印度 Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82011000: Spades and Shovels

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82011000: Spades and Shovels在2018达674.854 INR mn,相较于2017的638.867 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82011000: Spades and Shovels数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为298.292 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达756.793 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为9.751 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82011000: Spades and Shovels数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
674.854 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82011000: Spades and Shovels

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82011000: Spades and Shovels

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82013000: Mattocks Picks Hoes and Rakes

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82013000: Mattocks Picks Hoes and Rakes在2018达733.343 INR mn,相较于2017的608.656 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82013000: Mattocks Picks Hoes and Rakes数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为419.856 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达1,005.602 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为81.743 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82013000: Mattocks Picks Hoes and Rakes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
733.343 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82013000: Mattocks Picks Hoes and Rakes

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82013000: Mattocks Picks Hoes and Rakes

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82014000: Axes Billhooks and Similar Hewing Tools

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82014000: Axes Billhooks and Similar Hewing Tools在2018达362.550 INR mn,相较于2017的291.578 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82014000: Axes Billhooks and Similar Hewing Tools数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为74.950 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达471.884 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为8.008 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82014000: Axes Billhooks and Similar Hewing Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
362.550 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82014000: Axes Billhooks and Similar Hewing Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82014000: Axes Billhooks and Similar Hewing Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82015000: One-Handed Secateurs (incl Clad, Poultry, Shears)

1998 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82015000: One-Handed Secateurs (incl Clad, Poultry, Shears)在2018达1.926 INR mn,相较于2017的0.989 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82015000: One-Handed Secateurs (incl Clad, Poultry, Shears)数据按每年更新,1998至2018期间平均值为0.989 INR mn,共19份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达8.149 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为0.024 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82015000: One-Handed Secateurs (incl Clad, Poultry, Shears)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.926 2018 每年 1998 - 2018

查看图表中 1998 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82015000: One-Handed Secateurs (incl Clad, Poultry, Shears)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82015000: One-Handed Secateurs (incl Clad, Poultry, Shears)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82016000: Hedge Shears, Two-Handed Pruning Shears and Similar Two-Handed Shears

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82016000: Hedge Shears, Two-Handed Pruning Shears and Similar Two-Handed Shears在2018达0.971 INR mn,相较于2017的0.884 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82016000: Hedge Shears, Two-Handed Pruning Shears and Similar Two-Handed Shears数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为0.897 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达15.021 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为0.034 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82016000: Hedge Shears, Two-Handed Pruning Shears and Similar Two-Handed Shears数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.971 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82016000: Hedge Shears, Two-Handed Pruning Shears and Similar Two-Handed Shears

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82016000: Hedge Shears, Two-Handed Pruning Shears and Similar Two-Handed Shears

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82019000: Other Hand Tools Used in Agriculture or Horticulture or Forestry

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82019000: Other Hand Tools Used in Agriculture or Horticulture or Forestry在2018达503.791 INR mn,相较于2017的574.294 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82019000: Other Hand Tools Used in Agriculture or Horticulture or Forestry数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为390.938 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达916.994 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为69.424 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82019000: Other Hand Tools Used in Agriculture or Horticulture or Forestry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
503.791 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82019000: Other Hand Tools Used in Agriculture or Horticulture or Forestry

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82019000: Other Hand Tools Used in Agriculture or Horticulture or Forestry

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021010: Metal Working Hand Saws

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82021010: Metal Working Hand Saws在2018达18.363 INR mn,相较于2017的14.259 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82021010: Metal Working Hand Saws数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为19.951 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达117.886 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为11.460 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82021010: Metal Working Hand Saws数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
18.363 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021010: Metal Working Hand Saws

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021010: Metal Working Hand Saws

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021020: Wood Working and Similar Hand Saw, All Type

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82021020: Wood Working and Similar Hand Saw, All Type在2018达10.140 INR mn,相较于2017的11.666 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82021020: Wood Working and Similar Hand Saw, All Type数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为11.666 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达44.984 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为1.330 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82021020: Wood Working and Similar Hand Saw, All Type数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
10.140 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021020: Wood Working and Similar Hand Saw, All Type

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021020: Wood Working and Similar Hand Saw, All Type

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021090: Other Hand Saws

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82021090: Other Hand Saws在2018达35.015 INR mn,相较于2017的39.355 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82021090: Other Hand Saws数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为127.380 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达614.069 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为35.015 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82021090: Other Hand Saws数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
35.015 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021090: Other Hand Saws

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82021090: Other Hand Saws

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82022000: Band Saw Blades

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82022000: Band Saw Blades在2018达120.887 INR mn,相较于2017的104.202 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82022000: Band Saw Blades数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为112.544 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达277.506 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2002,为18.455 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82022000: Band Saw Blades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
120.887 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82022000: Band Saw Blades

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82022000: Band Saw Blades

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82023100: Circular Saw Blades With Working Part of Steel (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blades)

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82023100: Circular Saw Blades With Working Part of Steel (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blades)在2018达26.033 INR mn,相较于2017的9.922 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82023100: Circular Saw Blades With Working Part of Steel (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blades)数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为8.280 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达26.033 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为1.259 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82023100: Circular Saw Blades With Working Part of Steel (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blades)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
26.033 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82023100: Circular Saw Blades With Working Part of Steel (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blades)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82023100: Circular Saw Blades With Working Part of Steel (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blades)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82023900: Other Circular Saw Blades (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blade) and Parts

