印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Big

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Big在2018-10达462.380 2001=100,相较于2018-09的509.980 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Big数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为422.790 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-05,达705.290 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-07,为97.940 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Big数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
509.980 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Big

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Big

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Small

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Small在2018-10达215.130 2001=100,相较于2018-09的215.960 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Small数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为177.825 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-12,达222.540 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-08,为78.420 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Small数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
215.960 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Small

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Small

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies Dry

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies Dry在2018-10达312.040 2001=100,相较于2018-09的313.420 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies Dry数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为244.410 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-11,达366.100 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为104.060 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies Dry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
313.420 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies Dry

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies Dry

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies: Green

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies: Green在2018-10达345.040 2001=100,相较于2018-09的352.390 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies: Green数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为217.385 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-07,达426.780 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-02,为102.980 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies: Green数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
352.390 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies: Green

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies: Green

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Clove

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Clove在2018-10达198.590 2001=100,相较于2018-09的198.590 2001=100保持不变。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Clove数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为193.825 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-05,达262.460 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为72.480 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Clove数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
198.590 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Clove

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Clove

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Coriander

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Coriander在2018-10达341.160 2001=100,相较于2018-09的338.510 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Coriander数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为236.460 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-11,达441.350 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为102.710 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Coriander数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
338.510 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Coriander

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Coriander

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Curry Leaves

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Curry Leaves在2018-10达392.470 2001=100,相较于2018-09的388.900 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Curry Leaves数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为234.635 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-05,达466.620 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-08,为100.720 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Curry Leaves数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
388.900 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Curry Leaves

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Curry Leaves

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Garlic

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Garlic在2018-10达217.340 2001=100,相较于2018-09的219.540 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Garlic数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为224.935 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-01,达629.100 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2009-02,为84.270 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Garlic数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
219.540 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Garlic

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Garlic

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Ginger

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Ginger在2018-10达357.010 2001=100,相较于2018-09的366.250 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Ginger数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为241.670 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-07,达601.480 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2007-01,为107.550 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Ginger数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
366.250 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Ginger

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Ginger

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Hing, Asafoetoda

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Hing, Asafoetoda在2018-10达354.690 2001=100,相较于2018-09的354.610 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Hing, Asafoetoda数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为239.440 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-06,达363.060 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为135.230 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Hing, Asafoetoda数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
354.610 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Hing, Asafoetoda

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Hing, Asafoetoda

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Methi

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Methi在2018-10达287.670 2001=100,相较于2018-09的283.620 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Methi数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为166.755 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-11,达332.600 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为97.570 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Methi数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
283.620 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Methi

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Methi

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mixed Spices

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mixed Spices在2018-10达259.100 2001=100,相较于2018-09的258.510 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mixed Spices数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为177.135 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-11,达262.210 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为108.260 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mixed Spices数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
258.510 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mixed Spices

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mixed Spices

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mustard Seeds

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mustard Seeds在2018-10达311.750 2001=100,相较于2018-09的310.920 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mustard Seeds数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为209.895 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达316.660 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-03,为114.450 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mustard Seeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
310.920 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mustard Seeds

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mustard Seeds

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Onion

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Onion在2018-10达277.520 2001=100,相较于2018-09的267.330 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Onion数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为221.885 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-10,达752.070 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-05,为83.980 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Onion数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
267.330 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Onion

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Onion

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Pepper

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Pepper在2018-10达388.980 2001=100,相较于2018-09的394.070 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Pepper数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为290.500 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-10,达528.340 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-03,为69.480 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Pepper数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
394.070 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Pepper

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Pepper

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Poppy Seed, Posto Dana, Khas Khas

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Poppy Seed, Posto Dana, Khas Khas在2018-10达435.960 2001=100,相较于2018-09的441.360 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Poppy Seed, Posto Dana, Khas Khas数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为342.025 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达457.140 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-11,为155.390 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Poppy Seed, Posto Dana, Khas Khas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
441.360 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Poppy Seed, Posto Dana, Khas Khas

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Poppy Seed, Posto Dana, Khas Khas

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Salt

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Salt在2018-10达280.320 2001=100,相较于2018-09的279.870 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Salt数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为224.955 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达280.320 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为125.380 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Salt数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
279.870 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Salt

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Salt

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Tamarind

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Tamarind在2018-10达669.750 2001=100,相较于2018-09的666.800 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Tamarind数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为337.085 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-01,达716.040 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2007-07,为150.210 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Tamarind数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
666.800 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Tamarind

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Tamarind

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Turmeric Powder

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Turmeric Powder在2018-10达355.760 2001=100,相较于2018-09的356.340 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Turmeric Powder数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为284.785 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-01,达435.590 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为123.150 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Turmeric Powder数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
356.340 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Turmeric Powder

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Turmeric Powder

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Zeera

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Zeera在2018-10达174.540 2001=100,相较于2018-09的173.770 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Zeera数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为134.200 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达174.540 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-05,为72.400 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Zeera数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG006: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Condiments and Spice。

数值 频率 范围
173.770 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Zeera

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Zeera
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Big
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Cardamom: Small
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies Dry
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Chillies: Green
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Clove
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Coriander
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Curry Leaves
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Garlic
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Ginger
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Hing, Asafoetoda
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Methi
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mixed Spices
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Mustard Seeds
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Onion
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Pepper
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Poppy Seed, Posto Dana, Khas Khas
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Salt
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Tamarind
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Turmeric Powder
Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Condiments and Spices: Zeera
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