印度 Post Statistics

印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box

2001 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box在2016达498,301.000 单位,相较于2015的517,890.000 单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box数据按每年更新,2001至2016期间平均值为584,546.500 单位,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006,达601,319.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为498,301.000 单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Statistics Office,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
498,301.000 2016 每年 2001 - 2016

查看图表中 2001 到2016 期间的India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box

India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Andhra Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Andhra Pradesh在2016达30,204.000单位,相较于2015的47,831.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Andhra Pradesh数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为47,435.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达51,148.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为30,204.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Andhra Pradesh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
30,204.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Andhra Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Andhra Pradesh

印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Army Postal Service

- | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Army Postal Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Statistics Office,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 - 每年 - - -

查看图表中 - 到- 期间的India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Army Postal Service

India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Army Postal Service

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Assam

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Assam在2016达12,300.000单位,相较于2015的11,300.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Assam数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为16,386.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达18,486.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为11,300.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Assam数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
12,300.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Assam

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Assam

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Bihar

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Bihar 在2016达21,033.000单位,相较于2015的26,346.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Bihar 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为25,010.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达38,015.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为21,033.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Bihar 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
21,033.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Bihar

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Bihar

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Chhattisgarh

2010 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Chhattisgarh在2016达14,988.000单位,相较于2015的14,988.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Chhattisgarh数据按每年更新,2010至2016期间平均值为14,988.000单位,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达17,067.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为14,988.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Chhattisgarh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
14,988.000 2016 每年 2010 - 2016

查看图表中 2010 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Chhattisgarh

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Chhattisgarh

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: NCT of Delhi

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: NCT of Delhi 在2016达1,266.000单位,相较于2015的1,516.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: NCT of Delhi 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为2,349.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达3,324.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为1,266.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: NCT of Delhi 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
1,266.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: NCT of Delhi

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: NCT of Delhi

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Gujarat

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Gujarat在2016达25,339.000单位,相较于2015的24,841.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Gujarat数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为27,471.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达28,215.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为24,841.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Gujarat数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
25,339.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Gujarat

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Gujarat

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Haryana

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Haryana在2016达7,771.000单位,相较于2015的8,440.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Haryana数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为8,694.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达8,980.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为7,771.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Haryana数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
7,771.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Haryana

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Haryana

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Himachal Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Himachal Pradesh在2016达6,652.000单位,相较于2015的6,670.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Himachal Pradesh数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为7,628.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达7,640.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为6,652.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Himachal Pradesh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
6,652.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Himachal Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Himachal Pradesh

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jammu and Kashmir

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jammu and Kashmir 在2016达4,240.000单位,相较于2015的4,240.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jammu and Kashmir 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为4,240.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达4,309.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为3,886.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jammu and Kashmir 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
4,240.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jammu and Kashmir

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jammu and Kashmir

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jharkhand

2010 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jharkhand在2016达13,175.000单位,相较于2015的13,175.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jharkhand数据按每年更新,2010至2016期间平均值为13,075.000单位,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达13,175.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为13,072.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jharkhand数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
13,175.000 2016 每年 2010 - 2016

查看图表中 2010 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jharkhand

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jharkhand

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Karnataka

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Karnataka在2016达29,546.000单位,相较于2015的29,648.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Karnataka数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为30,845.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达31,525.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为29,058.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Karnataka数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
29,546.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Karnataka

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Karnataka

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Kerala

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Kerala在2016达15,512.000单位,相较于2015的15,599.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Kerala数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为17,764.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达19,701.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为15,512.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Kerala数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
15,512.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Kerala

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Kerala

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Madhya Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Madhya Pradesh在2016达38,168.000单位,相较于2015的38,920.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Madhya Pradesh数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为40,746.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达59,074.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为38,168.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Madhya Pradesh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
38,168.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Madhya Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Madhya Pradesh

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Maharashtra

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Maharashtra在2016达49,218.000单位,相较于2015的44,536.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Maharashtra数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为50,536.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达54,002.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为44,536.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Maharashtra数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
49,218.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Maharashtra

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Maharashtra

印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: North Eastern

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: North Eastern在2016达5,494.000 单位,相较于2015的5,275.000 单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: North Eastern数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为5,755.500 单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达6,483.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为5,275.000 单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: North Eastern数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Statistics Office,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
5,494.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: North Eastern

India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: North Eastern

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Odisha

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Odisha在2016达20,920.000单位,相较于2015的20,300.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Odisha数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为21,586.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达26,764.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为20,300.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Odisha数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
20,920.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Odisha