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82023900: Other Circular Saw Blades (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blade) and Parts在2018达29.603 INR mn,相较于2017的15.801 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82023900: Other Circular Saw Blades (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blade) and Parts数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为12.770 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达88.875 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为0.429 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82023900: Other Circular Saw Blades (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blade) and Parts数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
29.603 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82023900: Other Circular Saw Blades (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blade) and Parts

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82023900: Other Circular Saw Blades (incl Slitting or Slotting Saw Blade) and Parts

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82024000: Chain Saw Blades

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82024000: Chain Saw Blades在2018达54.329 INR mn,相较于2017的35.489 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82024000: Chain Saw Blades数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为4.865 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达54.329 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.071 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82024000: Chain Saw Blades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
54.329 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82024000: Chain Saw Blades

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82024000: Chain Saw Blades

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029110: Hack Saw Blades, Machine Operated

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82029110: Hack Saw Blades, Machine Operated在2018达20.279 INR mn,相较于2017的21.375 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82029110: Hack Saw Blades, Machine Operated数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为28.447 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达63.262 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为16.296 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82029110: Hack Saw Blades, Machine Operated数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
20.279 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029110: Hack Saw Blades, Machine Operated

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029110: Hack Saw Blades, Machine Operated

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029120: Hack Saw Blades, Hand Operated

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82029120: Hack Saw Blades, Hand Operated在2018达40.507 INR mn,相较于2017的39.245 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82029120: Hack Saw Blades, Hand Operated数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为11.360 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达54.768 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3.719 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82029120: Hack Saw Blades, Hand Operated数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
40.507 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029120: Hack Saw Blades, Hand Operated

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029120: Hack Saw Blades, Hand Operated

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029910: Hack Saw Frames

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82029910: Hack Saw Frames在2018达33.550 INR mn,相较于2017的34.423 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82029910: Hack Saw Frames数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为34.423 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达75.343 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为20.872 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82029910: Hack Saw Frames数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
33.550 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029910: Hack Saw Frames

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029910: Hack Saw Frames

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029990: Other Saw Blades

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82029990: Other Saw Blades在2018达193.969 INR mn,相较于2017的172.150 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82029990: Other Saw Blades数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为118.254 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达201.530 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为55.122 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82029990: Other Saw Blades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
193.969 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029990: Other Saw Blades

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82029990: Other Saw Blades

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82031000: Files, Rasps and Similar Tools

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82031000: Files, Rasps and Similar Tools在2018达2,051.591 INR mn,相较于2017的1,928.836 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82031000: Files, Rasps and Similar Tools数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为1,034.837 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达2,212.176 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为548.849 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82031000: Files, Rasps and Similar Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
2,051.591 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82031000: Files, Rasps and Similar Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82031000: Files, Rasps and Similar Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82032000: Pliers, Pincers, Tweezers and Similar Tools

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82032000: Pliers, Pincers, Tweezers and Similar Tools在2018达1,503.979 INR mn,相较于2017的1,464.424 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82032000: Pliers, Pincers, Tweezers and Similar Tools数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为545.526 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达1,523.684 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为138.908 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82032000: Pliers, Pincers, Tweezers and Similar Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,503.979 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82032000: Pliers, Pincers, Tweezers and Similar Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82032000: Pliers, Pincers, Tweezers and Similar Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82033000: Metal Cutting Shears and Similar Tools

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82033000: Metal Cutting Shears and Similar Tools在2018达35.221 INR mn,相较于2017的18.600 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82033000: Metal Cutting Shears and Similar Tools数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为43.077 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001,达176.386 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为14.157 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82033000: Metal Cutting Shears and Similar Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
35.221 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82033000: Metal Cutting Shears and Similar Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82033000: Metal Cutting Shears and Similar Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82034010: Perforating Punches and Pipe Cutters

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82034010: Perforating Punches and Pipe Cutters在2018达15.645 INR mn,相较于2017的19.036 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82034010: Perforating Punches and Pipe Cutters数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为19.052 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达56.403 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为10.986 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82034010: Perforating Punches and Pipe Cutters数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
15.645 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82034010: Perforating Punches and Pipe Cutters

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82034010: Perforating Punches and Pipe Cutters

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82034090: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82034090: Others在2018达178.922 INR mn,相较于2017的199.734 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82034090: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为178.922 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达296.258 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为72.267 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82034090: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
178.922 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82034090: Others

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82034090: Others

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041110: Hand-Operated Spanners Non Adjustable

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82041110: Hand-Operated Spanners Non Adjustable在2018达8,005.449 INR mn,相较于2017的7,388.484 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82041110: Hand-Operated Spanners Non Adjustable数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为4,976.682 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达8,763.231 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为1,790.618 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82041110: Hand-Operated Spanners Non Adjustable数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
8,005.449 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041110: Hand-Operated Spanners Non Adjustable

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041110: Hand-Operated Spanners Non Adjustable

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041120: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tap Wrenches) Non-Adjustable

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82041120: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tap Wrenches) Non-Adjustable在2018达239.221 INR mn,相较于2017的191.530 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82041120: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tap Wrenches) Non-Adjustable数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为165.504 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达531.169 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为66.703 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82041120: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tap Wrenches) Non-Adjustable数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
239.221 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041120: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tap Wrenches) Non-Adjustable

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041120: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tap Wrenches) Non-Adjustable

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041210: Hand-Operated Spanners-Adjustable

