印度 Mineral Production: Maharashtra
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: All Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: All Minerals在2024-10达6,219,888.000INR th,相较于2024-09的4,629,075.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: All Minerals数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为3,827,672.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达14,220,500.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为211,593.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: All Minerals数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
6,219,888.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: All Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals在2017-12达7,426,622.000INR th,相较于2017-11的6,823,496.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals数据按月度更新,2005-12至2017-12期间平均值为3,746,919.000INR th,共145份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达12,931,420.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2016-11,为882,269.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
7,426,622.000 2017-12 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2017-12 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2017-12 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals: Coal
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals: Coal在2017-12达7,426,622.000INR th,相较于2017-11的6,823,496.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals: Coal数据按月度更新,2005-12至2017-12期间平均值为3,746,919.000INR th,共145份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达12,931,420.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2016-11,为882,269.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals: Coal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
7,426,622.000 2017-12 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2017-12 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2017-12 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Fuel Minerals: Coal
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals在2024-10达5,874,059.000INR th,相较于2024-09的4,266,692.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为600,973.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-06,达7,539,416.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2006-08,为128,251.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
5,874,059.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite在2024-10达19,029.000INR th,相较于2024-09的12,686.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为47,447.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-04,达214,288.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
19,029.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore在2024-10达5,143,364.000INR th,相较于2024-09的3,633,629.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为56,959.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-04,达6,586,084.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2019-08,为1,232.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
5,143,364.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines在2024-10达3,718,814.000INR th,相较于2024-09的2,625,901.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为28,918.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-04,达5,000,337.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2018-09,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
3,718,814.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps在2024-10达1,424,550.000INR th,相较于2024-09的1,007,728.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为20,623.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达2,627,922.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2009-08,为806.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1,424,550.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore在2024-10达711,666.000INR th,相较于2024-09的620,377.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为440,825.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-06,达1,403,171.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为105,658.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
711,666.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals在2024-10达345,829.000INR th,相较于2024-09的362,383.000INR th有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为186,099.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-01,达493,405.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为20,955.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
345,829.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite在2015-01达3,016.000INR th,相较于2014-12的3,712.000INR th有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为1,188.000INR th,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-02,达17,621.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为175.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
3,016.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay在2015-01达90.000INR th,相较于2014-12的65.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为51.000INR th,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-04,达195.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2011-01,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
90.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded在2024-10达321.000INR th,相较于2024-09的156.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为649.000INR th,共226份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-03,达6,310.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
321.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite在2024-10达400.000INR th,相较于2024-09的215.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为167.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-08,达3,183.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2023-05,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
400.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite在2015-01达0.000INR th,相较于2014-12的0.000INR th保持不变。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite数据按月度更新,2007-02至2015-01期间平均值为0.000INR th,共96份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-01,达10,073.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2015-01,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2007-02 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2007-02 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone在2024-10达345,038.000INR th,相较于2024-09的361,959.000INR th有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为169,848.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-01,达491,385.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为20,955.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
345,038.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite在2015-01达77.000INR th,相较于2014-12的154.000INR th有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为39.500INR th,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-10,达1,557.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-07,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
77.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz在2015-01达108.000INR th,相较于2014-12的85.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为194.000INR th,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-04,达4,519.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2008-07,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
108.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale在2015-01达3,701.000INR th,相较于2014-12的3,944.000INR th有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为1,098.000INR th,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达3,944.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2011-07,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
3,701.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand在2015-01达8,209.000INR th,相较于2014-12的7,683.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为5,537.500INR th,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-05,达17,523.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2009-08,为747.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
8,209.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite在2024-10达70.000INR th,相较于2024-09的53.000INR th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为701.000INR th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-02,达9,833.000INR th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为0.000INR th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
70.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Fuel Minerals: Coal
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Fuel Minerals: Coal在2024-10达5,306.000Ton th,相较于2024-09的3,569.000Ton th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Fuel Minerals: Coal数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为3,384.000Ton th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-03,达10,281.000Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2016-11,为504.000Ton th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Fuel Minerals: Coal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
5,306.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Fuel Minerals: Coal
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite在2024-10达22,500.000Ton,相较于2024-09的15,000.000Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为106,671.000Ton,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-04,达431,133.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
22,500.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Bauxite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore在2024-10达1,146.149Ton th,相较于2024-09的878.612Ton th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为64.000Ton th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-04,达1,523.000Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-10,为1.000Ton th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1,146.149 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines在2024-10达941.118Ton th,相较于2024-09的725.840Ton th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为39.000Ton th,共216份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-04,达1,274.000Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2018-09,为0.000Ton th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
941.118 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Fines
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps在2024-10达205.031Ton th,相较于2024-09的152.772Ton th有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为19.000Ton th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达508.000Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-10,为1.000Ton th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
205.031 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Iron Ore: Lumps
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore在2024-10达103,893.140Ton,相较于2024-09的87,276.880Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为57,007.000Ton,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-03,达111,465.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为8,705.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
103,893.140 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Metallic Minerals: Manganese Ore
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite在2015-01达10,071.000Ton,相较于2014-12的13,226.000Ton有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为7,178.000Ton,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-02,达90,895.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2011-07,为922.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
10,071.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Dolomite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay在2015-01达529.000Ton,相较于2014-12的382.000Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为526.000Ton,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-04,达1,446.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2011-01,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
529.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fireclay
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded在2024-10达59.870Ton,相较于2024-09的46.940Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为106.000Ton,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-03,达1,397.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
59.870 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Fluorite: Graded
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite在2024-10达150.870Ton,相较于2024-09的81.000Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为115.000Ton,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-05,达964.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2023-05,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
150.870 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Kyanite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite在2015-01达0.000Ton,相较于2014-12的0.000Ton保持不变。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为0.000Ton,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-05,达35,582.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2015-01,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Laterite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone在2024-10达1,404.196Ton th,相较于2024-09的1,455.228Ton th有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为1,034.000Ton th,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-06,达2,003.000Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为39.000Ton th。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1,404.196 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2024-10 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Limestone
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite在2015-01达109.000Ton,相较于2014-12的223.000Ton有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为110.500Ton,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-01,达626.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2013-07,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
109.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Pyrophyllite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz在2015-01达120.000Ton,相较于2014-12的94.000Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为820.000Ton,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-04,达5,542.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2008-07,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
120.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Quartz
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale在2015-01达33,939.000Ton,相较于2014-12的36,172.000Ton有所下降。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为33,087.000Ton,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-07,达62,987.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2011-07,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
33,939.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Shale
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand在2015-01达18,276.000Ton,相较于2014-12的18,130.000Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand数据按月度更新,2005-12至2015-01期间平均值为18,352.500Ton,共110份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-05,达66,186.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2013-06,为1,088.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
18,276.000 2015-01 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2015-01 |
查看图表中 2005-12 到2015-01 期间的India Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Silica Sand
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite
Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite在2024-10达20.000Ton,相较于2024-09的15.000Ton有所增长。Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite数据按月度更新,2005-12至2024-10期间平均值为464.000Ton,共227份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-02,达2,761.000Ton,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为0.000Ton。CEIC提供的Mineral Production: Maharashtra: Volume: Non Metallic Minerals: Sillimanite数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Indian Bureau of Mines,数据归类于India Premium Database的Mining and Manufacturing Sector – Table IN.BAB019: Mineral Production: Maharashtra。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
20.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2005-12 - 2024-10 |