的59.710 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68042220: Grinding Wheels Other Materials数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为103.150 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达484.740 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为37.430 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68042220: Grinding Wheels Other Materials数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
127.150 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042220: Grinding Wheels Other Materials

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042220: Grinding Wheels Other Materials

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042290: Others incl Finished Parts

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68042290: Others incl Finished Parts在2018达1,250.990 kg th,相较于2017的1,864.600 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68042290: Others incl Finished Parts数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为752.450 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,864.600 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为110.420 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68042290: Others incl Finished Parts数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,250.990 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042290: Others incl Finished Parts

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042290: Others incl Finished Parts

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042310: Grinding Wheels Made of Natural Stone

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68042310: Grinding Wheels Made of Natural Stone在2018达250.730 kg th,相较于2017的18.940 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68042310: Grinding Wheels Made of Natural Stone数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为186.790 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达614.420 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为18.940 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68042310: Grinding Wheels Made of Natural Stone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
250.730 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042310: Grinding Wheels Made of Natural Stone

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042310: Grinding Wheels Made of Natural Stone

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042390: Others incl Finished Parts

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68042390: Others incl Finished Parts在2018达209.530 kg th,相较于2017的146.270 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68042390: Others incl Finished Parts数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为534.270 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达1,350.860 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为146.270 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68042390: Others incl Finished Parts数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
209.530 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042390: Others incl Finished Parts

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68042390: Others incl Finished Parts

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68043010: Hand Polishing Stones

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68043010: Hand Polishing Stones在2018达567.730 kg th,相较于2017的502.940 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68043010: Hand Polishing Stones数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为754.920 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达10,086.930 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为109.270 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68043010: Hand Polishing Stones数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
567.730 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68043010: Hand Polishing Stones

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68043010: Hand Polishing Stones

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68043020: Sharpening Stones

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68043020: Sharpening Stones在2018达554.800 kg th,相较于2017的319.900 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68043020: Sharpening Stones数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为100.910 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达554.800 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为12.750 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68043020: Sharpening Stones数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
554.800 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68043020: Sharpening Stones

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68043020: Sharpening Stones

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68051010: Abrasive Cloths

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68051010: Abrasive Cloths在2018达436.780 kg th,相较于2017的441.420 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68051010: Abrasive Cloths数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为574.790 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达1,520.320 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为277.760 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68051010: Abrasive Cloths数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
436.780 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68051010: Abrasive Cloths

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68051010: Abrasive Cloths

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68051090: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68051090: Others在2018达317.950 kg th,相较于2017的82.640 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68051090: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为115.660 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达448.830 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为35.130 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68051090: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
317.950 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68051090: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68051090: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052010: Emery or Corundum Coated Paper

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68052010: Emery or Corundum Coated Paper在2018达27.070 kg th,相较于2017的9.790 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68052010: Emery or Corundum Coated Paper数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为200.820 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达315.790 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为9.790 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68052010: Emery or Corundum Coated Paper数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
27.070 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052010: Emery or Corundum Coated Paper

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052010: Emery or Corundum Coated Paper

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052020: Flint Coated Paper

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68052020: Flint Coated Paper在2018达29.030 kg th,相较于2017的10.120 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68052020: Flint Coated Paper数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为4.925 kg th,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达38.900 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为0.310 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68052020: Flint Coated Paper数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
29.030 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052020: Flint Coated Paper

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052020: Flint Coated Paper

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052030: Glass or Sand Coated Paper

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68052030: Glass or Sand Coated Paper在2018达1.520 kg th,相较于2017的3.120 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68052030: Glass or Sand Coated Paper数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为3.200 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达22.510 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.270 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68052030: Glass or Sand Coated Paper数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1.520 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052030: Glass or Sand Coated Paper

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052030: Glass or Sand Coated Paper

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052040: Other Abrasive Paper