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82041210: Hand-Operated Spanners-Adjustable在2018达48.690 INR mn,相较于2017的58.347 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82041210: Hand-Operated Spanners-Adjustable数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为125.322 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达1,160.319 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为48.690 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82041210: Hand-Operated Spanners-Adjustable数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
48.690 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041210: Hand-Operated Spanners-Adjustable

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041210: Hand-Operated Spanners-Adjustable

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041220: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tape Wrenches) Adjustable

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82041220: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tape Wrenches) Adjustable在2018达309.694 INR mn,相较于2017的234.231 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82041220: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tape Wrenches) Adjustable数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为138.708 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达309.694 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为54.518 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82041220: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tape Wrenches) Adjustable数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
309.694 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041220: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tape Wrenches) Adjustable

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82041220: Hand-Operated Wrenches (excl Tape Wrenches) Adjustable

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82042000: Interchangeable Spaner Sockets, With Handle or Not

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82042000: Interchangeable Spaner Sockets, With Handle or Not在2018达100.589 INR mn,相较于2017的77.844 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82042000: Interchangeable Spaner Sockets, With Handle or Not数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为75.273 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达352.462 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为25.923 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82042000: Interchangeable Spaner Sockets, With Handle or Not数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
100.589 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82042000: Interchangeable Spaner Sockets, With Handle or Not

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82042000: Interchangeable Spaner Sockets, With Handle or Not

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82051000: Drilling Threading or Taping Tools

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82051000: Drilling Threading or Taping Tools在2018达192.884 INR mn,相较于2017的155.319 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82051000: Drilling Threading or Taping Tools数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为216.807 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达388.633 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为84.211 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82051000: Drilling Threading or Taping Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
192.884 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82051000: Drilling Threading or Taping Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82051000: Drilling Threading or Taping Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82052000: Hammers and Sledge Hammers

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82052000: Hammers and Sledge Hammers在2018达988.224 INR mn,相较于2017的700.106 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82052000: Hammers and Sledge Hammers数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为301.382 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达1,019.154 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为45.690 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82052000: Hammers and Sledge Hammers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
988.224 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82052000: Hammers and Sledge Hammers

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82052000: Hammers and Sledge Hammers

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82053000: Planes, Chisels, Gouges and Similar Cutting Tools for Working Wood

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82053000: Planes, Chisels, Gouges and Similar Cutting Tools for Working Wood在2018达407.534 INR mn,相较于2017的406.087 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82053000: Planes, Chisels, Gouges and Similar Cutting Tools for Working Wood数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为367.824 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达475.493 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为191.264 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82053000: Planes, Chisels, Gouges and Similar Cutting Tools for Working Wood数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
407.534 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82053000: Planes, Chisels, Gouges and Similar Cutting Tools for Working Wood

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82053000: Planes, Chisels, Gouges and Similar Cutting Tools for Working Wood

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82054000: Screwdrivers

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82054000: Screwdrivers在2018达55.187 INR mn,相较于2017的74.841 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82054000: Screwdrivers数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为36.412 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达128.880 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为2.981 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82054000: Screwdrivers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
55.187 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82054000: Screwdrivers

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82054000: Screwdrivers

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055110: Can or Cork Openers

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82055110: Can or Cork Openers在2018达8.931 INR mn,相较于2017的11.940 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82055110: Can or Cork Openers数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为13.410 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达23.184 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为4.155 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82055110: Can or Cork Openers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
8.931 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055110: Can or Cork Openers

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055110: Can or Cork Openers

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055190: Other Household Hand Tools

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82055190: Other Household Hand Tools在2018达332.558 INR mn,相较于2017的323.489 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82055190: Other Household Hand Tools数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为553.006 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达1,074.185 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为120.868 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82055190: Other Household Hand Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
332.558 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055190: Other Household Hand Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055190: Other Household Hand Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055910: Grease Guns (excl Compressed Air Type)

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82055910: Grease Guns (excl Compressed Air Type)在2018达1,014.028 INR mn,相较于2017的1,130.409 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82055910: Grease Guns (excl Compressed Air Type)数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为665.337 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,130.409 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为124.456 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82055910: Grease Guns (excl Compressed Air Type)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,014.028 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055910: Grease Guns (excl Compressed Air Type)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055910: Grease Guns (excl Compressed Air Type)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055920: Metal Working Hand Tools

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82055920: Metal Working Hand Tools在2018达582.110 INR mn,相较于2017的628.467 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82055920: Metal Working Hand Tools数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为498.236 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达770.370 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为58.242 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82055920: Metal Working Hand Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
582.110 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055920: Metal Working Hand Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055920: Metal Working Hand Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055930: Hand Tools for Specified Uses, Such As Watch Making Tools, Goldsmith Tools

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82055930: Hand Tools for Specified Uses, Such As Watch Making Tools, Goldsmith Tools在2018达474.509 INR mn,相较于2017的523.537 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82055930: Hand Tools for Specified Uses, Such As Watch Making Tools, Goldsmith Tools数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为357.519 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达747.773 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为212.956 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82055930: Hand Tools for Specified Uses, Such As Watch Making Tools, Goldsmith Tools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
474.509 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055930: Hand Tools for Specified Uses, Such As Watch Making Tools, Goldsmith Tools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055930: Hand Tools for Specified Uses, Such As Watch Making Tools, Goldsmith Tools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055940: Forks Other

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82055940: Forks Other在2018达1.383 INR mn,相较于2017的2.331 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82055940: Forks Other数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为0.749 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达2.331 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为0.106 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82055940: Forks Other数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.383 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055940: Forks Other

