Kiribati Social: Education Statistics

Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data was reported at 1.990 % in 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 4.060 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data is updated yearly, averaging 2.385 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.060 % in 2019 and a record low of 1.244 % in 2015. Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Bachelor's or equivalent.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
1.990 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data was reported at 1.935 % in 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 4.381 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data is updated yearly, averaging 2.294 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.381 % in 2019 and a record low of 1.105 % in 2015. Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Bachelor's or equivalent.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed April 24, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
1.935 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data was reported at 2.052 % in 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.709 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data is updated yearly, averaging 2.489 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.709 % in 2019 and a record low of 1.386 % in 2015. Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Bachelor's or equivalent.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed April 24, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
2.052 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Bachelor's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

Educational Attainment: At Least Competed Short-Cycle Tertiary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Competed Short-Cycle Tertiary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data was reported at 4.998 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 4.060 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Competed Short-Cycle Tertiary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data is updated yearly, averaging 4.060 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 3 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.998 % in 2020 and a record low of 2.439 % in 2015. Educational Attainment: At Least Competed Short-Cycle Tertiary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed short-cycle tertiary education.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed April 24, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
4.998 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Competed Short-Cycle Tertiary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Competed Short-Cycle Tertiary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data was reported at 96.950 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 96.385 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data is updated yearly, averaging 94.620 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 96.950 % in 2020 and a record low of 88.938 % in 2018. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed primary education.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed April 24, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
96.950 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data was reported at 96.870 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 95.793 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data is updated yearly, averaging 94.138 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 96.870 % in 2020 and a record low of 89.067 % in 2018. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed primary education.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed April 24, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
96.870 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data was reported at 97.041 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 97.023 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data is updated yearly, averaging 95.144 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 97.041 % in 2020 and a record low of 88.790 % in 2018. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed primary education.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed April 24, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
97.041 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Primary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data was reported at 45.875 % in 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 74.018 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data is updated yearly, averaging 41.874 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 74.018 % in 2019 and a record low of 8.211 % in 2018. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed upper secondary education.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
45.875 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data was reported at 47.811 % in 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 73.603 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data is updated yearly, averaging 43.278 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 73.603 % in 2019 and a record low of 8.509 % in 2018. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed upper secondary education.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
47.811 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data was reported at 43.671 % in 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 74.464 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data is updated yearly, averaging 40.265 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 74.464 % in 2019 and a record low of 7.869 % in 2018. Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed upper secondary education.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
43.671 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Completed Upper Secondary: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

Educational Attainment: At Least Master's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: At Least Master's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data was reported at 0.509 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.408 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: At Least Master's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data is updated yearly, averaging 0.408 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 3 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.509 % in 2020 and a record low of 0.234 % in 2015. Educational Attainment: At Least Master's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Master's or equivalent.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
0.509 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: At Least Master's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: At Least Master's or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data was reported at 0.078 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.000 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data is updated yearly, averaging 0.025 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 3 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.078 % in 2020 and a record low of 0.000 % in 2019. Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Doctoral or equivalent.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
0.078 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative

Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data was reported at 0.060 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.000 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 3 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.060 % in 2020 and a record low of 0.000 % in 2019. Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Doctoral or equivalent.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
0.060 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Female

Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

2015 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data was reported at 0.097 % in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.000 % for 2019. Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data is updated yearly, averaging 0.035 % from Dec 2015 (Median) to 2020, with 3 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.097 % in 2020 and a record low of 0.000 % in 2019. Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Doctoral or equivalent.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;;

Last Frequency Range
0.097 2020 yearly 2015 - 2020

View Kiribati's Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male from 2015 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati Educational Attainment: Doctoral or Equivalent: Population 25+ Years: % Cumulative: Male

Gender Parity Index (GPI): Literacy Rate: Youth Aged 15-24

2018 - 2018 | Yearly | Ratio | World Bank

Gender Parity Index (GPI): Literacy Rate: Youth Aged 15-24 data was reported at 1.027 Ratio in 2018. Gender Parity Index (GPI): Literacy Rate: Youth Aged 15-24 data is updated yearly, averaging 1.027 Ratio from Dec 2018 (Median) to 2018, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.027 Ratio in 2018 and a record low of 1.027 Ratio in 2018. Gender Parity Index (GPI): Literacy Rate: Youth Aged 15-24 data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Gender parity index for youth literacy rate is the ratio of females to males ages 15-24 who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
1.027 2018 yearly 2018 - 2018

