印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera

印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:按现价计算国内生产总值:1993年国民经济核算体系:基于2000年:西苏门答腊

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 1993: 2000 Base: West Sumatera在2013达127,100.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的110,180.000 IDR bn有所增长。GDP: SNA 1993: 2000 Base: West Sumatera数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为56,414.317 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达127,100.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为22,889.614 IDR bn。CEIC提供的GDP: SNA 1993: 2000 Base: West Sumatera数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Global Database的印度尼西亚 – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
127,100.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:按现价计算国内生产总值:1993年国民经济核算体系:基于2000年:西苏门答腊

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:按现价计算国内生产总值:1993年国民经济核算体系:基于2000年:西苏门答腊

印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:2010年价格国内生产总值:2008年国民经济核算体系(SNA 2008):2010年价格:季度:西苏门答腊

2010 - 2019 | 季度 | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: West Sumatra在2019-06达42,780,000.000 IDR mn,相较于2019-03的41,414,831.359 IDR mn有所增长。GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: West Sumatra数据按季度更新,2010-03至2019-06期间平均值为34,045,827.755 IDR mn,共38份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-06,达42,780,000.000 IDR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010-03,为25,434,215.932 IDR mn。CEIC提供的GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: West Sumatra数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Global Database的印度尼西亚 – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
42,780,000.000 2019-06 季度 2010-03 - 2019-06

查看图表中 2010-03 到2019-06 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:2010年价格国内生产总值:2008年国民经济核算体系(SNA 2008):2010年价格:季度:西苏门答腊

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:2010年价格国内生产总值:2008年国民经济核算体系(SNA 2008):2010年价格:季度:西苏门答腊

印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:按现价计算国内生产总值:2008年国民经济核算体系(SNA 2008):季度:西苏门答腊

2010 - 2019 | 季度 | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 2008: Quarterly: West Sumatra在2019-06达61,330,000.000 IDR mn,相较于2019-03的58,763,328.460 IDR mn有所增长。GDP: SNA 2008: Quarterly: West Sumatra数据按季度更新,2010-03至2019-06期间平均值为42,903,493.462 IDR mn,共38份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-06,达61,330,000.000 IDR mn,而历史最低值则出现于2010-03,为24,792,806.444 IDR mn。CEIC提供的GDP: SNA 2008: Quarterly: West Sumatra数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Global Database的印度尼西亚 – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
61,330,000.000 2019-06 季度 2010-03 - 2019-06

查看图表中 2010-03 到2019-06 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:按现价计算国内生产总值:2008年国民经济核算体系(SNA 2008):季度:西苏门答腊

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 国内生产总值:按省份划分:按现价计算国内生产总值:2008年国民经济核算体系(SNA 2008):季度:西苏门答腊

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture在2003达2,032.957 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,872.111 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为1,609.290 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达2,032.957 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为1,313.094 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
2,032.957 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops在2003达950.402 IDR bn,相较于2002的912.465 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为859.224 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达950.402 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为746.521 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
950.402 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops在2003达475.250 IDR bn,相较于2002的393.461 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为227.045 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达475.250 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为155.640 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
475.250 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery在2003达206.812 IDR bn,相较于2002的192.658 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为171.834 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达206.812 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为106.934 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
206.812 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry在2003达202.761 IDR bn,相较于2002的192.817 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为173.200 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达202.761 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为148.205 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
202.761 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock在2003达197.732 IDR bn,相较于2002的180.710 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为170.608 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达197.732 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为149.770 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
197.732 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Construction

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Construction在2003达341.826 IDR bn,相较于2002的320.228 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Construction数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为341.826 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达487.580 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为292.628 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Construction数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
341.826 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Construction

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Construction

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity在2003达253.629 IDR bn,相较于2002的241.087 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为136.717 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达253.629 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为48.774 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
253.629 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas在2003达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2002的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply在2003达11.593 IDR bn,相较于2002的11.877 IDR bn有所下降。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为8.393 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002,达11.877 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为6.041 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
11.593 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)在2003达265.222 IDR bn,相较于2002的252.964 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为145.110 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达265.222 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为54.816 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
265.222 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Banking

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Banking在2003达100.921 IDR bn,相较于2002的95.367 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Banking数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为108.286 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达142.596 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为93.218 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Banking数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
100.921 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Banking

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Banking

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Business Services

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Business Services在2003达8.587 IDR bn,相较于2002的8.354 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Business Services数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为8.666 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达10.523 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为7.580 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Business Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
8.587 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Business Services

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Business Services

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Non Banking Financial Institution

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Non Banking Financial Institution在2003达114.149 IDR bn,相较于2002的106.062 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Non Banking Financial Institution数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为83.716 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达114.149 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为71.514 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Non Banking Financial Institution数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
114.149 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Non Banking Financial Institution