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68052040: Other Abrasive Paper在2018达54.560 kg th,相较于2017的139.020 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68052040: Other Abrasive Paper数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为27.450 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达139.020 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为6.170 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68052040: Other Abrasive Paper数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
54.560 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052040: Other Abrasive Paper

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052040: Other Abrasive Paper

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052090: Other

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68052090: Other在2018达73.840 kg th,相较于2017的151.760 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68052090: Other数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为130.410 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达300.250 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为53.630 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68052090: Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
73.840 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052090: Other

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68052090: Other

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68053000: Natural or Artificials Abrasive Powder or Grain on A Base of Other Materials

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68053000: Natural or Artificials Abrasive Powder or Grain on A Base of Other Materials在2018达420.080 kg th,相较于2017的332.470 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68053000: Natural or Artificials Abrasive Powder or Grain on A Base of Other Materials数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为227.700 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达637.010 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为3.370 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68053000: Natural or Artificials Abrasive Powder or Grain on A Base of Other Materials数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
420.080 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68053000: Natural or Artificials Abrasive Powder or Grain on A Base of Other Materials

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68053000: Natural or Artificials Abrasive Powder or Grain on A Base of Other Materials

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68061000: Slag Wool, Rock Wool and Similar Mineral Wools (incl Intermixtures Therof), in Bulk, Sheets or Rolls

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68061000: Slag Wool, Rock Wool and Similar Mineral Wools (incl Intermixtures Therof), in Bulk, Sheets or Rolls在2018达9,387.980 kg th,相较于2017的5,465.630 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68061000: Slag Wool, Rock Wool and Similar Mineral Wools (incl Intermixtures Therof), in Bulk, Sheets or Rolls数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为2,294.015 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达17,691.830 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为60.880 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68061000: Slag Wool, Rock Wool and Similar Mineral Wools (incl Intermixtures Therof), in Bulk, Sheets or Rolls数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
9,387.980 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68061000: Slag Wool, Rock Wool and Similar Mineral Wools (incl Intermixtures Therof), in Bulk, Sheets or Rolls

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68061000: Slag Wool, Rock Wool and Similar Mineral Wools (incl Intermixtures Therof), in Bulk, Sheets or Rolls

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68062000: Exfoliated Vermiculite, Expanded Clays, Foamd Slag and Similar Expended Mineral Materials (incl Intermixtures Thereof)

1998 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68062000: Exfoliated Vermiculite, Expanded Clays, Foamd Slag and Similar Expended Mineral Materials (incl Intermixtures Thereof)在2018达944.990 kg th,相较于2017的865.460 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68062000: Exfoliated Vermiculite, Expanded Clays, Foamd Slag and Similar Expended Mineral Materials (incl Intermixtures Thereof)数据按每年更新,1998至2018期间平均值为132.555 kg th,共20份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达944.990 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为4.130 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68062000: Exfoliated Vermiculite, Expanded Clays, Foamd Slag and Similar Expended Mineral Materials (incl Intermixtures Thereof)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
944.990 2018 每年 1998 - 2018

查看图表中 1998 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68062000: Exfoliated Vermiculite, Expanded Clays, Foamd Slag and Similar Expended Mineral Materials (incl Intermixtures Thereof)

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68062000: Exfoliated Vermiculite, Expanded Clays, Foamd Slag and Similar Expended Mineral Materials (incl Intermixtures Thereof)

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68069000: Other (Mixtures and Articles of Heat Insulating, Sound Insulating or Absorbing Mineral Materials)

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68069000: Other (Mixtures and Articles of Heat Insulating, Sound Insulating or Absorbing Mineral Materials)在2018达11,708.700 kg th,相较于2017的7,962.820 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68069000: Other (Mixtures and Articles of Heat Insulating, Sound Insulating or Absorbing Mineral Materials)数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为2,272.630 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达12,050.220 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为1.290 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68069000: Other (Mixtures and Articles of Heat Insulating, Sound Insulating or Absorbing Mineral Materials)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
11,708.700 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68069000: Other (Mixtures and Articles of Heat Insulating, Sound Insulating or Absorbing Mineral Materials)