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Odisha

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Punjab

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Punjab在2016达14,726.000单位,相较于2015的14,888.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Punjab数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为15,377.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达15,537.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为14,719.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Punjab数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
14,726.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Punjab

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Punjab

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Rajasthan

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Rajasthan 在2016达27,806.000单位,相较于2015的28,164.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Rajasthan 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为28,577.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达29,164.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为27,806.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Rajasthan 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
27,806.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Rajasthan

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Rajasthan

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Tamil Nadu

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Tamil Nadu在2016达41,405.000单位,相较于2015的41,579.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Tamil Nadu数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为42,809.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达43,907.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为41,405.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Tamil Nadu数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
41,405.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Tamil Nadu

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Tamil Nadu

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttar Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttar Pradesh 在2016达65,374.000单位,相较于2015的67,527.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttar Pradesh 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为76,243.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达99,248.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2014,为11,529.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttar Pradesh 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
65,374.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttar Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttar Pradesh

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttarakhand

2010 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttarakhand在2016达11,427.000单位,相较于2015的11,427.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttarakhand数据按每年更新,2010至2016期间平均值为11,548.000单位,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达70,216.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为11,427.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttarakhand数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
11,427.000 2016 每年 2010 - 2016

查看图表中 2010 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttarakhand

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttarakhand

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: West Bengal

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: West Bengal在2016达27,031.000单位,相较于2015的40,680.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: West Bengal数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为40,239.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达40,680.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为27,031.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: West Bengal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
27,031.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: West Bengal

India Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: West Bengal

印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office

2001 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office在2016达154,910.000 单位,相较于2015的154,939.000 单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office数据按每年更新,2001至2016期间平均值为154,997.000 单位,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达155,669.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为154,822.000 单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Statistics Office,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
154,910.000 2016 每年 2001 - 2016

查看图表中 2001 到2016 期间的India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office

India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Andhra Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Andhra Pradesh在2016达10,322.000单位,相较于2015的16,155.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Andhra Pradesh数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为16,144.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达16,155.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为10,322.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Andhra Pradesh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
10,322.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Andhra Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Andhra Pradesh

印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Army Postal Service

- | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Army Postal Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Statistics Office,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 - 每年 - - -

查看图表中 - 到- 期间的India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Army Postal Service

India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Army Postal Service

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Assam

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Assam在2016达4,012.000单位,相较于2015的4,012.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Assam数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为4,009.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达4,014.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,996.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Assam数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
4,012.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Assam

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Assam

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Bihar

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Bihar 在2016达9,037.000单位,相较于2015的9,067.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Bihar 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为9,058.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达12,147.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为9,037.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Bihar 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
9,037.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Bihar

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Bihar

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Chhattisgarh

2010 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Chhattisgarh在2016达3,157.000单位,相较于2015的3,147.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Chhattisgarh数据按每年更新,2010至2016期间平均值为3,144.000单位,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3,157.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,123.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Chhattisgarh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
3,157.000 2016 每年 2010 - 2016

查看图表中 2010 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Chhattisgarh

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Chhattisgarh

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: NCT of Delhi

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: NCT of Delhi 在2016达554.000单位,相较于2015的551.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: NCT of Delhi 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为572.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达577.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015,为551.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: NCT of Delhi 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
554.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: NCT of Delhi

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: NCT of Delhi

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Gujarat

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Gujarat在2016达8,983.000单位,相较于2015的8,983.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Gujarat数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为8,980.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达8,983.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为8,972.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Gujarat数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
8,983.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Gujarat

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Gujarat

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Haryana

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Haryana在2016达2,684.000单位,相较于2015的2,677.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Haryana数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为2,666.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达2,684.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为2,653.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Haryana数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
2,684.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Haryana

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Haryana

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Himachal Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Himachal Pradesh在2016达2,785.000单位,相较于2015的2,782.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Himachal Pradesh数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为2,778.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达2,785.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为2,777.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Himachal Pradesh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
2,785.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Himachal Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Himachal Pradesh

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jammu and Kashmir

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jammu and Kashmir 在2016达1,701.000单位,相较于2015的1,699.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jammu and Kashmir 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为1,695.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达1,701.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为1,691.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jammu and Kashmir 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
1,701.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jammu and Kashmir

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jammu and Kashmir

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jharkhand

2010 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jharkhand在2016达3,109.000单位,相较于2015的3,099.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jharkhand数据按每年更新,2010至2016期间平均值为3,097.000单位,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达3,109.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为3,094.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jharkhand数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
3,109.000 2016 每年 2010 - 2016