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055940: Forks Other

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055990: Other Hand Tool incl Glaziers Diamonds Not Elsewhere Specified

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82055990: Other Hand Tool incl Glaziers Diamonds Not Elsewhere Specified在2018达1,688.972 INR mn,相较于2017的1,445.089 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82055990: Other Hand Tool incl Glaziers Diamonds Not Elsewhere Specified数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为532.974 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达1,688.972 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为82.527 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82055990: Other Hand Tool incl Glaziers Diamonds Not Elsewhere Specified数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,688.972 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055990: Other Hand Tool incl Glaziers Diamonds Not Elsewhere Specified

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82055990: Other Hand Tool incl Glaziers Diamonds Not Elsewhere Specified

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82056000: Blow Lamps

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82056000: Blow Lamps在2018达1.110 INR mn,相较于2017的1.146 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82056000: Blow Lamps数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为2.234 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达16.506 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为0.538 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82056000: Blow Lamps数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.110 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82056000: Blow Lamps

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82056000: Blow Lamps

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82057000: Vices, Clamps and The Like

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82057000: Vices, Clamps and The Like在2018达1,698.136 INR mn,相较于2017的2,012.876 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82057000: Vices, Clamps and The Like数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为1,522.910 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达4,149.524 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为106.388 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82057000: Vices, Clamps and The Like数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,698.136 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82057000: Vices, Clamps and The Like

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82057000: Vices, Clamps and The Like

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059010: Anvils And Portable Forges

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82059010: Anvils And Portable Forges在2018达0.571 INR mn,相较于2017的3.397 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82059010: Anvils And Portable Forges数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为0.571 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达15.247 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为0.223 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82059010: Anvils And Portable Forges数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.571 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059010: Anvils And Portable Forges

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059010: Anvils And Portable Forges

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059020: Grinding Wheels With Frame, Hand Or Pedal-Operated

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82059020: Grinding Wheels With Frame, Hand Or Pedal-Operated在2018达8.367 INR mn,相较于2017的5.286 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82059020: Grinding Wheels With Frame, Hand Or Pedal-Operated数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为1.766 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达8.367 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.336 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82059020: Grinding Wheels With Frame, Hand Or Pedal-Operated数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
8.367 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059020: Grinding Wheels With Frame, Hand Or Pedal-Operated

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059020: Grinding Wheels With Frame, Hand Or Pedal-Operated

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059030: Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Of The Foregoing Sub-Headings

2014 - 2014 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

。Exports: INR: HS: 82059030: Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Of The Foregoing Sub-Headings数据按每年更新,2014至2014期间平均值为0.040 INR mn,共1份观测结果。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82059030: Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Of The Foregoing Sub-Headings数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.040 2014 每年 2014 - 2014

查看图表中 2014 到2014 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059030: Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Of The Foregoing Sub-Headings

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059030: Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Of The Foregoing Sub-Headings

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059090: Other, Including Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Subheadings Of This Heading

2014 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82059090: Other, Including Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Subheadings Of This Heading在2018达15.339 INR mn,相较于2017的18.538 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82059090: Other, Including Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Subheadings Of This Heading数据按每年更新,2014至2018期间平均值为4.171 INR mn,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达18.538 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.981 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82059090: Other, Including Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Subheadings Of This Heading数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
15.339 2018 每年 2014 - 2018

查看图表中 2014 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059090: Other, Including Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Subheadings Of This Heading

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82059090: Other, Including Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More Subheadings Of This Heading

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82060010: Garage Tools in Sets

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82060010: Garage Tools in Sets在2018达165.032 INR mn,相较于2017的44.286 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82060010: Garage Tools in Sets数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为17.726 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达165.032 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为1.422 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82060010: Garage Tools in Sets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
165.032 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82060010: Garage Tools in Sets

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82060010: Garage Tools in Sets

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82060090: Other Tools of Two or More of Heading Number 8202 To 8205 Put Up in Sets For Retail Sale

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82060090: Other Tools of Two or More of Heading Number 8202 To 8205 Put Up in Sets For Retail Sale在2018达138.473 INR mn,相较于2017的112.272 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82060090: Other Tools of Two or More of Heading Number 8202 To 8205 Put Up in Sets For Retail Sale数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为118.950 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达362.642 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为27.048 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82060090: Other Tools of Two or More of Heading Number 8202 To 8205 Put Up in Sets For Retail Sale数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
138.473 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82060090: Other Tools of Two or More of Heading Number 8202 To 8205 Put Up in Sets For Retail Sale

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82060090: Other Tools of Two or More of Heading Number 8202 To 8205 Put Up in Sets For Retail Sale

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82071300: Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with Working Part of Cermets

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82071300: Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with Working Part of Cermets在2018达3,604.440 INR mn,相较于2017的4,037.711 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82071300: Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with Working Part of Cermets数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为141.604 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达4,037.711 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为1.276 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82071300: Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with Working Part of Cermets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3,604.440 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82071300: Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with Working Part of Cermets

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82071300: Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with Working Part of Cermets

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82071900: Other Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with, incl Parts

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82071900: Other Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with, incl Parts在2018达3,191.719 INR mn,相较于2017的2,418.916 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82071900: Other Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with, incl Parts数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为244.123 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达5,537.743 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为0.567 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82071900: Other Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with, incl Parts数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3,191.719 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82071900: Other Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with, incl Parts

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82071900: Other Rock Drilling or Earth Boring Tools with, incl Parts

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82072000: Dies For Drawing or Extruding Metal