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68069000: Other (Mixtures and Articles of Heat Insulating, Sound Insulating or Absorbing Mineral Materials)

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68071010: Tarfelt Roofing in Rolls

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68071010: Tarfelt Roofing in Rolls在2018达25.890 kg th,相较于2017的33.000 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68071010: Tarfelt Roofing in Rolls数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为25.890 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达118.900 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为0.120 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68071010: Tarfelt Roofing in Rolls数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
25.890 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68071010: Tarfelt Roofing in Rolls

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68071010: Tarfelt Roofing in Rolls

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68071090: Other Roofing in Rolls

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68071090: Other Roofing in Rolls在2018达495.820 kg th,相较于2017的22.350 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68071090: Other Roofing in Rolls数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为22.350 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达495.820 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为0.100 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68071090: Other Roofing in Rolls数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
495.820 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68071090: Other Roofing in Rolls

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68071090: Other Roofing in Rolls

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68079010: Tarfelt Roofing in Other Form

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68079010: Tarfelt Roofing in Other Form在2018达4.860 kg th,相较于2017的5.070 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68079010: Tarfelt Roofing in Other Form数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为5.400 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达170.420 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为0.470 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68079010: Tarfelt Roofing in Other Form数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4.860 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68079010: Tarfelt Roofing in Other Form

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68079010: Tarfelt Roofing in Other Form

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68079090: Other Roofing in Other Form

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68079090: Other Roofing in Other Form在2018达1,530.970 kg th,相较于2017的1,459.770 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68079090: Other Roofing in Other Form数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为139.670 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,665.360 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为27.510 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68079090: Other Roofing in Other Form数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,530.970 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68079090: Other Roofing in Other Form

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68079090: Other Roofing in Other Form

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68080000: Panels, Boards, Tiles, Blocks and Similar Articles of Vegetable Fibre, of Straw or of Shaving, Chips, Particles, Sawdust

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68080000: Panels, Boards, Tiles, Blocks and Similar Articles of Vegetable Fibre, of Straw or of Shaving, Chips, Particles, Sawdust在2018达431.190 kg th,相较于2017的312.230 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68080000: Panels, Boards, Tiles, Blocks and Similar Articles of Vegetable Fibre, of Straw or of Shaving, Chips, Particles, Sawdust数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为346.475 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达4,247.970 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为10.530 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68080000: Panels, Boards, Tiles, Blocks and Similar Articles of Vegetable Fibre, of Straw or of Shaving, Chips, Particles, Sawdust数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
431.190 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68080000: Panels, Boards, Tiles, Blocks and Similar Articles of Vegetable Fibre, of Straw or of Shaving, Chips, Particles, Sawdust

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68080000: Panels, Boards, Tiles, Blocks and Similar Articles of Vegetable Fibre, of Straw or of Shaving, Chips, Particles, Sawdust

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68091100: Articles of Plaster or of Its Compositions Faced or Reinforced With Paper or Paperboard Only

2001 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68091100: Articles of Plaster or of Its Compositions Faced or Reinforced With Paper or Paperboard Only在2018达492.000 kg th,相较于2017的228.050 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68091100: Articles of Plaster or of Its Compositions Faced or Reinforced With Paper or Paperboard Only数据按每年更新,2001至2018期间平均值为49.240 kg th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达492.000 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.940 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68091100: Articles of Plaster or of Its Compositions Faced or Reinforced With Paper or Paperboard Only数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
492.000 2018 每年 2001 - 2018

查看图表中 2001 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68091100: Articles of Plaster or of Its Compositions Faced or Reinforced With Paper or Paperboard Only

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68091100: Articles of Plaster or of Its Compositions Faced or Reinforced With Paper or Paperboard Only

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68091900: Other Boards, Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles, Not Ornamented

