印度 Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Rourkela

2013 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Rourkela在2023-08达225.600INR/kg,相较于2023-07的240.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Rourkela数据按月度更新,2013-03至2023-08期间平均值为180.000INR/kg,共120份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达240.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2017-06,为160.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Rourkela数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
225.600 2023-08 月度 2013-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2013-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Rourkela

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Rourkela

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mandi

2011 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mandi在2023-08达267.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的267.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mandi数据按月度更新,2011-11至2023-08期间平均值为256.000INR/kg,共126份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-04,达340.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2017-03,为176.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mandi数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
267.000 2023-08 月度 2011-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2011-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mandi

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mandi

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Itanagar

2010 - 2022 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Itanagar在2022-08达110.000INR/kg,相较于2022-07的110.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Itanagar数据按月度更新,2010-09至2022-08期间平均值为320.000INR/kg,共70份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-09,达400.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-08,为110.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Itanagar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
110.000 2022-08 月度 2010-09 - 2022-08

查看图表中 2010-09 到2022-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Itanagar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Itanagar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Alipurduar

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Alipurduar在2023-08达282.320INR/kg,相较于2023-07的290.350INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Alipurduar数据按月度更新,2023-03至2023-08期间平均值为300.000INR/kg,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达373.200INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为282.320INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Alipurduar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
282.320 2023-08 月度 2023-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Alipurduar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Alipurduar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arrah

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arrah在2023-08达369.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的369.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arrah数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为369.000INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达369.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为369.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arrah数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
369.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arrah

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arrah

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arwal

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arwal在2023-08达282.850INR/kg,相较于2023-07的269.380INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arwal数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为262.380INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-05,达293.930INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-09,为201.700INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arwal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
282.850 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arwal

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Arwal

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Asansol

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Asansol在2023-08达290.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的297.620INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Asansol数据按月度更新,2023-03至2023-08期间平均值为300.000INR/kg,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达300.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为290.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Asansol数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
290.000 2023-08 月度 2023-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Asansol

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Asansol

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Baleshwar

2018 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Baleshwar在2023-08达240.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的240.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Baleshwar数据按月度更新,2018-12至2023-08期间平均值为240.000INR/kg,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达240.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2020-11,为200.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Baleshwar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
240.000 2023-08 月度 2018-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2018-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Baleshwar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Baleshwar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Berhampore

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Berhampore在2023-08达220.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的220.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Berhampore数据按月度更新,2023-03至2023-08期间平均值为220.000INR/kg,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达220.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为220.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Berhampore数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
220.000 2023-08 月度 2023-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Berhampore

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Berhampore

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Darbhanga

2018 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Darbhanga在2023-08达195.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的195.180INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Darbhanga数据按月度更新,2018-05至2023-08期间平均值为200.000INR/kg,共64份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-03,达433.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为155.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Darbhanga数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
195.000 2023-08 月度 2018-05 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2018-05 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Darbhanga

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Darbhanga

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Deoghar

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Deoghar在2023-08达262.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的261.900INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Deoghar数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为262.210INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达274.260INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-02,为261.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Deoghar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
262.000 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Deoghar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Deoghar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhanbad

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhanbad在2023-08达265.160INR/kg,相较于2023-07的260.000INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhanbad数据按月度更新,2021-09至2023-08期间平均值为419.000INR/kg,共24份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达425.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为255.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhanbad数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
265.160 2023-08 月度 2021-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhanbad

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhanbad

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhenkanal

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhenkanal在2023-08达374.410INR/kg,相较于2023-07的400.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhenkanal数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为305.895INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达400.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-02,为244.730INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhenkanal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
374.410 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhenkanal

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Dhenkanal

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gaya

2018 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gaya在2023-08达327.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的326.830INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gaya数据按月度更新,2018-07至2023-08期间平均值为296.915INR/kg,共62份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-08,达376.800INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为176.870INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gaya数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
327.000 2023-08 月度 2018-07 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2018-07 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gaya