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Non Banking Financial Institution

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Rent of Building

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Rent of Building在2003达199.948 IDR bn,相较于2002的193.351 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Rent of Building数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为186.645 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达199.948 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为178.771 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Rent of Building数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
199.948 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Rent of Building

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: FR: Rent of Building

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Finance, Rent of Building and Business Services (FR)

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Finance, Rent of Building and Business Services (FR)在2003达423.604 IDR bn,相较于2002的403.135 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Finance, Rent of Building and Business Services (FR)数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为395.054 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达430.889 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为365.191 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Finance, Rent of Building and Business Services (FR)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
423.604 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Finance, Rent of Building and Business Services (FR)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Finance, Rent of Building and Business Services (FR)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas在2003达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2002的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas在2003达82.388 IDR bn,相较于2002的88.371 IDR bn有所下降。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为104.410 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1995,达151.077 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为82.388 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
82.388 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying在2003达374.604 IDR bn,相较于2002的366.984 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为362.287 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达420.978 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为220.158 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
374.604 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing在2003达1,392.834 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,365.619 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为1,228.040 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,392.834 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为887.092 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,392.834 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing在2003达1,392.834 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,365.619 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为1,228.040 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,392.834 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为887.092 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,392.834 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Liguified Natural Gas(LNG)

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Liguified Natural Gas(LNG)在2003达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2002的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Liguified Natural Gas(LNG)数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Liguified Natural Gas(LNG)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Liguified Natural Gas(LNG)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Liguified Natural Gas(LNG)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Petroleum Refinery

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Petroleum Refinery在2003达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2002的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Petroleum Refinery数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Petroleum Refinery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Petroleum Refinery

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Manufacturing: Petroleum Refinery

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg在2003达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2002的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)在2003达456.992 IDR bn,相较于2002的455.355 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为455.355 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达555.799 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为319.356 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
456.992 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private在2003达391.959 IDR bn,相较于2002的368.003 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为316.216 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达391.959 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为266.822 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
391.959 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service在2003达16.807 IDR bn,相较于2002的15.497 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为16.218 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达18.259 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为13.398 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
16.807 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service在2003达266.591 IDR bn,相较于2002的250.199 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为208.815 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达266.591 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为174.873 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
266.591 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service在2003达108.561 IDR bn,相较于2002的102.307 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为94.003 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达108.561 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为75.731 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
108.561 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE; Public Administration and Defence

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE; Public Administration and Defence在2003达1,012.251 IDR bn,相较于2002的984.295 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE; Public Administration and Defence数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为901.578 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,012.251 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为732.199 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE; Public Administration and Defence数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,012.251 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE; Public Administration and Defence

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: SE; Public Administration and Defence

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)在2003达1,404.211 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,352.299 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为1,217.794 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,404.211 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为999.021 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,404.211 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication在2003达96.910 IDR bn,相较于2002的88.417 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为66.387 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达96.910 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为30.304 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
96.910 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport在2003达990.614 IDR bn,相较于2002的971.443 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为874.690 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达990.614 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为654.487 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
990.614 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport在2003达44.641 IDR bn,相较于2002的23.162 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为21.102 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达44.641 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1999,为15.511 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
44.641 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport在2003达21.751 IDR bn,相较于2002的30.188 IDR bn有所下降。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为26.868 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000,达45.978 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为21.751 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
21.751 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport在2003达518.302 IDR bn,相较于2002的493.290 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为457.048 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997,达558.034 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为419.080 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
518.302 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea and Inland Water Transport

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea and Inland Water Transport在2003达319.923 IDR bn,相较于2002的345.321 IDR bn有所下降。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea and Inland Water Transport数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为262.423 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001,达350.201 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为147.370 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea and Inland Water Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
319.923 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea and Inland Water Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea and Inland Water Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Supporting and Auxilary Transport Activities

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Supporting and Auxilary Transport Activities在2003达85.997 IDR bn,相较于2002的79.481 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Supporting and Auxilary Transport Activities数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为66.639 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达85.997 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为45.295 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Supporting and Auxilary Transport Activities数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
85.997 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Supporting and Auxilary Transport Activities

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Supporting and Auxilary Transport Activities