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68091900: Other Boards, Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles, Not Ornamented在2018达658.050 kg th,相较于2017的408.370 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68091900: Other Boards, Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles, Not Ornamented数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为89.785 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达1,417.070 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为6.040 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68091900: Other Boards, Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles, Not Ornamented数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
658.050 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68091900: Other Boards, Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles, Not Ornamented

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68091900: Other Boards, Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles, Not Ornamented

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68099000: Other Articles of Plaster

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68099000: Other Articles of Plaster在2018达170.770 kg th,相较于2017的398.980 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68099000: Other Articles of Plaster数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为100.645 kg th,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达5,802.020 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为0.500 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68099000: Other Articles of Plaster数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
170.770 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68099000: Other Articles of Plaster

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68099000: Other Articles of Plaster

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101110: Cement Bricks

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68101110: Cement Bricks在2018达1,434.660 kg th,相较于2017的767.570 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68101110: Cement Bricks数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为271.630 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达2,879.450 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为63.060 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68101110: Cement Bricks数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,434.660 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101110: Cement Bricks

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101110: Cement Bricks

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101190: Other

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68101190: Other在2018达12,813.360 kg th,相较于2017的6,703.040 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68101190: Other数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1,199.920 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达14,632.050 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为522.090 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68101190: Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
12,813.360 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101190: Other

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101190: Other

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101910: Cement Tiles For Mosaic

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68101910: Cement Tiles For Mosaic在2018达802.610 kg th,相较于2017的527.200 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68101910: Cement Tiles For Mosaic数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为527.200 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达11,216.060 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为154.750 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68101910: Cement Tiles For Mosaic数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
802.610 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101910: Cement Tiles For Mosaic

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101910: Cement Tiles For Mosaic

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101990: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68101990: Others在2018达29,666.850 kg th,相较于2017的15,552.700 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68101990: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1,530.480 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达29,666.850 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为469.320 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68101990: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
29,666.850 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101990: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68101990: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109100: Prefabricated Structural Components for Building or Civil Engineering

1999 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68109100: Prefabricated Structural Components for Building or Civil Engineering在2018达3,361.400 kg th,相较于2017的720.690 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68109100: Prefabricated Structural Components for Building or Civil Engineering数据按每年更新,1999至2018期间平均值为58.355 kg th,共20份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达3,361.400 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2002,为6.240 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68109100: Prefabricated Structural Components for Building or Civil Engineering数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
3,361.400 2018 每年 1999 - 2018

查看图表中 1999 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109100: Prefabricated Structural Components for Building or Civil Engineering

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109100: Prefabricated Structural Components for Building or Civil Engineering

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109910: Concrete Boulder

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68109910: Concrete Boulder在2018达10.570 kg th,相较于2017的13.810 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68109910: Concrete Boulder数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为74.395 kg th,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达739.120 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为0.200 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68109910: Concrete Boulder数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
10.570 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109910: Concrete Boulder

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109910: Concrete Boulder

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109990: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68109990: Others在2018达60,750.940 kg th,相较于2017的40,185.160 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68109990: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为5,498.180 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达79,365.020 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为153.200 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68109990: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
60,750.940 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109990: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68109990: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114010: Asbestos Cement Sheets (Other than Corrugated Sheets)

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68114010: Asbestos Cement Sheets (Other than Corrugated Sheets)在2018达2,127.700 kg th,相较于2017的1,936.060 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68114010: Asbestos Cement Sheets (Other than Corrugated Sheets)数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为7,142.875 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达19,707.640 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为1,936.060 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68114010: Asbestos Cement Sheets (Other than Corrugated Sheets)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2,127.700 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114010: Asbestos Cement Sheets (Other than Corrugated Sheets)

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114010: Asbestos Cement Sheets (Other than Corrugated Sheets)

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114020: Asbestos Cement Tiles