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gaya

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gumla

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gumla在2023-08达270.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的270.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gumla数据按月度更新,2021-05至2023-08期间平均值为260.000INR/kg,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-12,达300.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2021-05,为220.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gumla数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
270.000 2023-08 月度 2021-05 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-05 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gumla

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Gumla

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jehanabad

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jehanabad在2023-08达239.900INR/kg,相较于2023-07的236.190INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jehanabad数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为215.935INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达239.900INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-12,为208.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jehanabad数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
239.900 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jehanabad

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jehanabad

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jhargram

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jhargram在2023-08达272.870INR/kg,相较于2023-07的273.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jhargram数据按月度更新,2023-03至2023-08期间平均值为273.000INR/kg,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达294.380INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为272.870INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jhargram数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
272.870 2023-08 月度 2023-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jhargram

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Jhargram

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Kaimur

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Kaimur在2023-08达233.300INR/kg,相较于2023-07的223.270INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Kaimur数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为230.050INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达240.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为215.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Kaimur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
233.300 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Kaimur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Kaimur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Lakhisarai

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Lakhisarai在2023-08达258.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的258.040INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Lakhisarai数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为272.645INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-09,达430.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为246.850INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Lakhisarai数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
258.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Lakhisarai

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Lakhisarai

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Latehar

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Latehar在2023-08达222.150INR/kg,相较于2023-07的222.860INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Latehar数据按月度更新,2023-02至2023-08期间平均值为252.630INR/kg,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-02,达255.250INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为222.150INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Latehar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
222.150 2023-08 月度 2023-02 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-02 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Latehar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Latehar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malda

2016 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malda在2023-08达320.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的319.970INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malda数据按月度更新,2016-06至2023-08期间平均值为120.000INR/kg,共87份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达320.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2020-03,为120.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malda数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
320.000 2023-08 月度 2016-06 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2016-06 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malda

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malda

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malkangiri

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malkangiri在2023-08达333.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的328.930INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malkangiri数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为346.175INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达380.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为320.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malkangiri数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
333.000 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malkangiri

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Malkangiri

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Munger

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Munger在2023-08达256.850INR/kg,相较于2023-07的257.100INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Munger数据按月度更新,2021-04至2023-08期间平均值为292.000INR/kg,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达321.700INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为256.850INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Munger数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
256.850 2023-08 月度 2021-04 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-04 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Munger

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Munger

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Paralakhemundi

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Paralakhemundi在2023-08达179.900INR/kg,相较于2023-07的180.180INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Paralakhemundi数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为179.950INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达180.280INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-02,为178.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Paralakhemundi数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
179.900 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Paralakhemundi

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Paralakhemundi

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purnia

2014 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purnia在2023-08达317.670INR/kg,相较于2023-07的315.940INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purnia数据按月度更新,2014-11至2023-08期间平均值为280.000INR/kg,共106份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-02,达475.860INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2017-10,为180.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purnia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
317.670 2023-08 月度 2014-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2014-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purnia

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purnia

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purulia

2016 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purulia在2023-08达282.030INR/kg,相较于2023-07的276.610INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purulia数据按月度更新,2016-06至2023-08期间平均值为180.000INR/kg,共86份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-05,达290.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2016-11,为155.740INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purulia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
282.030 2023-08 月度 2016-06 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2016-06 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purulia

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Purulia

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saharsa

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saharsa在2023-08达210.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的188.670INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saharsa数据按月度更新,2021-04至2023-08期间平均值为128.000INR/kg,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达210.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-09,为126.800INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saharsa数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
210.000 2023-08 月度 2021-04 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-04 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saharsa

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saharsa

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sahibganj

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sahibganj在2023-08达383.390INR/kg,相较于2023-07的395.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sahibganj数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为395.675INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达400.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为383.390INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sahibganj数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
383.390 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sahibganj

