印度 Government Securities: Amount Raised

印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Net

1997 - 2018 | 每日 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

Government Securities: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Net在2018-11-23达2,548,000.000 INR mn,相较于2018-11-16的2,554,300.000 INR mn有所下降。Government Securities: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Net数据按每日更新,1997-09-12至2018-11-23期间平均值为745,480.000 INR mn,共1083份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-02-14,达4,887,600.000 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2018-04-13,为-285,200.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的Government Securities: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Net数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Financial Market – Table IN.ZD004: Government Securities: Amount Raised。

数值 频率 范围
2,548,000.000 2018-11-23 每日 1997-09-12 - 2018-11-23

查看图表中 1997-09-12 到2018-11-23 期间的India 印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Net

India 印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Net

印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Gross

2011 - 2018 | 每日 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Gross在2018-11-23达2,293,100.000 INR mn,相较于2018-11-16的2,246,600.000 INR mn有所增长。Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Gross数据按每日更新,2011-12-30至2018-11-23期间平均值为1,113,220.000 INR mn,共351份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03-30,达4,191,000.000 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2013-04-19,为27,100.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Gross数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Financial Market – Table IN.ZD004: Government Securities: Amount Raised。

数值 频率 范围
2,293,100.000 2018-11-23 每日 2011-12-30 - 2018-11-23

查看图表中 2011-12-30 到2018-11-23 期间的India 印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Gross

India 印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Gross

印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Net

2011 - 2018 | 每日 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Net在2018-11-23达1,934,500.000 INR mn,相较于2018-11-16的1,936,500.000 INR mn有所下降。Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Net数据按每日更新,2011-12-30至2018-11-23期间平均值为909,400.000 INR mn,共351份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03-31,达3,426,500.000 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2013-04-19,为27,100.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Net数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Financial Market – Table IN.ZD004: Government Securities: Amount Raised。

数值 频率 范围
1,934,500.000 2018-11-23 每日 2011-12-30 - 2018-11-23

查看图表中 2011-12-30 到2018-11-23 期间的India 印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Net

India 印度 Government Securities: Market Borrowings: State: Amount Raised: Net

印度 Govt of India: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Gross: Total

1997 - 2018 | 每日 | INR mn | Reserve Bank of India

Govt of India: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Gross: Total在2018-11-23达3,550,000.000 INR mn,相较于2018-11-16的3,430,000.000 INR mn有所增长。Govt of India: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Gross: Total数据按每日更新,1997-04-25至2018-11-23期间平均值为1,060,000.000 INR mn,共1101份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-03-27,达5,920,000.000 INR mn,而历史最低值则出现于1998-04-10,为40,000.000 INR mn。CEIC提供的Govt of India: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Gross: Total数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Reserve Bank of India,数据归类于Daily Database的Government & Other Securities – Table IN.ZD004: Government Securities: Amount Raised。

数值 频率 范围
3,550,000.000 2018-11-23 每日 1997-04-25 - 2018-11-23

查看图表中 1997-04-25 到2018-11-23 期间的India 印度 Govt of India: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Gross: Total

India 印度 Govt of India: Market Borrowings: Amount Raised: Gross: Total
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