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68114020: Asbestos Cement Tiles在2018达0.010 kg th,相较于2017的54.650 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68114020: Asbestos Cement Tiles数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为38.545 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达178.970 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为0.010 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68114020: Asbestos Cement Tiles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.010 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114020: Asbestos Cement Tiles

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114020: Asbestos Cement Tiles

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114090: Other

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68114090: Other在2018达516.160 kg th,相较于2017的1,992.480 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68114090: Other数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为2,460.115 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达26,245.160 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为516.160 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68114090: Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
516.160 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114090: Other

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68114090: Other

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118100: Corrugated Sheets

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68118100: Corrugated Sheets在2018达428.130 kg th,相较于2017的607.460 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68118100: Corrugated Sheets数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为368.150 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达30,528.500 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为42.320 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68118100: Corrugated Sheets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
428.130 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118100: Corrugated Sheets

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118100: Corrugated Sheets

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118200: Other Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68118200: Other Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles在2018达59,306.880 kg th,相较于2017的64,531.930 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68118200: Other Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为51,938.960 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达139,362.970 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为54.000 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68118200: Other Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
59,306.880 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118200: Other Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118200: Other Sheets, Panels, Tiles and Similar Articles

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118910: Tubes, Pipes And Tube Or Pipe Fittings

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68118910: Tubes, Pipes And Tube Or Pipe Fittings在2018达82.360 kg th,相较于2017的197.150 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68118910: Tubes, Pipes And Tube Or Pipe Fittings数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为82.360 kg th,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达245.370 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为30.920 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68118910: Tubes, Pipes And Tube Or Pipe Fittings数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
82.360 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118910: Tubes, Pipes And Tube Or Pipe Fittings

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118910: Tubes, Pipes And Tube Or Pipe Fittings

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118990: Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68118990: Other在2018达2,855.780 kg th,相较于2017的686.570 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68118990: Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为472.030 kg th,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达2,855.780 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为61.940 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68118990: Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2,855.780 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118990: Other

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68118990: Other

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68128000: of Crocidolite

2010 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68128000: of Crocidolite在2018达2.720 kg th,相较于2017的0.080 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68128000: of Crocidolite数据按每年更新,2010至2018期间平均值为1.860 kg th,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达273.640 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.020 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68128000: of Crocidolite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2.720 2018 每年 2010 - 2018

查看图表中 2010 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68128000: of Crocidolite

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68128000: of Crocidolite

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129100: Clothng Clothing Accessories Footwear and Headgear

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129100: Clothng Clothing Accessories Footwear and Headgear在2018达8.080 kg th,相较于2017的1.000 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129100: Clothng Clothing Accessories Footwear and Headgear数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为10.255 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达230.870 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为1.000 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129100: Clothng Clothing Accessories Footwear and Headgear数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
8.080 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129100: Clothng Clothing Accessories Footwear and Headgear

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129100: Clothng Clothing Accessories Footwear and Headgear

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129211: Asbestos Millboard

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129211: Asbestos Millboard在2018达134.740 kg th,相较于2017的91.650 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129211: Asbestos Millboard数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为131.395 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达356.680 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为66.570 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129211: Asbestos Millboard数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
134.740 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129211: Asbestos Millboard

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129211: Asbestos Millboard

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129219: Other Millboard

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129219: Other Millboard在2018达13.980 kg th,相较于2017的6.780 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129219: Other Millboard数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为61.385 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达290.640 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为6.780 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129219: Other Millboard数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
13.980 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129219: Other Millboard

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129219: Other Millboard

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129290: Others excl Millboard

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129290: Others excl Millboard在2018达88.300 kg th,相较于2017的114.310 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129290: Others excl Millboard数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为103.875 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达510.430 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为62.020 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129290: Others excl Millboard数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
88.300 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129290: Others excl Millboard

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129290: Others excl Millboard

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129300: Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing; in Sheet or Roll