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sahibganj

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saran

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saran在2023-08达258.950INR/kg,相较于2023-07的256.960INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saran数据按月度更新,2021-04至2023-08期间平均值为235.000INR/kg,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达258.950INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为222.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saran数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
258.950 2023-08 月度 2021-04 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-04 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saran

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Saran

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Seraikela

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Seraikela在2023-08达213.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的213.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Seraikela数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为213.140INR/kg,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达220.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-01,为212.790INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Seraikela数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
213.000 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Seraikela

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Seraikela

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sheohar

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sheohar在2023-08达198.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的198.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sheohar数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为195.980INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达198.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-10,为190.310INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sheohar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
198.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sheohar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Sheohar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Vaishali

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Vaishali在2023-08达208.770INR/kg,相较于2023-07的207.300INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Vaishali数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为247.675INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-02,达250.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-07,为207.300INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Vaishali数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
208.770 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Vaishali

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: Vaishali

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: West Singhbhum

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: West Singhbhum在2023-08达270.040INR/kg,相较于2023-07的269.050INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: West Singhbhum数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为273.040INR/kg,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达352.710INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为266.710INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: West Singhbhum数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
270.040 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: West Singhbhum

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: East Zone: West Singhbhum

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Allahabad

2015 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Allahabad在2023-08达250.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的250.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Allahabad数据按月度更新,2015-12至2023-08期间平均值为190.000INR/kg,共93份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-10,达271.250INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2020-07,为170.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Allahabad数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
250.000 2023-08 月度 2015-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2015-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Allahabad

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Allahabad

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ambedkar Nagar

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ambedkar Nagar在2023-08达190.580INR/kg,相较于2023-07的190.730INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ambedkar Nagar数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为187.815INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达190.730INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-11,为171.330INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ambedkar Nagar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
190.580 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ambedkar Nagar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ambedkar Nagar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amethi

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amethi在2023-08达260.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的260.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amethi数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为260.015INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达261.350INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-09,为255.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amethi数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
260.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amethi

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amethi

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amroha

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amroha在2023-08达200.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的200.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amroha数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为200.000INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达200.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-01,为199.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amroha数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
200.000 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amroha

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Amroha

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ballia

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ballia在2023-08达244.870INR/kg,相较于2023-07的245.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ballia数据按月度更新,2023-03至2023-08期间平均值为239.250INR/kg,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达245.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-03,为231.540INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ballia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
244.870 2023-08 月度 2023-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ballia

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Ballia

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Barnala

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Barnala在2023-08达317.520INR/kg,相较于2023-07的312.310INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Barnala数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为281.575INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-09,达338.080INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-02,为253.320INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Barnala数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
317.520 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Barnala

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Barnala

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Basti

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Basti在2023-08达241.960INR/kg,相较于2023-07的242.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Basti数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为243.005INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达440.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-04,为240.240INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Basti数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
241.960 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Basti

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Basti

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Bilaspur

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Bilaspur在2023-08达318.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的340.060INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Bilaspur数据按月度更新,2021-04至2023-08期间平均值为327.000INR/kg,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达345.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-04,为316.670INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Bilaspur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
318.000 2023-08 月度 2021-04 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-04 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Bilaspur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Bilaspur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chandauli

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chandauli在2023-08达242.200INR/kg,相较于2023-07的211.680INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chandauli数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为208.355INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达242.200INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-09,为160.380INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chandauli数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
242.200 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chandauli

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chandauli

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chitrakoot

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chitrakoot在2023-08达219.770INR/kg,相较于2023-07的217.420INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chitrakoot数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为219.800INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达398.380INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为210.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chitrakoot数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
219.770 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chitrakoot

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Chitrakoot

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etah

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etah在2023-08达284.080INR/kg,相较于2023-07的280.000INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etah数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为280.240INR/kg,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达300.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-11,为259.630INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etah数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
284.080 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etah

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etah

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etawah

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etawah在2023-08达233.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的238.630INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etawah数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为237.725INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达251.570INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-12,为217.520INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etawah数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
233.000 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etawah