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel在2003达8.242 IDR bn,相较于2002的7.719 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为7.661 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1996,达9.218 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1998,为5.096 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
8.242 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant在2003达52.135 IDR bn,相较于2002的50.896 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为49.115 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达52.135 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为45.143 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
52.135 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade在2003达1,421.027 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,365.379 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为1,207.702 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,421.027 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为976.127 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,421.027 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)在2003达1,481.403 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,423.994 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为1,262.380 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,481.403 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为1,028.138 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,481.403 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)在2003达1,087.524 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,059.860 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为943.519 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,087.524 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为684.791 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,087.524 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture在2013达10,274.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的9,918.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为7,848.657 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达10,274.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为5,385.596 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
10,274.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops在2013达5,090.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的4,958.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为3,942.145 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达5,090.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为2,994.662 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
5,090.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops在2013达2,613.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的2,497.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为1,943.126 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达2,613.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为769.859 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
2,613.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery在2013达1,202.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的1,136.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为863.119 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达1,202.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为646.242 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,202.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry在2013达558.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的534.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为496.093 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达558.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为456.794 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
558.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products在2013达811.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的793.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为621.402 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达811.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为513.239 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
811.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Construction

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Construction在2013达2,645.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的2,439.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Construction数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为1,586.042 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达2,645.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为1,131.102 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Construction数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
2,645.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Construction

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Construction

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity在2013达451.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的434.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为346.001 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达451.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为187.090 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
451.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas

2000 - 2005 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas在2005达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2004的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas数据按每年更新,2000至2005期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2005 每年 2000 - 2005

查看图表中 2000 到2005 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Gas

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply在2013达50.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的47.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为35.707 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达50.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为23.873 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
50.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: EG: Water Supply

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)在2013达501.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的481.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为381.707 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达501.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为210.962 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
501.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Electricity, Gas and Water Supply (EG)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Banking

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Banking在2013达880.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的807.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Banking数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为567.104 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达880.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2002,为442.540 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Banking数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
880.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Banking

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Banking

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Business Services

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Business Services在2013达65.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的62.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Business Services数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为47.872 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达65.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为35.131 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Business Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
65.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Business Services

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Business Services

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Non Banking Financial Institution

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Non Banking Financial Institution在2013达570.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的541.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Non Banking Financial Institution数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为397.295 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达570.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为226.931 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Non Banking Financial Institution数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
570.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Non Banking Financial Institution

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Non Banking Financial Institution

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Rent of Building

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Rent of Building在2013达855.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的818.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Rent of Building数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为623.676 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达855.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为458.305 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Rent of Building数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
855.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Rent of Building

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Rent of Building

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Services Allied to Financial

2000 - 2005 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Services Allied to Financial在2005达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2004的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Services Allied to Financial数据按每年更新,2000至2005期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Services Allied to Financial数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2005 每年 2000 - 2005

查看图表中 2000 到2005 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Services Allied to Financial

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: FO: Services Allied to Financial

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Financial, Ownership and Business

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Financial, Ownership and Business在2013达2,370.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的2,229.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Financial, Ownership and Business数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为1,635.947 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达2,370.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为1,164.508 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Financial, Ownership and Business数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
2,370.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Financial, Ownership and Business

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Financial, Ownership and Business

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

2000 - 2005 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas在2005达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2004的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据按每年更新,2000至2005期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2005 每年 2000 - 2005

查看图表中 2000 到2005 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas在2013达234.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的225.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为206.854 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达234.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为178.517 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
234.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying在2013达1,095.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的1,076.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为818.036 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达1,095.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为645.100 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,095.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: MQ: Quarrying

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing在2013达5,466.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的5,213.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为4,093.855 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达5,466.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为3,218.470 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
5,466.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Manufacturing

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing在2013达5,466.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的5,213.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为4,093.855 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达5,466.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为3,218.470 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
5,466.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Non Oil and Gas Manufacturing

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Liguified Natural Gas (LNG)

2000 - 2005 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Liguified Natural Gas (LNG)在2005达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2004的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Liguified Natural Gas (LNG)数据按每年更新,2000至2005期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Liguified Natural Gas (LNG)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2005 每年 2000 - 2005

查看图表中 2000 到2005 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Liguified Natural Gas (LNG)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Liguified Natural Gas (LNG)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Petroleum Refinery

2000 - 2005 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Petroleum Refinery在2005达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2004的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Petroleum Refinery数据按每年更新,2000至2005期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Petroleum Refinery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2005 每年 2000 - 2005

查看图表中 2000 到2005 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Petroleum Refinery

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: OG: Petroleum Refinery

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg (OG)

2000 - 2005 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg (OG)在2005达0.000 IDR bn,相较于2004的0.000 IDR bn保持不变。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg (OG)数据按每年更新,2000至2005期间平均值为0.000 IDR bn,共6份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达0.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2005,为0.000 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg (OG)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2005 每年 2000 - 2005

查看图表中 2000 到2005 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg (OG)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mfg Ind: Oil and Gas Mfg (OG)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)在2013达1,329.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的1,301.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为1,004.828 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达1,329.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为868.573 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,329.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Mining and Quarrying (MQ)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private在2013达2,646.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的2,456.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为1,747.455 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达2,646.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为1,210.605 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
2,646.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service在2013达296.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的274.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为194.635 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达296.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为129.587 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
296.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Entertainment and Cultural Service