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129300: Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing; in Sheet or Roll在2018达4,630.490 kg th,相较于2017的4,378.840 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129300: Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing; in Sheet or Roll数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为4,401.600 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达5,121.330 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为2,360.560 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129300: Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing; in Sheet or Roll数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4,630.490 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129300: Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing; in Sheet or Roll

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129300: Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing; in Sheet or Roll

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129911: Asbestos Lagging Compounds

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129911: Asbestos Lagging Compounds在2018达3.850 kg th,相较于2017的3.760 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129911: Asbestos Lagging Compounds数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为35.810 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达233.180 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为3.760 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129911: Asbestos Lagging Compounds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
3.850 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129911: Asbestos Lagging Compounds

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129911: Asbestos Lagging Compounds

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129919: Other Lagging

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129919: Other Lagging在2018达57.720 kg th,相较于2017的71.330 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129919: Other Lagging数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为69.400 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达180.270 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为46.840 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129919: Other Lagging数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
57.720 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129919: Other Lagging

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129919: Other Lagging

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129921: Asbestos Packing Joints

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129921: Asbestos Packing Joints在2018达9.250 kg th,相较于2017的23.710 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129921: Asbestos Packing Joints数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为11.840 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达197.670 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为2.620 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129921: Asbestos Packing Joints数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
9.250 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129921: Asbestos Packing Joints

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129921: Asbestos Packing Joints

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129922: Asbestos Gaskets

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129922: Asbestos Gaskets在2018达95.980 kg th,相较于2017的96.460 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129922: Asbestos Gaskets数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为210.180 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达318.940 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为40.700 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129922: Asbestos Gaskets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
95.980 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129922: Asbestos Gaskets

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129922: Asbestos Gaskets

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129990: Others

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68129990: Others在2018达311.440 kg th,相较于2017的233.970 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68129990: Others数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为330.120 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达720.270 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为126.530 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68129990: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
311.440 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129990: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68129990: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68132010: Brake Lining and Pads

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68132010: Brake Lining and Pads在2018达4,587.100 kg th,相较于2017的4,451.430 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68132010: Brake Lining and Pads数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为2,941.105 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达4,962.150 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为157.090 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68132010: Brake Lining and Pads数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
4,587.100 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68132010: Brake Lining and Pads

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68132010: Brake Lining and Pads

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68132090: Asbestos Friction Materials

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68132090: Asbestos Friction Materials在2018达166.020 kg th,相较于2017的166.130 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68132090: Asbestos Friction Materials数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为234.845 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达1,672.480 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为28.200 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68132090: Asbestos Friction Materials数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
166.020 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68132090: Asbestos Friction Materials

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68132090: Asbestos Friction Materials

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68138100: Brake Linings and Pads

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68138100: Brake Linings and Pads在2018达23,425.870 kg th,相较于2017的21,855.070 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68138100: Brake Linings and Pads数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为19,630.670 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达23,425.870 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为9,827.310 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68138100: Brake Linings and Pads数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
23,425.870 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68138100: Brake Linings and Pads

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68138100: Brake Linings and Pads

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68138900: Others

2009 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68138900: Others在2018达2,276.930 kg th,相较于2017的2,481.680 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68138900: Others数据按每年更新,2009至2018期间平均值为3,164.535 kg th,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达15,590.960 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为1,293.370 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68138900: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
2,276.930 2018 每年 2009 - 2018

查看图表中 2009 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68138900: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68138900: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141010: Cut Mica Condenser Film of Plates

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68141010: Cut Mica Condenser Film of Plates在2018达42.750 kg th,相较于2017的4.640 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68141010: Cut Mica Condenser Film of Plates数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为4.640 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达42.750 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为0.740 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68141010: Cut Mica Condenser Film of Plates数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
42.750 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141010: Cut Mica Condenser Film of Plates

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141010: Cut Mica Condenser Film of Plates

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141020: Sheets and Strips Cut To Shape

