俄罗斯 Population: by City: North Western Federal District
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City在2019达354.100Person th,相较于2018的355.500Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为357.700Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1992,达389.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为348.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
354.100 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Above Working Age在2019达84.500Person th,相较于2018的87.900Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为79.600Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达87.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为63.900Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
84.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达60.600Person th,相较于2018的61.600Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为56.800Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达61.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为52.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
60.600 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达23.300Person th,相较于2018的24.400Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为23.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达24.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为18.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
23.300 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Working Age
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Working Age在2019达209.000Person th,相较于2018的206.000Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为220.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达232.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为206.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
209.000 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk City: Working Age
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk在2019达183.000Person th,相较于2018的183.300Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk数据按每年更新,1999至2019期间平均值为191.300Person th,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999,达237.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2019,为183.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
183.000 2019 | 每年 | 1999 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1999 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Above Working Age在2019达47.100Person th,相较于2018的48.900Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为43.200Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达48.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为32.600Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
47.100 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达33.300Person th,相较于2018的33.400Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为30.900Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达33.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为28.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
33.300 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达12.800Person th,相较于2018的13.200Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为12.300Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达13.500Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为10.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
12.800 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Working Age
Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Working Age在2019达102.600Person th,相较于2018的101.000Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为118.300Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达134.100Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为101.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
102.600 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Arkhangelsk Region: Severodvinsk: Working Age
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City在2019达489.300Person th,相较于2018的482.400Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Kaliningrad City数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为425.600Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达489.300Person th,而历史最低值则出现于1992,为410.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Kaliningrad City数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
489.300 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Kaliningrad City
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Above Working Age在2019达127.900Person th,相较于2018的125.200Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为104.700Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达127.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为90.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
127.900 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达84.900Person th,相较于2018的82.900Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为61.500Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达466.800Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为54.500Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
84.900 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达35.400Person th,相较于2018的34.900Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为24.900Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达35.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为18.100Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
35.400 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Working Age
Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Working Age在2019达276.500Person th,相较于2018的274.300Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为270.800Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达276.500Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为264.700Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
276.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Kaliningrad City: Working Age
Population: NW: Murmansk City
Population: NW: Murmansk City在2019达287.800Person th,相较于2018的292.500Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Murmansk City数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为319.250Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1992,达426.200Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2019,为287.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Murmansk City数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
287.800 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Murmansk City
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Above Working Age在2019达67.900Person th,相较于2018的71.300Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Murmansk City: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为63.600Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达71.300Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为51.200Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Murmansk City: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
67.900 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Murmansk City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达49.600Person th,相较于2018的50.400Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为47.300Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达52.600Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为45.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
49.600 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达19.500Person th,相较于2018的20.200Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为18.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达20.300Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为16.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
19.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Murmansk City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Working Age
Population: NW: Murmansk City: Working Age在2019达170.400Person th,相较于2018的170.700Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Murmansk City: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为196.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达225.300Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2019,为170.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Murmansk City: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
170.400 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Murmansk City: Working Age
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar在2019达25.100Person th,相较于2018的24.800Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar数据按每年更新,2002至2019期间平均值为22.050Person th,共18份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达25.100Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2002,为18.600Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
25.100 2019 | 每年 | 2002 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2002 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Above Working Age在2019达4.300Person th,相较于2018的4.400Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为3.300Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达4.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为2.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
4.300 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达6.200Person th,相较于2018的6.200Person th保持不变。Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为5.000Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达6.200Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为3.900Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
6.200 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达2.500Person th,相较于2018的2.500Person th保持不变。Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为2.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达2.500Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为1.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
2.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Working Age
Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Working Age在2019达14.700Person th,相较于2018的14.200Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为14.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达14.700Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为12.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
14.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Nenetsky Area: Naryan-Mar: Working Age
Population: NW: Pskov City
Population: NW: Pskov City在2019达210.300Person th,相较于2018的210.100Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Pskov City数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为203.950Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达210.500Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为191.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Pskov City数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
210.300 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Pskov City
Population: NW: Pskov City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Pskov City: Above Working Age在2019达51.300Person th,相较于2018的53.300Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Pskov City: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为47.000Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达53.300Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为39.500Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Pskov City: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
51.300 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Pskov City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达38.000Person th,相较于2018的37.600Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为31.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达38.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为28.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
38.000 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达15.700Person th,相较于2018的15.700Person th保持不变。Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为12.600Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达15.700Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为9.500Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
15.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Pskov City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Pskov City: Working Age
Population: NW: Pskov City: Working Age在2019达121.000Person th,相较于2018的119.200Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Pskov City: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为125.000Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达130.200Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为119.200Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Pskov City: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
121.000 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Pskov City: Working Age
Population: NW: Pskov Region: Velikiye Luki
Population: NW: Pskov Region: Velikiye Luki在2019达90.900Person th,相较于2017的91.400Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Pskov Region: Velikiye Luki数据按每年更新,1999至2019期间平均值为100.300Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999,达115.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2019,为90.900Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Pskov Region: Velikiye Luki数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
90.900 2019 | 每年 | 1999 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1999 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Pskov Region: Velikiye Luki
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Above Working Age在2019达66.800Person th,相较于2018的69.000Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为59.900Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达69.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为49.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
66.800 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达51.600Person th,相较于2018的51.000Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为41.700Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达51.600Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为37.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
51.600 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达20.700Person th,相较于2018的21.000Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为17.000Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达21.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为13.100Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
20.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Working Age在2019达162.700Person th,相较于2018的160.200Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为166.500Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008,达179.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为160.200Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