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82072000: Dies For Drawing or Extruding Metal在2018达817.857 INR mn,相较于2017的603.397 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82072000: Dies For Drawing or Extruding Metal数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为282.128 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达817.857 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为77.290 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82072000: Dies For Drawing or Extruding Metal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
817.857 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82072000: Dies For Drawing or Extruding Metal

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82072000: Dies For Drawing or Extruding Metal

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82073000: Tools For Pressing, Stamping or Punching

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82073000: Tools For Pressing, Stamping or Punching在2018达1,140.442 INR mn,相较于2017的863.942 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82073000: Tools For Pressing, Stamping or Punching数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为209.524 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达1,140.442 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为13.752 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82073000: Tools For Pressing, Stamping or Punching数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,140.442 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82073000: Tools For Pressing, Stamping or Punching

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82073000: Tools For Pressing, Stamping or Punching

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82074010: Chasers

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82074010: Chasers在2018达19.581 INR mn,相较于2017的16.271 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82074010: Chasers数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为19.463 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达65.733 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为7.292 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82074010: Chasers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
19.581 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82074010: Chasers

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82074010: Chasers

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82074090: Other Tools For Tapping and Threading

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82074090: Other Tools For Tapping and Threading在2018达1,771.623 INR mn,相较于2017的1,763.321 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82074090: Other Tools For Tapping and Threading数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为907.507 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达1,771.623 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为57.073 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82074090: Other Tools For Tapping and Threading数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,771.623 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82074090: Other Tools For Tapping and Threading

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82074090: Other Tools For Tapping and Threading

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82075000: Tools For Drilling Other than Rock Drilling

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82075000: Tools For Drilling Other than Rock Drilling在2018达1,338.520 INR mn,相较于2017的1,765.488 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82075000: Tools For Drilling Other than Rock Drilling数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为697.119 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达1,765.488 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为64.924 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82075000: Tools For Drilling Other than Rock Drilling数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,338.520 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82075000: Tools For Drilling Other than Rock Drilling

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82075000: Tools For Drilling Other than Rock Drilling

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82076010: Reamers

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82076010: Reamers在2018达164.733 INR mn,相较于2017的133.958 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82076010: Reamers数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为61.622 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达164.733 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为26.112 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82076010: Reamers数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
164.733 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82076010: Reamers

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82076010: Reamers

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82076090: Other Tools For Boring or Broaching

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82076090: Other Tools For Boring or Broaching在2018达275.748 INR mn,相较于2017的335.981 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82076090: Other Tools For Boring or Broaching数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为186.063 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达335.981 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为31.525 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82076090: Other Tools For Boring or Broaching数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
275.748 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82076090: Other Tools For Boring or Broaching

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82076090: Other Tools For Boring or Broaching

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82077010: Milling Cutters

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82077010: Milling Cutters在2018达338.393 INR mn,相较于2017的323.502 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82077010: Milling Cutters数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为163.456 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达338.393 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为65.874 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82077010: Milling Cutters数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
338.393 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82077010: Milling Cutters

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82077010: Milling Cutters

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82077090: Other Tools For Milling

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82077090: Other Tools For Milling在2018达743.853 INR mn,相较于2017的832.191 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82077090: Other Tools For Milling数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为236.674 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达832.191 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为85.490 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82077090: Other Tools For Milling数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
743.853 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82077090: Other Tools For Milling

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82077090: Other Tools For Milling

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82078000: Tools For Turning

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82078000: Tools For Turning在2018达138.139 INR mn,相较于2017的89.086 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82078000: Tools For Turning数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为76.411 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达138.139 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为0.579 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82078000: Tools For Turning数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
138.139 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82078000: Tools For Turning

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82078000: Tools For Turning

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079010: Metal Working Handtools

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82079010: Metal Working Handtools在2018达426.765 INR mn,相较于2017的498.349 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82079010: Metal Working Handtools数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为250.454 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达558.689 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为37.324 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82079010: Metal Working Handtools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
426.765 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079010: Metal Working Handtools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079010: Metal Working Handtools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079020: Wood Working Handtools

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82079020: Wood Working Handtools在2018达6.940 INR mn,相较于2017的1.122 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82079020: Wood Working Handtools数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为2.274 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达28.831 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为0.525 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82079020: Wood Working Handtools数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
6.940 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079020: Wood Working Handtools

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079020: Wood Working Handtools

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079030: Lathe Tools and Tool Belts

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82079030: Lathe Tools and Tool Belts在2018达99.072 INR mn,相较于2017的72.468 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82079030: Lathe Tools and Tool Belts数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为52.686 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达99.072 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为11.662 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82079030: Lathe Tools and Tool Belts数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
99.072 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079030: Lathe Tools and Tool Belts

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079030: Lathe Tools and Tool Belts

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079090: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82079090: Others在2018达1,751.102 INR mn,相较于2017的1,435.788 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82079090: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为783.301 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达2,208.677 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为151.029 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82079090: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,751.102 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079090: Others

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82079090: Others

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82081000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Metal Working Machines

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82081000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Metal Working Machines在2018达64.442 INR mn,相较于2017的38.849 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82081000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Metal Working Machines数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为24.713 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达65.659 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为2.926 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82081000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Metal Working Machines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
64.442 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82081000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Metal Working Machines

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82081000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Metal Working Machines

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82082000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Wood Working Machines

