俄罗斯 Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum
俄罗斯 Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum在2019-01达259.330 Ton th,相较于2018-12的787.340 Ton th有所下降。Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum数据按月度更新,2016-01至2019-01期间平均值为730.610 Ton th,共37份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-08,达1,026.770 Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为146.810 Ton th。CEIC提供的Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
259.330 2019-01 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2019-01 |
查看图表中 2016-01 到2019-01 期间的Russia 俄罗斯 Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: CF: Moscow Region
(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: CF: Moscow Region在2020-12达61.000Ton th,相较于2020-11的60.170Ton th有所增长。(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: CF: Moscow Region数据按月度更新,2016-01至2020-12期间平均值为61.011Ton th,共54份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-07,达72.231Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2019-01,为36.830Ton th。CEIC提供的(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: CF: Moscow Region数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
61.000 2020-12 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2020-12 |
查看图表中 2016-01 到2020-12 期间的Russia Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: CF: Moscow Region
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Central Federal District (CF)
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Central Federal District (CF)在2024-10达264.000Ton th,相较于2024-09的234.800Ton th有所增长。Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Central Federal District (CF)数据按月度更新,2016-01至2024-10期间平均值为95.535Ton th,共106份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-07,达314.410Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2023-01,为53.018Ton th。CEIC提供的Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Central Federal District (CF)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
264.000 2024-10 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2016-01 到2024-10 期间的Russia Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Central Federal District (CF)
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: NC: Republic of Karachaevo Cherkessia
(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: NC: Republic of Karachaevo Cherkessia在2022-08达8.987Ton th,相较于2022-07的9.468Ton th有所下降。(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: NC: Republic of Karachaevo Cherkessia数据按月度更新,2016-01至2022-08期间平均值为6.200Ton th,共77份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-08,达11.537Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2019-01,为2.280Ton th。CEIC提供的(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: NC: Republic of Karachaevo Cherkessia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
8.987 2022-08 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2022-08 |
查看图表中 2016-01 到2022-08 期间的Russia Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: NC: Republic of Karachaevo Cherkessia
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: North Caucasian Federal District (NC)
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: North Caucasian Federal District (NC)在2024-10达43.600Ton th,相较于2024-09的37.640Ton th有所增长。Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: North Caucasian Federal District (NC)数据按月度更新,2016-01至2024-10期间平均值为8.206Ton th,共106份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-10,达43.600Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为3.502Ton th。CEIC提供的Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: North Caucasian Federal District (NC)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
43.600 2024-10 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2016-01 到2024-10 期间的Russia Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: North Caucasian Federal District (NC)
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Southern Federal District from 2010 (SF)
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Southern Federal District from 2010 (SF)在2024-10达161.100Ton th,相较于2024-09的191.120Ton th有所下降。Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Southern Federal District from 2010 (SF)数据按月度更新,2016-01至2024-10期间平均值为69.665Ton th,共106份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-07,达222.480Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为27.960Ton th。CEIC提供的Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Southern Federal District from 2010 (SF)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
161.100 2024-10 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2024-10 |
查看图表中 2016-01 到2024-10 期间的Russia Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Southern Federal District from 2010 (SF)
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: VR: Perm Territory
(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: VR: Perm Territory在2022-07达54.100Ton th,相较于2022-06的50.900Ton th有所增长。(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: VR: Perm Territory数据按月度更新,2016-01至2022-07期间平均值为34.750Ton th,共78份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达479.000Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2019-01,为5.700Ton th。CEIC提供的(DC)Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: VR: Perm Territory数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
54.100 2022-07 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2022-07 |
查看图表中 2016-01 到2022-07 期间的Russia Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: VR: Perm Territory
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Volga Region Federal District (VR)
Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Volga Region Federal District (VR)在2024-10达422.720Ton th,相较于2024-09的482.520Ton th有所下降。Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Volga Region Federal District (VR)数据按月度更新,2016-01至2024-10期间平均值为124.339Ton th,共106份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-07,达557.790Ton th,而历史最低值则出现于2019-01,为48.144Ton th。CEIC提供的Mining and Quarrying: OKPD2: Gypsum: Volga Region Federal District (VR)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Mining and Quarrying Sector – Table RU.BAF003: Mining and Quarrying Volume: Gypsum。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
422.720 2024-10 | 月度 | 2016-01 - 2024-10 |