印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Coconut Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Coconut Oil在2018-10达498.260 2001=100,相较于2018-09的514.600 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Coconut Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为226.395 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-01,达577.070 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2009-11,为143.950 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Coconut Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
514.600 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Coconut Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Coconut Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Cotton Seed Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Cotton Seed Oil在2018-10达255.020 2001=100,相较于2018-09的256.170 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Cotton Seed Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为212.625 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达257.320 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-02,为122.560 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Cotton Seed Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
256.170 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Cotton Seed Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Cotton Seed Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Gingelly Oil, Til Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Gingelly Oil, Til Oil在2018-10达475.370 2001=100,相较于2018-09的458.440 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Gingelly Oil, Til Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为283.505 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达475.370 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-07,为141.810 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Gingelly Oil, Til Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
458.440 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Gingelly Oil, Til Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Gingelly Oil, Til Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Groundnut Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Groundnut Oil在2018-10达288.100 2001=100,相较于2018-09的288.270 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Groundnut Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为256.575 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-08,达324.450 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-03,为131.920 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Groundnut Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
288.270 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Groundnut Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Groundnut Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Kardi Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Kardi Oil在2018-10达281.430 2001=100,相较于2018-09的271.790 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Kardi Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为232.465 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-05,达301.210 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为124.870 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Kardi Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
271.790 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Kardi Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Kardi Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Linseed Oil, Alsi Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Linseed Oil, Alsi Oil在2018-10达409.140 2001=100,相较于2018-09的404.000 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Linseed Oil, Alsi Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为270.205 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-06,达431.950 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-04,为130.210 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Linseed Oil, Alsi Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
404.000 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Linseed Oil, Alsi Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Linseed Oil, Alsi Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Mustard Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Mustard Oil在2018-10达276.880 2001=100,相较于2018-09的275.070 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Mustard Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为241.155 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-12,达307.010 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-03,为130.810 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Mustard Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
275.070 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Mustard Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Mustard Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Palm Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Palm Oil在2018-10达240.530 2001=100,相较于2018-09的241.520 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Palm Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为186.450 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-06,达243.610 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2009-02,为126.300 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Palm Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
241.520 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Palm Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Palm Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Rice Bran Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Rice Bran Oil在2018-10达216.080 2001=100,相较于2018-09的216.330 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Rice Bran Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为146.280 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-06,达241.520 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-08,为92.850 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Rice Bran Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
216.330 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Rice Bran Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Rice Bran Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Soyabeen Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Soyabeen Oil在2018-10达276.070 2001=100,相较于2018-09的276.090 2001=100有所下降。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Soyabeen Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为230.700 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达283.130 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-03,为126.240 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Soyabeen Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
276.090 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Soyabeen Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Soyabeen Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Sunflower Oil

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Sunflower Oil在2018-10达238.740 2001=100,相较于2018-09的236.390 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Sunflower Oil数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为205.945 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达238.740 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-02,为121.970 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Sunflower Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
236.390 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Sunflower Oil

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Sunflower Oil

印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Vanaspati Ghee

2006 - 2018 | 月度 | 2001=100 | Labour Bureau Government of India

Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Vanaspati Ghee在2018-10达257.450 2001=100,相较于2018-09的256.280 2001=100有所增长。Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Vanaspati Ghee数据按月度更新,2006-01至2018-10期间平均值为210.965 2001=100,共154份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达257.450 2001=100,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为135.560 2001=100。CEIC提供的Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Vanaspati Ghee数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Labour Bureau Government of India,数据归类于India Premium Database的Inflation – Table IN.IG003: Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001=100: Food: Oils and Fats。

数值 频率 范围
256.280 2018-09 月度 2006-01 - 2018-09

查看图表中 2006-01 到2018-09 期间的India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Vanaspati Ghee

India 印度 Retail Price Index: Industrial Workers: 2001p: Oils and Fats: Vanaspati Ghee
Flexible monthly access to CEIC data