View Kiribati's Gender Parity Index (GPI): Literacy Rate: Youth Aged 15-24 from 2018 to 2018 in the chart:

Kiribati Gender Parity Index (GPI): Literacy Rate: Youth Aged 15-24

KI: School Enrollment: Preprimary: % Gross: Female

2020 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

KI: School Enrollment: Preprimary: % Gross: Female data was reported at 93.021 % in 2020. KI: School Enrollment: Preprimary: % Gross: Female data is updated yearly, averaging 93.021 % from Dec 2020 (Median) to 2020, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 93.021 % in 2020 and a record low of 93.021 % in 2020. KI: School Enrollment: Preprimary: % Gross: Female data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Gross enrollment ratio is the ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, to the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the level of education shown. Preprimary education refers to programs at the initial stage of organized instruction, designed primarily to introduce very young children to a school-type environment and to provide a bridge between home and school.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed October 24, 2022.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
93.021 2020 yearly 2020 - 2020

View Kiribati's KI: School Enrollment: Preprimary: % Gross: Female from 2020 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati KI: School Enrollment: Preprimary: % Gross: Female

KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Female: % of Female Teachers

2020 - 2023 | Yearly | % | World Bank

KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Female: % of Female Teachers data was reported at 94.744 % in 2023. This records a decrease from the previous number of 97.773 % for 2020. KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Female: % of Female Teachers data is updated yearly, averaging 96.258 % from Dec 2020 (Median) to 2023, with 2 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 97.773 % in 2020 and a record low of 94.744 % in 2023. KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Female: % of Female Teachers data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Trained teachers in preprimary education are the percentage of preprimary school teachers who have received the minimum organized teacher training (pre-service or in-service) required for teaching in a given country.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
94.744 2023 yearly 2020 - 2023

View Kiribati's KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Female: % of Female Teachers from 2020 to 2023 in the chart:

Kiribati KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Female: % of Female Teachers

KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Male: % of Male Teachers

2020 - 2020 | Yearly | % | World Bank

KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Male: % of Male Teachers data was reported at 100.000 % in 2020. KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Male: % of Male Teachers data is updated yearly, averaging 100.000 % from Dec 2020 (Median) to 2020, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 100.000 % in 2020 and a record low of 100.000 % in 2020. KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Male: % of Male Teachers data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Trained teachers in preprimary education are the percentage of preprimary school teachers who have received the minimum organized teacher training (pre-service or in-service) required for teaching in a given country.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed April 24, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
100.000 2020 yearly 2020 - 2020

View Kiribati's KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Male: % of Male Teachers from 2020 to 2020 in the chart:

Kiribati KI: Trained Teachers in Preprimary Education: Male: % of Male Teachers

Literacy Rate: Adult Female: % of Females Aged 15 and Above

2018 - 2018 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Literacy Rate: Adult Female: % of Females Aged 15 and Above data was reported at 98.612 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Adult Female: % of Females Aged 15 and Above data is updated yearly, averaging 98.612 % from Dec 2018 (Median) to 2018, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 98.612 % in 2018 and a record low of 98.612 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Adult Female: % of Females Aged 15 and Above data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
98.612 2018 yearly 2018 - 2018

View Kiribati's Literacy Rate: Adult Female: % of Females Aged 15 and Above from 2018 to 2018 in the chart:

Kiribati Literacy Rate: Adult Female: % of Females Aged 15 and Above

Literacy Rate: Adult Male: % of Males Aged 15 and Above

2018 - 2018 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Literacy Rate: Adult Male: % of Males Aged 15 and Above data was reported at 97.254 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Adult Male: % of Males Aged 15 and Above data is updated yearly, averaging 97.254 % from Dec 2018 (Median) to 2018, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 97.254 % in 2018 and a record low of 97.254 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Adult Male: % of Males Aged 15 and Above data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
97.254 2018 yearly 2018 - 2018