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82082000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Wood Working Machines在2018达58.869 INR mn,相较于2017的46.201 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82082000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Wood Working Machines数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为16.697 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001,达77.276 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为0.281 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82082000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Wood Working Machines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
58.869 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82082000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Wood Working Machines

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82082000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Wood Working Machines

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82083000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Kitchen Appliances or of Machines Used By Food Industry

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82083000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Kitchen Appliances or of Machines Used By Food Industry在2018达8.933 INR mn,相较于2017的13.451 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82083000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Kitchen Appliances or of Machines Used By Food Industry数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为5.445 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达21.453 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为1.019 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82083000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Kitchen Appliances or of Machines Used By Food Industry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
8.933 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82083000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Kitchen Appliances or of Machines Used By Food Industry

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82083000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Kitchen Appliances or of Machines Used By Food Industry

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82084000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Agriculture, Horticulture or Forestry Machines

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82084000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Agriculture, Horticulture or Forestry Machines在2018达90.508 INR mn,相较于2017的75.752 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82084000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Agriculture, Horticulture or Forestry Machines数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为16.361 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达90.508 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为2.839 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82084000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Agriculture, Horticulture or Forestry Machines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
90.508 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82084000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Agriculture, Horticulture or Forestry Machines

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82084000: Knives and Cutting Blades for Agriculture, Horticulture or Forestry Machines

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089010: Knives and Cutting Blades for Paper Cutting Machines

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82089010: Knives and Cutting Blades for Paper Cutting Machines在2018达37.728 INR mn,相较于2017的35.349 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82089010: Knives and Cutting Blades for Paper Cutting Machines数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为41.188 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达64.764 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为23.843 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82089010: Knives and Cutting Blades for Paper Cutting Machines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
37.728 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089010: Knives and Cutting Blades for Paper Cutting Machines

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089010: Knives and Cutting Blades for Paper Cutting Machines

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089020: Bell Skiving Knives

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82089020: Bell Skiving Knives在2018达0.078 INR mn,相较于2017的0.421 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82089020: Bell Skiving Knives数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.456 INR mn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达9.226 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为0.025 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82089020: Bell Skiving Knives数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.078 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089020: Bell Skiving Knives

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089020: Bell Skiving Knives

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089030: Band Knives For Splitting Machine

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82089030: Band Knives For Splitting Machine在2018达12.240 INR mn,相较于2017的5.069 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82089030: Band Knives For Splitting Machine数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为2.409 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达12.240 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为0.299 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82089030: Band Knives For Splitting Machine数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
12.240 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089030: Band Knives For Splitting Machine

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089030: Band Knives For Splitting Machine

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089040: Cutting and Clicking Dies

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82089040: Cutting and Clicking Dies在2018达21.748 INR mn,相较于2017的4.032 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82089040: Cutting and Clicking Dies数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为4.032 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达29.238 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为1.719 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82089040: Cutting and Clicking Dies数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
21.748 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089040: Cutting and Clicking Dies

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089040: Cutting and Clicking Dies

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089090: Other Knives and Cutting Blades Not Elsewhere Specified

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82089090: Other Knives and Cutting Blades Not Elsewhere Specified在2018达1,046.653 INR mn,相较于2017的993.681 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82089090: Other Knives and Cutting Blades Not Elsewhere Specified数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为383.280 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达1,413.500 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为32.917 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82089090: Other Knives and Cutting Blades Not Elsewhere Specified数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,046.653 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089090: Other Knives and Cutting Blades Not Elsewhere Specified

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82089090: Other Knives and Cutting Blades Not Elsewhere Specified

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82090010: Tungsten Carbide Tips

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82090010: Tungsten Carbide Tips在2018达2,436.316 INR mn,相较于2017的1,059.172 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82090010: Tungsten Carbide Tips数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为902.748 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达2,436.316 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为334.810 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82090010: Tungsten Carbide Tips数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
2,436.316 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82090010: Tungsten Carbide Tips

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82090010: Tungsten Carbide Tips

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82090090: Others

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82090090: Others在2018达1,806.596 INR mn,相较于2017的2,279.603 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82090090: Others数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1,153.841 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达2,279.603 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为145.404 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82090090: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,806.596 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82090090: Others

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82090090: Others

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82100000: Hand-Operated Mechanical Appliances Weighing 10 kg or Less, Used in Preparing, Conditioning, Serving Food or Drink

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82100000: Hand-Operated Mechanical Appliances Weighing 10 kg or Less, Used in Preparing, Conditioning, Serving Food or Drink在2018达80.007 INR mn,相较于2017的47.011 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82100000: Hand-Operated Mechanical Appliances Weighing 10 kg or Less, Used in Preparing, Conditioning, Serving Food or Drink数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为3.972 INR mn,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达80.007 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为0.350 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82100000: Hand-Operated Mechanical Appliances Weighing 10 kg or Less, Used in Preparing, Conditioning, Serving Food or Drink数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
80.007 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82100000: Hand-Operated Mechanical Appliances Weighing 10 kg or Less, Used in Preparing, Conditioning, Serving Food or Drink

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82100000: Hand-Operated Mechanical Appliances Weighing 10 kg or Less, Used in Preparing, Conditioning, Serving Food or Drink

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82111000: Sets of Assorted Articles

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82111000: Sets of Assorted Articles在2018达23.687 INR mn,相较于2017的9.368 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82111000: Sets of Assorted Articles数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为3.167 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达53.614 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为0.010 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82111000: Sets of Assorted Articles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
23.687 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82111000: Sets of Assorted Articles

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82111000: Sets of Assorted Articles