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68141020: Sheets and Strips Cut To Shape在2018达43.220 kg th,相较于2017的43.960 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68141020: Sheets and Strips Cut To Shape数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为41.900 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达94.070 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为9.600 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68141020: Sheets and Strips Cut To Shape数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
43.220 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141020: Sheets and Strips Cut To Shape

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141020: Sheets and Strips Cut To Shape

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141030: Washers and Discs

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68141030: Washers and Discs在2018达6.270 kg th,相较于2017的5.600 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68141030: Washers and Discs数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为40.040 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达500.930 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为5.600 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68141030: Washers and Discs数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
6.270 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141030: Washers and Discs

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141030: Washers and Discs

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141090: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68141090: Others在2018达525.050 kg th,相较于2017的450.300 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68141090: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为93.550 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达525.050 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为31.870 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68141090: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
525.050 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141090: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68141090: Others

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149010: Mica Stacked Units

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68149010: Mica Stacked Units在2018达0.110 kg th,相较于2017的1.080 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68149010: Mica Stacked Units数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1.520 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达17.120 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.040 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68149010: Mica Stacked Units数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.110 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149010: Mica Stacked Units

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149010: Mica Stacked Units

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149020: Silvered Mica, Capacitor Plates or Silvered Mica Plates

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68149020: Silvered Mica, Capacitor Plates or Silvered Mica Plates在2018达0.030 kg th,相较于2017的0.330 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68149020: Silvered Mica, Capacitor Plates or Silvered Mica Plates数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1.380 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达35.110 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为0.030 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68149020: Silvered Mica, Capacitor Plates or Silvered Mica Plates数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.030 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149020: Silvered Mica, Capacitor Plates or Silvered Mica Plates

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149020: Silvered Mica, Capacitor Plates or Silvered Mica Plates

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149030: Micanite and All Sorts of Build Up Mica

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68149030: Micanite and All Sorts of Build Up Mica在2018达5.740 kg th,相较于2017的2.230 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68149030: Micanite and All Sorts of Build Up Mica数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为12.330 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达111.700 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为1.210 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68149030: Micanite and All Sorts of Build Up Mica数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
5.740 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149030: Micanite and All Sorts of Build Up Mica

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149030: Micanite and All Sorts of Build Up Mica

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149040: Micapaper or Reconstituted Mica Paper

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68149040: Micapaper or Reconstituted Mica Paper在2018达450.070 kg th,相较于2017的191.660 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68149040: Micapaper or Reconstituted Mica Paper数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为117.010 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达450.070 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为34.540 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68149040: Micapaper or Reconstituted Mica Paper数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
450.070 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149040: Micapaper or Reconstituted Mica Paper

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149040: Micapaper or Reconstituted Mica Paper

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149050: Moulded Glass Bonded or Glass Bonded Mica

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68149050: Moulded Glass Bonded or Glass Bonded Mica在2018达0.030 kg th,相较于2016的0.010 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68149050: Moulded Glass Bonded or Glass Bonded Mica数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1.240 kg th,共13份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达5.010 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为0.010 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68149050: Moulded Glass Bonded or Glass Bonded Mica数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.030 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149050: Moulded Glass Bonded or Glass Bonded Mica

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149050: Moulded Glass Bonded or Glass Bonded Mica

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149090: Others (incl Parts and Fbrctd Mica Not Elsewhere Specified)

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68149090: Others (incl Parts and Fbrctd Mica Not Elsewhere Specified)在2018达50.950 kg th,相较于2017的46.210 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68149090: Others (incl Parts and Fbrctd Mica Not Elsewhere Specified)数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为133.790 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达16,566.880 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为46.210 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68149090: Others (incl Parts and Fbrctd Mica Not Elsewhere Specified)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
50.950 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149090: Others (incl Parts and Fbrctd Mica Not Elsewhere Specified)

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68149090: Others (incl Parts and Fbrctd Mica Not Elsewhere Specified)

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151010: Graphite Filter Candle