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Etawah

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Gorakhpur

2015 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Gorakhpur在2023-08达219.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的211.770INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Gorakhpur数据按月度更新,2015-12至2023-08期间平均值为180.000INR/kg,共93份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-02,达280.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2020-10,为180.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Gorakhpur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
219.000 2023-08 月度 2015-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2015-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Gorakhpur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Gorakhpur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Haldwani

2015 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Haldwani在2023-08达254.040INR/kg,相较于2023-07的252.920INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Haldwani数据按月度更新,2015-02至2023-08期间平均值为230.000INR/kg,共103份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-09,达264.130INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2018-11,为189.430INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Haldwani数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
254.040 2023-08 月度 2015-02 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2015-02 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Haldwani

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Haldwani

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kannauj

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kannauj在2023-08达245.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的257.770INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kannauj数据按月度更新,2023-02至2023-08期间平均值为280.000INR/kg,共7份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达284.680INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为245.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kannauj数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
245.000 2023-08 月度 2023-02 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-02 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kannauj

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kannauj

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kasganj

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kasganj在2023-08达297.500INR/kg,相较于2023-07的497.300INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kasganj数据按月度更新,2023-03至2023-08期间平均值为507.655INR/kg,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-05,达509.930INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为297.500INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kasganj数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
297.500 2023-08 月度 2023-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kasganj

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Kasganj

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lahaul and Spiti

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lahaul and Spiti在2023-08达365.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的362.930INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lahaul and Spiti数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为368.700INR/kg,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达373.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-10,为350.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lahaul and Spiti数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
365.000 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lahaul and Spiti

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lahaul and Spiti

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lakhimpur

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lakhimpur在2023-08达218.940INR/kg,相较于2023-07的220.540INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lakhimpur数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为208.090INR/kg,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达220.540INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-10,为183.570INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lakhimpur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
218.940 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lakhimpur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lakhimpur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lalitpur

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lalitpur在2023-08达258.030INR/kg,相较于2023-07的258.000INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lalitpur数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为258.000INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达262.250INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-12,为249.150INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lalitpur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
258.030 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lalitpur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Lalitpur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Maharajganj

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Maharajganj在2023-08达213.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的207.480INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Maharajganj数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为198.000INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达213.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-01,为181.680INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Maharajganj数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
213.000 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Maharajganj

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Maharajganj

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mahoba

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mahoba在2023-08达171.310INR/kg,相较于2023-07的178.810INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mahoba数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为186.150INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达201.500INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为171.310INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mahoba数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
171.310 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mahoba

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mahoba

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mansa

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mansa在2023-08达281.970INR/kg,相较于2023-07的280.720INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mansa数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为270.000INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达281.970INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-11,为200.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mansa数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
281.970 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mansa

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Mansa

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Moradabad

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Moradabad在2023-08达287.960INR/kg,相较于2023-07的289.610INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Moradabad数据按月度更新,2021-06至2023-08期间平均值为270.770INR/kg,共27份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-08,达302.200INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2021-06,为238.430INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Moradabad数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
287.960 2023-08 月度 2021-06 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-06 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Moradabad

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Moradabad

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Muzaffarnagar

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Muzaffarnagar在2023-08达228.190INR/kg,相较于2023-07的223.580INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Muzaffarnagar数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为224.345INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达282.270INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为215.130INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Muzaffarnagar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
228.190 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Muzaffarnagar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Muzaffarnagar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Rudrapur

2015 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Rudrapur在2023-08达216.940INR/kg,相较于2023-07的216.200INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Rudrapur数据按月度更新,2015-12至2023-08期间平均值为220.000INR/kg,共93份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-06,达362.770INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2020-09,为190.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Rudrapur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
216.940 2023-08 月度 2015-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2015-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Rudrapur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Rudrapur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Siddharthnagar