View Kiribati's Literacy Rate: Adult Male: % of Males Aged 15 and Above from 2018 to 2018 in the chart:

Kiribati Literacy Rate: Adult Male: % of Males Aged 15 and Above

Literacy Rate: Adult: % of People Aged 15 and Above

2018 - 2018 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Literacy Rate: Adult: % of People Aged 15 and Above data was reported at 97.960 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Adult: % of People Aged 15 and Above data is updated yearly, averaging 97.960 % from Dec 2018 (Median) to 2018, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 97.960 % in 2018 and a record low of 97.960 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Adult: % of People Aged 15 and Above data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
97.960 2018 yearly 2018 - 2018

View Kiribati's Literacy Rate: Adult: % of People Aged 15 and Above from 2018 to 2018 in the chart:

Kiribati Literacy Rate: Adult: % of People Aged 15 and Above

Literacy Rate: Youth Female: % of Females Aged 15-24

2018 - 2018 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Literacy Rate: Youth Female: % of Females Aged 15-24 data was reported at 98.502 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Youth Female: % of Females Aged 15-24 data is updated yearly, averaging 98.502 % from Dec 2018 (Median) to 2018, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 98.502 % in 2018 and a record low of 98.502 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Youth Female: % of Females Aged 15-24 data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15-24 who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
98.502 2018 yearly 2018 - 2018

View Kiribati's Literacy Rate: Youth Female: % of Females Aged 15-24 from 2018 to 2018 in the chart:

Kiribati Literacy Rate: Youth Female: % of Females Aged 15-24

Literacy Rate: Youth Male: % of Males Aged 15-24

2018 - 2018 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Literacy Rate: Youth Male: % of Males Aged 15-24 data was reported at 95.831 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Youth Male: % of Males Aged 15-24 data is updated yearly, averaging 95.831 % from Dec 2018 (Median) to 2018, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 95.831 % in 2018 and a record low of 95.831 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Youth Male: % of Males Aged 15-24 data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15-24 who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
95.831 2018 yearly 2018 - 2018

View Kiribati's Literacy Rate: Youth Male: % of Males Aged 15-24 from 2018 to 2018 in the chart:

Kiribati Literacy Rate: Youth Male: % of Males Aged 15-24

Literacy Rate: Youth: % of People Age 15-24

2018 - 2018 | Yearly | % | World Bank

Literacy Rate: Youth: % of People Age 15-24 data was reported at 97.159 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Youth: % of People Age 15-24 data is updated yearly, averaging 97.159 % from Dec 2018 (Median) to 2018, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 97.159 % in 2018 and a record low of 97.159 % in 2018. Literacy Rate: Youth: % of People Age 15-24 data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Youth literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15-24 who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
97.159 2018 yearly 2018 - 2018

View Kiribati's Literacy Rate: Youth: % of People Age 15-24 from 2018 to 2018 in the chart:

Kiribati Literacy Rate: Youth: % of People Age 15-24

School Enrollment: Secondary: Private: % of Total Secondary

2021 - 2023 | Yearly | % | World Bank

School Enrollment: Secondary: Private: % of Total Secondary data was reported at 47.324 % in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 45.506 % for 2022. School Enrollment: Secondary: Private: % of Total Secondary data is updated yearly, averaging 45.506 % from Dec 2021 (Median) to 2023, with 3 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 47.324 % in 2023 and a record low of 44.487 % in 2021. School Enrollment: Secondary: Private: % of Total Secondary data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Kiribati – Table KI.World Bank.WDI: Social: Education Statistics. Private enrollment refers to pupils or students enrolled in institutions that are not operated by a public authority but controlled and managed, whether for profit or not, by a private body such as a nongovernmental organization, religious body, special interest group, foundation or business enterprise.;UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). UIS.Stat Bulk Data Download Service. Accessed September 30, 2024.;Weighted average;

Last Frequency Range
47.324 2023 yearly 2021 - 2023

View Kiribati's School Enrollment: Secondary: Private: % of Total Secondary from 2021 to 2023 in the chart:

Kiribati School Enrollment: Secondary: Private: % of Total Secondary
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