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68151010: Graphite Filter Candle在2018达5.070 kg th,相较于2017的7.190 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68151010: Graphite Filter Candle数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为18.800 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达184.900 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为1.490 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68151010: Graphite Filter Candle数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
5.070 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151010: Graphite Filter Candle

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151010: Graphite Filter Candle

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151020: Non-Electrical Articles of Graphite

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68151020: Non-Electrical Articles of Graphite在2018达0.930 kg th,相较于2017的0.120 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68151020: Non-Electrical Articles of Graphite数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为36.620 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达333.460 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为0.120 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68151020: Non-Electrical Articles of Graphite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.930 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151020: Non-Electrical Articles of Graphite

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151020: Non-Electrical Articles of Graphite

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151090: Non-Electrical Articles of Other Carbon

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68151090: Non-Electrical Articles of Other Carbon在2018达475.400 kg th,相较于2017的1,137.680 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68151090: Non-Electrical Articles of Other Carbon数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为721.430 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达2,585.880 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为136.210 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68151090: Non-Electrical Articles of Other Carbon数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
475.400 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151090: Non-Electrical Articles of Other Carbon

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68151090: Non-Electrical Articles of Other Carbon

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68152000: Articles Of Peat

1997 - 2017 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68152000: Articles Of Peat在2017达0.360 kg th,相较于2016的0.180 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68152000: Articles Of Peat数据按每年更新,1997至2017期间平均值为1.265 kg th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达111.290 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.070 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68152000: Articles Of Peat数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
0.360 2017 每年 1997 - 2017

查看图表中 1997 到2017 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68152000: Articles Of Peat

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68152000: Articles Of Peat

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159100: Articles Containing Magnesite, Dolomite or Chromite

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68159100: Articles Containing Magnesite, Dolomite or Chromite在2018达153.740 kg th,相较于2017的228.030 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68159100: Articles Containing Magnesite, Dolomite or Chromite数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为20.000 kg th,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达431.030 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为0.060 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68159100: Articles Containing Magnesite, Dolomite or Chromite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
153.740 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159100: Articles Containing Magnesite, Dolomite or Chromite

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159100: Articles Containing Magnesite, Dolomite or Chromite

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159910: Bricks and Tiles of Fly Ash

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68159910: Bricks and Tiles of Fly Ash在2018达1,177.640 kg th,相较于2017的206.370 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68159910: Bricks and Tiles of Fly Ash数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为549.300 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达3,711.870 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为82.560 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68159910: Bricks and Tiles of Fly Ash数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
1,177.640 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159910: Bricks and Tiles of Fly Ash

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159910: Bricks and Tiles of Fly Ash

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159920: Sanitary Wares, Kitchen Wares and Other Made Up Articles oF Fly Ash

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68159920: Sanitary Wares, Kitchen Wares and Other Made Up Articles oF Fly Ash在2018达84.290 kg th,相较于2017的35.340 kg th有所增长。Exports: Volume: HS: 68159920: Sanitary Wares, Kitchen Wares and Other Made Up Articles oF Fly Ash数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为73.640 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达2,775.600 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为11.150 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68159920: Sanitary Wares, Kitchen Wares and Other Made Up Articles oF Fly Ash数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
84.290 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159920: Sanitary Wares, Kitchen Wares and Other Made Up Articles oF Fly Ash

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159920: Sanitary Wares, Kitchen Wares and Other Made Up Articles oF Fly Ash

印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159990: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | kg th | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: Volume: HS: 68159990: Others在2018达25,801.630 kg th,相较于2017的27,205.660 kg th有所下降。Exports: Volume: HS: 68159990: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为5,492.690 kg th,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达27,205.660 kg th,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为182.540 kg th。CEIC提供的Exports: Volume: HS: 68159990: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JCS003: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS68: Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos etc: Exports: Volume。

数值 频率 范围
25,801.630 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159990: Others

India 印度 Exports: Volume: HS: 68159990: Others
Flexible monthly access to CEIC data