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Siddharthnagar在2023-08达230.560INR/kg,相较于2023-07的230.000INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Siddharthnagar数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为230.000INR/kg,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达266.670INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-12,为202.080INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Siddharthnagar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
230.560 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Siddharthnagar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Siddharthnagar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sirmaur

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sirmaur在2023-08达327.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的327.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sirmaur数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为327.000INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达327.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-09,为317.350INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sirmaur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
327.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sirmaur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sirmaur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sitapur

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sitapur在2023-08达240.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的240.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sitapur数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为242.000INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-09,达251.890INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为240.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sitapur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
240.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sitapur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sitapur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Solan

2015 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Solan在2023-08达223.550INR/kg,相较于2023-07的220.000INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Solan数据按月度更新,2015-12至2023-08期间平均值为186.400INR/kg,共93份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-04,达261.070INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2018-10,为170.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Solan数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
223.550 2023-08 月度 2015-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2015-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Solan

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Solan

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sultanpur

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sultanpur在2023-08达223.900INR/kg,相较于2023-07的222.060INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sultanpur数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为210.890INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-09,达269.570INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-10,为197.640INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sultanpur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
223.900 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sultanpur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Sultanpur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Una

2020 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Una在2023-08达235.060INR/kg,相较于2023-07的231.970INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Una数据按月度更新,2020-12至2023-08期间平均值为227.200INR/kg,共33份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-07,达262.930INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-03,为216.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Una数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
235.060 2023-08 月度 2020-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2020-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Una

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North Zone: Una

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bajali

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bajali在2023-08达400.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的400.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bajali数据按月度更新,2023-05至2023-08期间平均值为400.000INR/kg,共4份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达400.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为400.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bajali数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
400.000 2023-08 月度 2023-05 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-05 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bajali

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bajali

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Barpeta

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Barpeta在2023-08达203.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的203.330INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Barpeta数据按月度更新,2022-06至2023-08期间平均值为205.000INR/kg,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达205.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为203.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Barpeta数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
203.000 2023-08 月度 2022-06 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-06 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Barpeta

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Barpeta

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Biswanath Chariali

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Biswanath Chariali在2023-08达224.290INR/kg,相较于2023-07的225.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Biswanath Chariali数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为225.000INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达234.050INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为224.290INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Biswanath Chariali数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
224.290 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Biswanath Chariali

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Biswanath Chariali

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bongaigaon

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bongaigaon在2023-08达348.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的348.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bongaigaon数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为348.000INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达348.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为348.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bongaigaon数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
348.000 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bongaigaon

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Bongaigaon

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Champhai

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Champhai在2023-08达520.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的276.500INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Champhai数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为130.000INR/kg,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达520.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-04,为130.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Champhai数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
520.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Champhai

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Champhai

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Chumukedima

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Chumukedima在2023-08达234.070INR/kg,相较于2023-07的249.040INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Chumukedima数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为352.390INR/kg,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达363.690INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为234.070INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Chumukedima数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
234.070 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Chumukedima

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Chumukedima

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dhubri

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dhubri在2023-08达240.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的240.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dhubri数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为240.000INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达240.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-11,为220.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dhubri数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
240.000 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dhubri

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dhubri

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dibrugarh

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dibrugarh在2023-08达286.350INR/kg,相较于2023-07的266.970INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dibrugarh数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为270.930INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-04,达286.530INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为262.200INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dibrugarh数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
286.350 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dibrugarh

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Dibrugarh

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Diphu

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Diphu在2023-08达244.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的249.550INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Diphu数据按月度更新,2023-04至2023-08期间平均值为264.570INR/kg,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-04,达271.750INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为244.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Diphu数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
244.000 2023-08 月度 2023-04 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-04 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Diphu

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Diphu

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Gangtok

2017 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Gangtok在2023-08达547.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的547.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Gangtok数据按月度更新,2017-01至2023-08期间平均值为300.000INR/kg,共77份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-09,达548.320INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2017-05,为140.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Gangtok数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
547.000 2023-08 月度 2017-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2017-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Gangtok