162.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk: Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar在2019达259.900Person th,相较于2018的260.300Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为245.800Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达260.800Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为228.500Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
259.900 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Above Working Age在2019达57.200Person th,相较于2018的56.300Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为47.200Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达57.200Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为34.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
57.200 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达51.200Person th,相较于2018的51.700Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为45.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达51.700Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为39.100Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
51.200 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达20.200Person th,相较于2018的21.000Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为18.400Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达21.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为13.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
20.200 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Working Age在2019达151.500Person th,相较于2018的152.300Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为154.400Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达162.200Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2019,为151.500Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
151.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Syktyvkar: Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta在2019达113.700Person th,相较于2018的116.200Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta数据按每年更新,1999至2019期间平均值为119.000Person th,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999,达128.100Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为102.900Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
113.700 2019 | 每年 | 1999 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1999 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Above Working Age在2019达26.300Person th,相较于2018的26.100Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为23.050Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达26.300Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为14.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
26.300 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达20.500Person th,相较于2018的21.100Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为20.350Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达21.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为16.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
20.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达7.700Person th,相较于2018的8.200Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为7.950Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015,达8.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为5.700Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
7.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Working Age在2019达66.900Person th,相较于2018的69.100Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为71.700Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011,达78.700Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2019,为66.900Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
66.900 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Uhta: Working Age
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Vorkuta
Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Vorkuta在2019达52.800Person th,相较于2017的56.100Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Vorkuta数据按每年更新,1999至2019期间平均值为74.300Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999,达172.100Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2019,为52.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Vorkuta数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
52.800 2019 | 每年 | 1999 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1999 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Republic of Komi: Vorkuta
Population: NW: St Petersburg City
Population: NW: St Petersburg City在2019达5,398.100Person th,相较于2018的5,383.900Person th有所增长。Population: NW: St Petersburg City数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为4,757.400Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达5,398.100Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为4,568.100Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: St Petersburg City数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
5,398.100 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: St Petersburg City
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Above Working Age在2019达1,424.600Person th,相较于2018的1,467.500Person th有所下降。Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为1,282.500Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达1,467.500Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为1,087.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1,424.600 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达864.800Person th,相较于2018的846.200Person th有所增长。Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为627.600Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达864.800Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为563.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
864.800 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达393.200Person th,相较于2018的394.200Person th有所下降。Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为255.500Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达394.200Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为188.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
393.200 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Working Age
Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Working Age在2019达3,108.700Person th,相较于2018的3,070.200Person th有所增长。Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为3,070.300Person th,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013,达3,135.100Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为2,836.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
3,108.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: St Petersburg City: Working Age
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City在2019达224.900Person th,相较于2018的224.300Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为222.300Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1992,达241.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为214.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
224.900 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Above Working Age在2019达57.100Person th,相较于2018的59.400Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为52.500Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达59.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2004,为43.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
57.100 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达40.800Person th,相较于2018的40.300Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为32.900Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达40.800Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2008,为30.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
40.800 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达16.900Person th,相较于2018的16.900Person th保持不变。Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为13.400Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达16.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为10.300Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
16.900 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Working Age
Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Working Age在2019达127.000Person th,相较于2018的124.600Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为135.700Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达143.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为124.600Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
127.000 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Velikiy Novgorod City: Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda City
Population: NW: Vologda City在2019达310.300Person th,相较于2018的311.800Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Vologda City数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为305.750Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016,达313.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2009,为286.000Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda City数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
310.300 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1992 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda City
Population: NW: Vologda City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda City: Above Working Age在2019达71.500Person th,相较于2018的74.300Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Vologda City: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为63.900Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达74.300Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为51.100Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda City: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
71.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda City: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达63.100Person th,相较于2018的63.100Person th保持不变。Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为49.600Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019,达63.100Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为43.600Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
63.100 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达26.900Person th,相较于2018的27.400Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为20.800Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达27.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为15.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
26.900 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda City: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Vologda City: Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda City: Working Age在2019达175.700Person th,相较于2018的174.400Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Vologda City: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为188.200Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003,达192.000Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为174.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda City: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
175.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda City: Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets在2019达314.800Person th,相较于2018的316.500Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets数据按每年更新,1999至2019期间平均值为314.800Person th,共21份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999,达323.500Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2006,为307.800Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
314.800 2019 | 每年 | 1999 - 2019 |
查看图表中 1999 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Above Working Age在2019达73.500Person th,相较于2018的76.700Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Above Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为67.300Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达76.700Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为56.400Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Above Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
73.500 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Above Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15在2019达62.600Person th,相较于2018的62.900Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为52.100Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018,达62.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2007,为47.600Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
62.600 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 15
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6在2019达25.000Person th,相较于2018的26.200Person th有所下降。Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为22.000Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017,达26.400Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2003,为16.600Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
25.000 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Non Working Age: Age 1 to 6
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Working Age
Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Working Age在2019达178.700Person th,相较于2018的176.900Person th有所增长。Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Working Age数据按每年更新,2003至2019期间平均值为195.200Person th,共17份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005,达202.900Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2018,为176.900Person th。CEIC提供的Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Working Age数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
178.700 2019 | 每年 | 2003 - 2019 |
查看图表中 2003 到2019 期间的Russia Population: NW: Vologda Region: Cherepovets: Working Age
Population: North Western Federal District (NW): Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk
Population: North Western Federal District (NW): Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk在2019达281.000Person th,相较于2018的280.200Person th有所增长。Population: North Western Federal District (NW): Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk数据按每年更新,1992至2019期间平均值为277.850Person th,共28份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001,达285.700Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2010,为262.100Person th。CEIC提供的Population: North Western Federal District (NW): Republic of Karelia: Petrozavodsk数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal State Statistics Service,数据归类于Russia Premium Database的Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA017: Population: by City: North Western Federal District。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
281.000 2019 | 每年 | 1992 - 2019 |