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119100: Tables Knives Having Fixed Blades

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82119100: Tables Knives Having Fixed Blades在2018达6.622 INR mn,相较于2017的8.329 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82119100: Tables Knives Having Fixed Blades数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为4.997 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达14.423 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为0.037 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82119100: Tables Knives Having Fixed Blades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
6.622 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119100: Tables Knives Having Fixed Blades

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119100: Tables Knives Having Fixed Blades

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119200: Other Knives Having Fixed Blades

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82119200: Other Knives Having Fixed Blades在2018达30.502 INR mn,相较于2017的2.660 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82119200: Other Knives Having Fixed Blades数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为2.613 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达30.502 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为0.470 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82119200: Other Knives Having Fixed Blades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
30.502 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119200: Other Knives Having Fixed Blades

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119200: Other Knives Having Fixed Blades

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119310: Pocket Knives

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82119310: Pocket Knives在2018达0.201 INR mn,相较于2017的0.359 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82119310: Pocket Knives数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为0.414 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达4.418 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为0.028 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82119310: Pocket Knives数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
0.201 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119310: Pocket Knives

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119310: Pocket Knives

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119390: Other Knives

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82119390: Other Knives在2018达61.928 INR mn,相较于2017的56.028 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82119390: Other Knives数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为29.317 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达61.928 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为8.954 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82119390: Other Knives数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
61.928 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119390: Other Knives

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119390: Other Knives

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119400: Blades of Heading 8211

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82119400: Blades of Heading 8211在2018达46.624 INR mn,相较于2017的17.738 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82119400: Blades of Heading 8211数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为26.001 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达272.527 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为2.255 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82119400: Blades of Heading 8211数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
46.624 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119400: Blades of Heading 8211

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119400: Blades of Heading 8211

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119500: Handles of Base Metal

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82119500: Handles of Base Metal在2018达3.948 INR mn,相较于2017的6.570 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82119500: Handles of Base Metal数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为6.139 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达19.598 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为0.104 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82119500: Handles of Base Metal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3.948 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119500: Handles of Base Metal

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82119500: Handles of Base Metal

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82121010: Twine Type Shaving System

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82121010: Twine Type Shaving System在2018达1,632.722 INR mn,相较于2017的1,782.432 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82121010: Twine Type Shaving System数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为1,170.395 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达1,978.763 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为358.883 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82121010: Twine Type Shaving System数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,632.722 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82121010: Twine Type Shaving System

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82121010: Twine Type Shaving System

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82121090: Other Razors

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82121090: Other Razors在2018达302.158 INR mn,相较于2017的273.845 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82121090: Other Razors数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为206.989 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达466.279 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为65.655 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82121090: Other Razors数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
302.158 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82121090: Other Razors

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82121090: Other Razors

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122011: Disposable Cartridge Blade

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82122011: Disposable Cartridge Blade在2018达706.541 INR mn,相较于2017的388.687 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82122011: Disposable Cartridge Blade数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为173.695 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达706.541 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为47.950 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82122011: Disposable Cartridge Blade数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
706.541 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122011: Disposable Cartridge Blade

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122011: Disposable Cartridge Blade

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122019: Other Safety Razor Blades in Clad Razor

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82122019: Other Safety Razor Blades in Clad Razor在2018达1,500.712 INR mn,相较于2017的2,263.595 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82122019: Other Safety Razor Blades in Clad Razor数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为431.216 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达2,263.595 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为204.323 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82122019: Other Safety Razor Blades in Clad Razor数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1,500.712 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122019: Other Safety Razor Blades in Clad Razor

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122019: Other Safety Razor Blades in Clad Razor

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122020: Safety Razor Blade Blanks, in Strips

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82122020: Safety Razor Blade Blanks, in Strips在2018达943.867 INR mn,相较于2017的228.335 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82122020: Safety Razor Blade Blanks, in Strips数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为651.151 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012,达2,148.419 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2017,为228.335 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82122020: Safety Razor Blade Blanks, in Strips数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
943.867 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122020: Safety Razor Blade Blanks, in Strips

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82122020: Safety Razor Blade Blanks, in Strips

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82129000: Other Parts of Razors and Razor Blades

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82129000: Other Parts of Razors and Razor Blades在2018达23.447 INR mn,相较于2017的145.201 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82129000: Other Parts of Razors and Razor Blades数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为16.789 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达145.201 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为1.359 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82129000: Other Parts of Razors and Razor Blades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
23.447 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82129000: Other Parts of Razors and Razor Blades

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82129000: Other Parts of Razors and Razor Blades

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82130000: Scissors Tailor's Shears and Similar Shears and Blades Therefor

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82130000: Scissors Tailor's Shears and Similar Shears and Blades Therefor在2018达22.741 INR mn,相较于2017的23.770 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82130000: Scissors Tailor's Shears and Similar Shears and Blades Therefor数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为10.885 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达23.770 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1997,为2.107 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82130000: Scissors Tailor's Shears and Similar Shears and Blades Therefor数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
22.741 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82130000: Scissors Tailor's Shears and Similar Shears and Blades Therefor

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82130000: Scissors Tailor's Shears and Similar Shears and Blades Therefor

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82141010: Paper Knives, Letter Openers, Erasing Knives, Pencil Sharpeners