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Gangtok

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Goalpara

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Goalpara在2023-08达228.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的229.670INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Goalpara数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为229.895INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-04,达230.230INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为228.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Goalpara数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
228.000 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Goalpara

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Goalpara

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Golaghat

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Golaghat在2023-08达264.600INR/kg,相较于2023-07的265.230INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Golaghat数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为264.110INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达265.230INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-03,为261.870INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Golaghat数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
264.600 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Golaghat

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Golaghat

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Hojai

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Hojai在2023-08达229.800INR/kg,相较于2023-07的228.030INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Hojai数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为192.460INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达229.800INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-02,为190.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Hojai数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
229.800 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Hojai

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Hojai

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jiribam

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jiribam在2023-05达250.000INR/kg,相较于2023-04的250.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jiribam数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-05期间平均值为250.000INR/kg,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-05,达250.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-05,为250.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jiribam数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
250.000 2023-05 月度 2023-01 - 2023-05

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-05 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jiribam

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jiribam

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jorhat

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jorhat在2023-08达215.100INR/kg,相较于2023-07的214.810INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jorhat数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为214.505INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达225.400INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-12,为207.970INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jorhat数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
215.100 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jorhat

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Jorhat

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Longleng

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Longleng在2023-08达350.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的350.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Longleng数据按月度更新,2022-10至2023-08期间平均值为350.000INR/kg,共4份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达350.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为350.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Longleng数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
350.000 2023-08 月度 2022-10 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-10 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Longleng

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Longleng

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mamit

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mamit在2023-08达520.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的357.500INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mamit数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为130.000INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达520.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为130.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mamit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
520.000 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mamit

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mamit

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mangan

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mangan在2023-08达343.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的343.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mangan数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为343.000INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达343.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-01,为342.170INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mangan数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
343.000 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mangan

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Mangan

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nalbari

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nalbari在2023-08达344.150INR/kg,相较于2023-07的325.650INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nalbari数据按月度更新,2023-04至2023-08期间平均值为304.120INR/kg,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达344.150INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-05,为292.740INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nalbari数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
344.150 2023-08 月度 2023-04 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-04 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nalbari

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nalbari

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Namchi

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Namchi在2023-08达420.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的420.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Namchi数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为420.000INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达420.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为420.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Namchi数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
420.000 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Namchi

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Namchi

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nongstoin

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nongstoin在2023-08达360.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的360.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nongstoin数据按月度更新,2022-11至2023-08期间平均值为360.000INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达360.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为360.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nongstoin数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
360.000 2023-08 月度 2022-11 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-11 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nongstoin

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Nongstoin

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Peren

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Peren在2023-08达345.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的345.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Peren数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-08期间平均值为340.000INR/kg,共10份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达345.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-03,为340.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Peren数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
345.000 2023-08 月度 2022-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Peren

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Peren

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Sonari

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Sonari在2023-08达207.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的206.730INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Sonari数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为205.700INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达207.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-02,为154.040INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Sonari数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
207.000 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Sonari

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Sonari

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: South Salmara Mankachar

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: South Salmara Mankachar在2023-08达230.950INR/kg,相较于2023-07的230.700INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: South Salmara Mankachar数据按月度更新,2023-04至2023-08期间平均值为230.950INR/kg,共5份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-04,达318.130INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-07,为230.700INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: South Salmara Mankachar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
230.950 2023-08 月度 2023-04 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-04 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: South Salmara Mankachar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: South Salmara Mankachar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tawang

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tawang在2023-05达300.000INR/kg,相较于2023-04的300.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tawang数据按月度更新,2022-09至2023-05期间平均值为258.000INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-05,达300.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-11,为220.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tawang数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
300.000 2023-05 月度 2022-09 - 2023-05

查看图表中 2022-09 到2023-05 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tawang

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tawang

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tezpur

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tezpur在2023-08达296.930INR/kg,相较于2023-07的297.100INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tezpur数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为297.050INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达303.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-05,为296.550INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tezpur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
296.930 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tezpur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tezpur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tinsukia