查看图表中 2010 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jharkhand

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jharkhand

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Karnataka

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Karnataka在2016达9,663.000单位,相较于2015的9,667.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Karnataka数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为9,699.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达9,822.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为9,663.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Karnataka数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
9,663.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Karnataka

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Karnataka

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Kerala

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Kerala在2016达5,067.000单位,相较于2015的5,068.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Kerala数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为5,067.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达5,070.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为5,064.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Kerala数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
5,067.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Kerala

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Kerala

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Madhya Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Madhya Pradesh在2016达8,286.000单位,相较于2015的8,323.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Madhya Pradesh数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为8,316.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达11,444.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016,为8,286.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Madhya Pradesh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
8,286.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Madhya Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Madhya Pradesh

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Maharashtra

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Maharashtra在2016达12,859.000单位,相较于2015的12,859.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Maharashtra数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为12,857.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达12,860.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为12,850.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Maharashtra数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
12,859.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Maharashtra

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Maharashtra

印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: North Eastern

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Central Statistics Office

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: North Eastern在2016达2,923.000 单位,相较于2015的2,920.000 单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: North Eastern数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为2,921.500 单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010,达2,935.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为2,912.000 单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: North Eastern数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Statistics Office,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
2,923.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: North Eastern

India 印度 Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: North Eastern

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Odisha

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Odisha在2016达8,169.000单位,相较于2015的8,169.000单位保持不变。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Odisha数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为8,164.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达8,169.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为8,161.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Odisha数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
8,169.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Odisha

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Odisha

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Punjab

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Punjab在2016达3,861.000单位,相较于2015的3,856.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Punjab数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为3,854.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达3,904.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2012,为3,849.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Punjab数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
3,861.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Punjab

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Punjab

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Rajasthan

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Rajasthan 在2016达10,318.000单位,相较于2015的10,329.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Rajasthan 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为10,322.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014,达10,330.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为10,313.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Rajasthan 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
10,318.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Rajasthan

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Rajasthan

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Tamil Nadu

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Tamil Nadu在2016达12,131.000单位,相较于2015的12,130.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Tamil Nadu数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为12,088.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达12,131.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2013,为12,061.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Tamil Nadu数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
12,131.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Tamil Nadu

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Tamil Nadu

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttar Pradesh

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttar Pradesh 在2016达17,662.000单位,相较于2015的17,655.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttar Pradesh 数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为17,667.000单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009,达20,376.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为17,640.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttar Pradesh 数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
17,662.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttar Pradesh

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttar Pradesh

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttarakhand

2010 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttarakhand在2016达2,721.000单位,相较于2015的2,723.000单位有所下降。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttarakhand数据按每年更新,2010至2016期间平均值为2,719.000单位,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达2,723.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2011,为2,715.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttarakhand数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
2,721.000 2016 每年 2010 - 2016

查看图表中 2010 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttarakhand

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttarakhand

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: West Bengal

2009 - 2016 | 每年 | 单位 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: West Bengal在2016达9,071.000单位,相较于2015的9,068.000单位有所增长。Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: West Bengal数据按每年更新,2009至2016期间平均值为9,063.500单位,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达9,071.000单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为9,057.000单位。CEIC提供的Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: West Bengal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation,数据归类于India Premium Database的Transportation, Post and Telecom Sector – Table IN.TE001: Post Statistics。

数值 频率 范围
9,071.000 2016 每年 2009 - 2016

查看图表中 2009 到2016 期间的India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: West Bengal

India Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: West Bengal
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Andhra Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Army Postal Service
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Assam
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Bihar
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Chhattisgarh
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Delhi
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Gujarat
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Haryana
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Himachal Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jammu and Kashmir
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Jharkhand
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Karnataka
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Kerala
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Madhya Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Maharashtra
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: North Eastern
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Orissa
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Punjab
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Rajasthan
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Tamil Nadu
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttar Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: Uttarakhand
Post Statistics: Number of Letter Box: West Bengal
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Andhra Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Army Postal Service
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Assam
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Bihar
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Chhattisgarh
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Delhi
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Gujarat
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Haryana
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Himachal Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jammu and Kashmir
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Jharkhand
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Karnataka
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Kerala
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Madhya Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Maharashtra
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: North Eastern
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Orissa
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Punjab
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Rajasthan
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Tamil Nadu
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttar Pradesh
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: Uttarakhand
Post Statistics: Number of Post Office: West Bengal
Flexible monthly access to CEIC data