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service在2013达1,358.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的1,257.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为929.731 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达1,358.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为645.432 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,358.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Personal and Household Service

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service在2013达992.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的925.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为623.089 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达992.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为435.586 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
992.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Private: Social Community Service

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Public Administration and Defence

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Public Administration and Defence在2013达5,452.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的5,095.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Public Administration and Defence数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为3,439.531 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达5,452.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为2,897.126 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Public Administration and Defence数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
5,452.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Public Administration and Defence

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: SE: Public Administration and Defence

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)在2013达8,098.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的7,551.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为5,186.986 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达8,098.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为4,107.731 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
8,098.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Services (SE)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication在2013达2,027.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的1,846.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为1,012.388 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达2,027.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为377.889 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
2,027.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Communication

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport在2013达5,327.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的4,948.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为3,321.266 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达5,327.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为2,272.444 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
5,327.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport在2013达824.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的750.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为423.928 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达824.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为93.719 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
824.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Air Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Inland Water Transport

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Inland Water Transport在2013达86.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的85.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Inland Water Transport数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为64.734 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达86.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2001,为13.848 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Inland Water Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
86.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Inland Water Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Inland Water Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport在2013达33.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的32.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为29.661 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000,达52.113 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为18.967 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
33.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Railway Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport在2013达3,542.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的3,285.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为2,179.036 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达3,542.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为1,584.577 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
3,542.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Road Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea Transport

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea Transport在2013达291.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的282.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea Transport数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为265.212 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达291.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为234.320 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
291.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Sea Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Services Allied to Transport

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Services Allied to Transport在2013达551.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的514.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Services Allied to Transport数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为373.363 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达551.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为248.650 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Services Allied to Transport数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
551.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Services Allied to Transport

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TC: Transport: Services Allied to Transport

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel在2013达86.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的78.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为50.195 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达86.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为34.587 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
86.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Hotel

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant在2013达235.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的215.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为146.716 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达235.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为116.007 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
235.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Restaurant

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade在2013达8,284.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的7,708.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为5,662.870 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达8,284.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为3,996.430 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
8,284.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: TH: Wholesale and Retail Trade

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)在2013达8,604.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的8,000.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为5,859.781 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达8,604.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为4,147.024 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
8,604.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Trade, Hotel and Restaurant (TH)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)在2013达7,354.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的6,794.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为4,333.654 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达7,354.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为2,650.333 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
7,354.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: West Sumatera: Transport and Communication (TC)

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture在2003达7,548.259 IDR bn,相较于2002的6,650.780 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为3,826.251 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达7,548.259 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为1,313.094 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
7,548.259 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops在2003达3,734.070 IDR bn,相较于2002的3,474.961 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为2,234.090 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达3,734.070 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为746.521 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
3,734.070 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Food Crops

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops在2003达1,681.056 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,301.091 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为497.728 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,681.056 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为155.640 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,681.056 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Farm Non Food Crops

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery在2003达816.604 IDR bn,相较于2002的714.776 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为410.324 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达816.604 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为106.934 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
816.604 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Fishery

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry在2003达556.642 IDR bn,相较于2002的508.616 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为348.489 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达556.642 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为148.205 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
556.642 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Forestry

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock在2003达759.886 IDR bn,相较于2002的651.336 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为335.620 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达759.886 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为155.795 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
759.886 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products

2000 - 2013 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products在2013达2,449.000 IDR bn,相较于2012的2,183.000 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products数据按每年更新,2000至2013期间平均值为1,143.004 IDR bn,共14份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达2,449.000 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于2000,为513.239 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
2,449.000 2013 每年 2000 - 2013

查看图表中 2000 到2013 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Agriculture: Livestock and Products

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Construction

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Construction在2003达1,466.423 IDR bn,相较于2002的1,290.229 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Construction数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为863.712 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达1,466.423 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为370.742 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Construction数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
1,466.423 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Construction

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: Construction

印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

1993 - 2003 | 每年 | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity在2003达661.045 IDR bn,相较于2002的514.919 IDR bn有所增长。Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity数据按每年更新,1993至2003期间平均值为179.586 IDR bn,共11份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达661.045 IDR bn,而历史最低值则出现于1993,为48.774 IDR bn。CEIC提供的Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Central Bureau of Statistics,数据归类于Indonesia Premium Database的National Accounts – Table ID.AF003: Gross Domestic Product: By Industry: West Sumatera。

数值 频率 范围
661.045 2003 每年 1993 - 2003

查看图表中 1993 到2003 期间的Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity

Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: West Sumatera: EG: Electricity
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