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tinsukia在2023-08达179.930INR/kg,相较于2023-07的179.930INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tinsukia数据按月度更新,2022-06至2023-08期间平均值为178.760INR/kg,共15份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-02,达180.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-06,为161.430INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tinsukia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
179.930 2023-08 月度 2022-06 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-06 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tinsukia

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: North-East Zone: Tinsukia

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Adilabad

2015 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Adilabad在2023-08达259.880INR/kg,相较于2023-07的255.220INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Adilabad数据按月度更新,2015-12至2023-08期间平均值为200.000INR/kg,共93份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达347.240INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2018-02,为150.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Adilabad数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
259.880 2023-08 月度 2015-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2015-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Adilabad

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Adilabad

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bagalkot

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bagalkot在2023-08达420.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的420.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bagalkot数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为420.000INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达420.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-12,为413.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bagalkot数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
420.000 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bagalkot

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bagalkot

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bengaluru (East Range)

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bengaluru (East Range)在2023-08达239.840INR/kg,相较于2023-07的240.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bengaluru (East Range)数据按月度更新,2021-03至2023-08期间平均值为370.875INR/kg,共30份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-05,达481.500INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-04,为239.830INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bengaluru (East Range)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
239.840 2023-08 月度 2021-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bengaluru (East Range)

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bengaluru (East Range)

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bidar

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bidar在2023-08达301.960INR/kg,相较于2023-07的300.300INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bidar数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为295.000INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达301.960INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-06,为295.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bidar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
301.960 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bidar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Bidar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chamarajanagar

2022 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chamarajanagar在2023-08达373.710INR/kg,相较于2023-07的512.410INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chamarajanagar数据按月度更新,2022-12至2023-08期间平均值为512.410INR/kg,共9份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达637.140INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-01,为311.040INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chamarajanagar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
373.710 2023-08 月度 2022-12 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2022-12 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chamarajanagar

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chamarajanagar

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chikkaballapur

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chikkaballapur在2023-08达413.000INR/kg,相较于2023-07的413.000INR/kg保持不变。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chikkaballapur数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为415.000INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达415.270INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-08,为413.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chikkaballapur数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
413.000 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chikkaballapur

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chikkaballapur

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chitradurga

2023 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chitradurga在2023-08达305.480INR/kg,相较于2023-07的305.000INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chitradurga数据按月度更新,2023-01至2023-08期间平均值为305.415INR/kg,共8份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-02,达319.850INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2023-01,为282.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chitradurga数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
305.480 2023-08 月度 2023-01 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2023-01 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chitradurga

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Chitradurga

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Cuddalore

2019 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Cuddalore在2023-08达312.810INR/kg,相较于2023-07的305.030INR/kg有所增长。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Cuddalore数据按月度更新,2019-09至2023-08期间平均值为305.030INR/kg,共33份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-06,达567.500INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2019-09,为141.000INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Cuddalore数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
312.810 2023-08 月度 2019-09 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2019-09 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Cuddalore

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Cuddalore

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Davangere

2021 - 2023 | 月度 | INR/kg | Department of Consumer Affairs

Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Davangere在2023-08达274.770INR/kg,相较于2023-07的302.000INR/kg有所下降。Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Davangere数据按月度更新,2021-03至2023-08期间平均值为278.160INR/kg,共30份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达302.000INR/kg,而历史最低值则出现于2022-10,为245.350INR/kg。CEIC提供的Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Davangere数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Department of Consumer Affairs,数据归类于India Premium Database的Price – Table IN.PC158: Retail Price: Department of Consumer Affairs: Agriculture Commodities: Monthly Average: by Cities: Tea Loose (Discontinued)。

数值 频率 范围
274.770 2023-08 月度 2021-03 - 2023-08

查看图表中 2021-03 到2023-08 期间的India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Davangere

India Retail Price: DCA: Monthly Average: Tea Loose: South Zone: Davangere
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