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82141010: Paper Knives, Letter Openers, Erasing Knives, Pencil Sharpeners在2018达120.125 INR mn,相较于2017的122.883 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82141010: Paper Knives, Letter Openers, Erasing Knives, Pencil Sharpeners数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为55.844 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达122.883 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为37.481 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82141010: Paper Knives, Letter Openers, Erasing Knives, Pencil Sharpeners数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
120.125 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82141010: Paper Knives, Letter Openers, Erasing Knives, Pencil Sharpeners

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82141010: Paper Knives, Letter Openers, Erasing Knives, Pencil Sharpeners

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82141090: Blades

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82141090: Blades在2018达5.129 INR mn,相较于2017的9.317 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82141090: Blades数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为17.272 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达81.751 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为3.631 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82141090: Blades数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
5.129 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82141090: Blades

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82141090: Blades

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82142010: Nail Cutters

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82142010: Nail Cutters在2018达35.856 INR mn,相较于2017的13.534 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82142010: Nail Cutters数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为19.271 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达35.856 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为1.134 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82142010: Nail Cutters数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
35.856 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82142010: Nail Cutters

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82142010: Nail Cutters

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82142090: Other Manicure or Pedicure Sets and instruments (incl Clad Nail Files)

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82142090: Other Manicure or Pedicure Sets and instruments (incl Clad Nail Files)在2018达262.449 INR mn,相较于2017的165.272 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82142090: Other Manicure or Pedicure Sets and instruments (incl Clad Nail Files)数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为150.881 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达262.449 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为14.863 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82142090: Other Manicure or Pedicure Sets and instruments (incl Clad Nail Files)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
262.449 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82142090: Other Manicure or Pedicure Sets and instruments (incl Clad Nail Files)

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82142090: Other Manicure or Pedicure Sets and instruments (incl Clad Nail Files)

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82149010: Handles of Cutlery of Base Metal

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82149010: Handles of Cutlery of Base Metal在2018达1.208 INR mn,相较于2017的3.452 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82149010: Handles of Cutlery of Base Metal数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为6.087 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达134.943 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为0.448 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82149010: Handles of Cutlery of Base Metal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
1.208 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82149010: Handles of Cutlery of Base Metal

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82149010: Handles of Cutlery of Base Metal

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82149090: Other Articles of Cutlery Not Elsewhere Specified

2004 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82149090: Other Articles of Cutlery Not Elsewhere Specified在2018达25.183 INR mn,相较于2017的29.068 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82149090: Other Articles of Cutlery Not Elsewhere Specified数据按每年更新,2004至2018期间平均值为59.823 INR mn,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达561.775 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为18.167 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82149090: Other Articles of Cutlery Not Elsewhere Specified数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
25.183 2018 每年 2004 - 2018

查看图表中 2004 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82149090: Other Articles of Cutlery Not Elsewhere Specified

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82149090: Other Articles of Cutlery Not Elsewhere Specified

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82151000: Sets of Assorted Articles Containing One Article Plated with Precious Metal

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82151000: Sets of Assorted Articles Containing One Article Plated with Precious Metal在2018达99.627 INR mn,相较于2017的62.379 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82151000: Sets of Assorted Articles Containing One Article Plated with Precious Metal数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为74.630 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007,达175.053 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为4.423 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82151000: Sets of Assorted Articles Containing One Article Plated with Precious Metal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
99.627 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82151000: Sets of Assorted Articles Containing One Article Plated with Precious Metal

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82151000: Sets of Assorted Articles Containing One Article Plated with Precious Metal

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82152000: Other Sets of Assorted Articles

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82152000: Other Sets of Assorted Articles在2018达243.219 INR mn,相较于2017的341.118 INR mn有所下降。Exports: INR: HS: 82152000: Other Sets of Assorted Articles数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为77.490 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达341.118 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为1.135 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82152000: Other Sets of Assorted Articles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
243.219 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82152000: Other Sets of Assorted Articles

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82152000: Other Sets of Assorted Articles

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82159100: Spoons, Forks And Similar Table/Kitchen Ware Plated With Precious Metal

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82159100: Spoons, Forks And Similar Table/Kitchen Ware Plated With Precious Metal在2018达3.778 INR mn,相较于2017的0.284 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82159100: Spoons, Forks And Similar Table/Kitchen Ware Plated With Precious Metal数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为1.870 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达10.109 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为0.205 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82159100: Spoons, Forks And Similar Table/Kitchen Ware Plated With Precious Metal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
3.778 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82159100: Spoons, Forks And Similar Table/Kitchen Ware Plated With Precious Metal

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82159100: Spoons, Forks And Similar Table/Kitchen Ware Plated With Precious Metal

印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82159900: Other Articles Not in Sets

1997 - 2018 | 每年 | INR mn | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Exports: INR: HS: 82159900: Other Articles Not in Sets在2018达2,725.132 INR mn,相较于2017的2,641.798 INR mn有所增长。Exports: INR: HS: 82159900: Other Articles Not in Sets数据按每年更新,1997至2018期间平均值为1,410.533 INR mn,共22份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达2,924.576 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2002,为11.576 INR mn。CEIC提供的Exports: INR: HS: 82159900: Other Articles Not in Sets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Commerce and Industry,数据归类于India Premium Database的Foreign Trade – Table IN.JDF001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS82: Tools, Spoons and Forks of Base Metal: Exports: INR。

数值 频率 范围
2,725.132 2018 每年 1997 - 2018

查看图表中 1997 到2018 期间的India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82159900: Other Articles Not in Sets

India 印度 Exports: INR: HS: 82159900: Other Articles Not in Sets
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